Bill Kapralos
Associate Professor
Game Development and EntrepreneurshipFaculty of Business and Information Technology
Dr. Kapralos' current research interests include: immersive technologies, serious gaming, multi-modal virtual environments/simulation/reality, the perception of auditory events, and 3D (spatial) sound generation.
English, Greek
- PhD - Philosophy, Computer Science York University 2006
- MSc - Computer Science York University 2001
- BSc - Computer Science (Hons, 1st Class Distinction) York University 1999
The effect of contextual sound cues on visual fidelity perception
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2014 Manhattan Beach, California
The impact of secondary-task type on the sensitivity of reaction-time based measurement of cognitive load for novices learning surgical skills using simulation
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2014 Manhattan Beach, California
The missing piece in the gamification puzzle
ACM Gamification 2013 Stratford, Ontario
A crash course on serious games design and assessment: A case study
In Proceedings of the IEEE Games Innovation Conference (IGIC) 2013 Vancouver, British Columbia
Interactive rate virtual sound rendering engine
In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2013) Santorini, Greece
Spatial sound and its effect on visual quality perception and task performance within a virtual environment
Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Acoustics Montreal, Quebec
The use of web-based learning for simulation-based training of central venous catheterization in novice learners
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2013 San Diego, California
Impact of floating windows on the accuracy of depth perception in games
In Proceedings of Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIV San Francisco, California
An interactive in-game approach to user adjustment of stereoscopic 3D settings
In Proceedings of Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIV San Francisco, California
S3D depth-axis interaction for video games: performance and engagement
In Proceedings of Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIV San Francisco, California
The effects of 5.1 sound presentations on the perception of stereoscopic imagery in video games
In Proceedings of Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIV San Francisco, California
The effects of audio on depth perception in S3D games
Audio Mostly 2012 Corfu, Greece
A course on the design and development of serious games and virtual simulations
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Games Innovation Conference Rochester, New York
Blaze: A serious game for improving household fire safety awareness
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Games Innovation Conference Rochester, New York
Beyond the screen: What we can learn about game design from audio-based games
In Proceedings of the Computer Games Multimedia and Allied Technology (CGAT 2012) Conference Bali, Indonesia
A framework for sound localization experiments and automation
In Proceedings of The ACM Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments (HCCE 2012) Hamamatsu, Japan
Developing effective serious games: The effect of background sound on visual fidelity perception with varying texture resolution
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 19 Newport Beach, California
An online practice and educational networking system for technical skills: learning experience in expert facilitated vs. independent learning communities
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 19 Newport Beach, California
Evaluation of tensiometric assessment as a measure of skill degradation
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 19 Newport Beach, California
Interactive floating windows: a new technique for stereoscopic video games
In Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII Burlingame, California
Stereoscopic 3D video games and their effects on engagement
Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII Burlingame, California
Experimenting with a framework for networked mobile audio arrays
In Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 44th Conference on Audio Networking San Diego, California
SCETF: Serious game surgical cognitive education and training framework
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Games Innovation Conference City of Orange, California
GPU-based acoustical occlusion modeling with acoustical texture maps
In Proceedings of ACM Audio Mostly 2011 Coimbra, Portugal
Serious games in the classroom: Gauging student perceptions
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18 Newport Beach, California
A serious game for off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery procedure training
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18 Newport Beach, California
GPU-based acoustical diffraction modeling for complex virtual reality and gaming environments
In Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 41st International Conference: Audio for Games London, United Kingdom
Audio air hockey: A pilot study in using audio- based games for the measurement of loudspeaker placement preferences for smart tables
In Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 41st International Conference: Audio for Games London, United Kingdom
A serious game for collaborative intercultural business communication
In Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Humans and Computers (HC 2010) Hamamatsu, Japan
Not just a Game: Using games as methods of evaluation of usability and user experience in human-computer interaction design
In Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Humans and Computers (HC 2010) Hamamatsu, Japan
Serious games for interprofessional education for critical care response teams
Group Awareness in Online Work, Learning, and Games Workshop at HCI 2010 Albertay, Dundee, Scotland
Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery procedure training meets serious games
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Haptic Audio-Visual Environments and Games Phoenix, Arizona
Amplitude panning-based sound system for a horizontal surface computer: A user-based study
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Haptic Audio-Visual Environments and Games Phoenix, Arizona
Best practices for applying sonification to support teaching and learning of network intrusion detection
In Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2010) Toronto, Ontario
Using a virtual learning environment with highly interactive elements in Second Life to engage millennial students
In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IC4E 2010) Sanya, China
Internet mediated, peer-to- peer feedback for learning of patient transfer skills: Prototype development and testing
World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES) 2010 Istanbul, Turkey
Serious games for knee replacement surgery procedure education and training
World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES) 2010 Istanbul, Turkey
The use of virtual simulations in a laptop-based university
World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES) 2010 Istanbul, Turkey