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Carolyn McGregor AM

Professor and Dean

Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence for Health and Wellness

Director, Joint Research Centre in AI for Health and Wellness

Two-time Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics

Management Science and Quantitative Methods
Faculty of Business and Information Technology

Dr. McGregor is an internationally leading researcher in the area of critical care health informatics, specifically neonatal health informatics

  • University of Technology in Sydney, Australia University of Technology in Sydney, Australia
  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Science (graduated second in her year with first-class honours) University of Technology in Sydney, Australia
  • Edward Pugh, Anirudh Thommandram, Carolyn McGregor, Mikael Eklund, Andrew James, (2013), “Classifying neonatal spells using real-time temporal analysis of physiological data streams-verification tests”, Journal of Critical Care, 28(6), e40–e41.
  • Bressan, N, James, A., Lecce, L., McGregor, C., (2013), “Cardiorespiratory Physiological Data as an Indicator of Fentanyl Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Critically Ill Newborn Infants: A Case Report” ”, 12th International Conference on Complexity and Acute Illness (ICCAI), Budapest, Hungary, pp16-17.
  • Pugh E, Thommandram A, Ng E, McGregor C, Eklund JM, Narang I, Belik J, James A, (2013), “Classifying Neonatal Spells Using Real-Time Temporal Analysis of Physiological Data Streams – Algorithm Development.”, Journal of Critical Care, 28 (1) p. e9.
  • Naik, T., Bressan, N., James, A., McGregor, C., (2013), “Design of temporal analysis for a novel premature infant pain profile using Artemis”, Journal of Critical Care, 28 (1) p. e4.
  • Choi, Y., Bressan, N., James, A., Pugh, E., McGregor, C., (2013), “Design of temporal analysis of neonatal vagal spells at different gestational ages using the Artemis' framework”, Journal of Critical Care, 28 (1) p. e4-5.
  • McGregor, C., Catley, C., Padbury, J., James, A., (2013), “Late onset neonatal sepsis detection in newborn infants via multiple physiological streams”, Journal of Critical Care, 28 (1) p. e11-12.
  • Bressan N, McGregor C, Blount M, Ebling M, Sow D, James A., (2012), “Identification of Noxious Events for Newborn Infants with a Neural Network”, Archives of Disease in Childhood. volume 97:A458, supplement 2, abstract number 1618.
  • McGregor, C., (2011), “Methodologies for implementing clinical applications of complexity at the bedside”, Journal of Critical Care 26 (3) p. e18.
  • Sow, D., McGregor C., (2011), “Synergies of the complexity continuum and the stream computing paradigm”, Journal of Critical Care 26 (3) p. e29-e30.
  • McGregor, C., (2010), Methodologies and applications of continuous variability analysis, Journal of Critical Care 25 (3) p. e6.
  • McGregor, C., 2018, “Big Data in Critical Care Using Artemis”, in Signal Processing and Machine Learing for Biomedical Big Data, CRC Press, in press.
  • Hayes, G., El-Khatib, K., & McGregor, C. (2014). “Supporting Health Informatics with Platform-as-a-Service Cloud Computing”, In Advanced Technologies, Embedded and Multimedia for Human-centric Computing (pp. 1149-1158). Springer Netherlands.
  • Cirelli J, Graydon B, McGregor C, James A. “Analysis of Continuous Oxygen Saturation Data for Accurate Representation of Retinal Exposure to Oxygen in the Preterm Infant”, Courtney K, Shabestari O, Kuo A, editors. Enabling Health and Healthcare Through ICT. Vancouver: IOS Press; 2013. p. 126–31.
  • Johnson, K., McGregor, C., Percival, J., “Decision Support and Data Analytics”, Fundamentals of HIM 2nd Edition, April, 2013
    McGregor, C., (2009), “A Framework for the Design of Web Service Based Clinical Management Systems to Support Inter and Intra Organizational Patient Journeys, Medical Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Chapter 2.6.
  • McGregor, C., (2009), “Mobility in Healthcare for Remote Intensive Care Unit Clinical Management" Medical Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Hershey, PA: Global, Chapter 3.3.
  • McGregor, C., (2006), “Mobility in Healthcare for Remote Intensive Care Unit Clinical Management”. In B. Unhelkar (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Mobile Business: Technical, Methodological and Social Perspective. Hershey, PA, UWA: IDEA Group Publishing, pp83-95, ISBN 1-59140-817-2.
  • McGregor, C., (2002), “The Impact of Business Performance Monitoring on WfMC Standards”, Workflow Handbook 2002, Future Strategies Inc, Lighthouse Point, FL, pp51-64, ISBN 0-9703509-2-9
  • Prysyazhnyuk, A., McGregor, C., 2018, “Spatio-Temporal Visualization Of Big Data Analytics During Spaceflight”, 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, 1 to 5 October 2018, in press.
  • Inibhunu, C., 2018, “Fusing Dimension Reduction and Classification for Mining Interesting Frequent Patterns in Patients Data”, 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining MLDM 2018, NY, in press.
  • Groulx, A., McGregor, C., 2018, “A Social Media Tax Data Warehouse to Manage the Underground Economy”, 4th IEEE International Conference On Data Science and Systems, 28-30 Jun, Exeter, UK, in press.
  • Inibhunu, C., Schauer, A., Redwood, Jr., O., Clifford, P. and McGregor, C., 2017, “The impact of Gender, Medical History and Vital Status on Emergency Visits and Hospital Admissions: A Remote Patient Monitoring Case Study”, IEEE 1st Life Science Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13-15 Dec, 4 pages (Awarded Best Paper).
  • Inibhunu, C., Schauer, A., Redwood, Jr., O., Clifford, P. and McGregor, C., 2017, “Predicting Hospital Admissions and Emergency Room Visits using Remote Home Monitoring Data”, IEEE 1st Life Science Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13-15 Dec, 4 pages.
  • Naik, T., McGregor, C., James, A., 2017, “Automated Partial Premature Infant Pain Profile Scoring Using Big Data Analytics”, IEEE 1st Life Science Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13-15 Dec, 4 pages.
  • Fernando, K.E.S., McGregor, C., James, A., 2017, “CRISP-TDM0 for Standardized Knowledge Discovery from Physiological Data Streams: Retinopathy of Prematurity and Blood Oxygen Saturation Case Study”, IEEE 1st Life Science Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13-15 Dec, 4 pages.
  • Prysyazhnyuk, A., McGregor, C., Baevsky, R., Chernikova, A., Luchitskaya, E., Rusanov, V., 2017, “Big Data Analytics for Enhanced Clinical Decision Support Systems during Spaceflight”, IEEE 1st Life Science Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13-15 Dec, 4 pages.
  • Inibhunu, C., McGregor, C., 2017, “Towards Temporal Pattern Discovery aided by Remote Patient Monitoring Services: A case Study on ER Visits Factors”, Women in Machine Learning, in press.
  • Orlov, O., McGregor, C., Baevsky, R., Chernikova, A., Zhmurchak, A., Rusanov, V., “Perspective Use of the Technologies for Big Data Analysis in Manned Space Flights on the International Space Station”, 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2017), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017.
  • Choi, Y., McGregor, C., 2017, “A Flexible Parental Engaged Consent Model for the Secondary Use of Their Infant’s Physiological Data in the Neonatal Intensive Care Context”, IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2017 (ICHI 2017), pp 502-507.
  • Balaji, S., Patil, M., McGregor, C., 2017 “A Cloud based Big Data Based Online Health Analytics for Rural NICUs and PICUs in India: Opportunities and Challenges”, 30thInternational Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2017), pp 385-390.
  • McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., “Integrating Big Data Analytics, Virtual Reality, and ARAIG to Support Resilience Assessment and Development in Tactical Training”, 5th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, (IEEE SeGAH 2017), Perth, 7 pages.
  • McGregor, C., Orlov, O., Baevsky, R., Chernikova, A., V. Rusanov, “Big Data Analytics for Continuous Assessment of Astronaut Health Risk and Its Application to Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) Related Aerospace Missions”, AIAA SciTech Conference, Grapevine, Texas, Jan 2017, 7 pages.
  • Izaddoost, A., McGregor, C., 2016, “Enhance Network Communications in a Cloud-based Real-time Health Analytics platform Using SDN”, IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2016 (ICHI 2016), pp 388-391
    Kamaleswaran, R., McGregor, C., 2016, “CoRAD: Visual Analytics for Cohort Analysis”, IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2016 (ICHI 2016), pp 517-526.
  • McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2016, “Design of the ARAIG Haptic Garment for Enhanced Resilience Assessment and Development in Tactical Training Serious Games”, 6th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Berlin, pp 217-220.
  • McGregor, C., and Bonnis, B., 2016, “Big Data analytics for Resilience Assessment and Development in Tactical Training Serious Games”, 29th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2016), p 158-162.
  • Kamaleswaran, R., McGregor, C., Collins, C., 2016, “PhysioEx: Visual Analysis of Physiological Event Streams”, Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) 2016, Groningen, the Netherlands, 35 (3), pp 1-10.
  • Jalali, R., Dauda, A., El-Khatib, K., McGregor, C. and Surti, C., 2016, “An architecture for health data collection using off-the-shelf health sensors”, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 1-6
    Inibhunu, C. and McGregor, C., 2016, “Machine learning model for temporal pattern recognition”, 2016 IEEE EMBS International Student Conference (ISC), 1-4.
  • Popov, A., Fink, W., McGregor, C., Hess, A., 2016, “PHM for Astronauts: Elaborating and Refining the Concept” IEEE Aerospace 2016, Big Sky, Montana, 1-9.
  • McGregor, C., Heath, J. and Choi, Y., 2015, “Streaming Physiological Data: General Public Perceptions of Secondary Use and Application to Research in Neonatal Intensive Care”, The 15th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo, 2015), Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp453-7.
  • McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2015, “A Method for Real-time Stimulation and Response Monitoring using Big Data and its Application to Tactical Training”, 28th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2015), Sao Carlos, Brazil, pp 169-70.
  • McGregor, C., 2015, “A Framework for Online Health Analytics for Advanced Prognostics and Health Management of Astronauts”, IEEE Aerospace, 7 pages.
  • Jalali, R., El-Khatib, K., McGregor, C., (2015), “Smart City Architecture for Community Level Services Through the Internet of Things”, 18th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks, Paris, pp 108-13.
  • Greer, R., Olivier, C., Pugh, J. E., Eklund, J.M., McGregor, C., 2014, “Remote, Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis of Vital Signs of Neonatal Graduate Infants”, 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Chicago, USA, pp 1382-5.
  • Bressan, N., McGregor, C., Smith, K., Lecce, L., James, A., 2014, “Heart rate variability as an indicator for morphine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in critically ill newborn infants”, 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Chicago, USA, 2014, pp 5719-22.
  • Shafiq, H., McGregor, C., Murphy, B., 2014 “The Impact of Cervical Manipulation on Heart Rate Variability”, 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Chicago, USA, 2014, pp 3406-9.
  • Thommandram, A., Eklund, M., McGregor, C., Pugh, E., James, A. (2014), “A Rule-Based Temporal Analysis Method for Online Health Analytics and its Application for Real-Time Detection of Neonatal Spells”, IEEE international Congress on BigData (BigData 2014), Alaska, pp 470-7.
  • Khazaei, H., McGregor, C., Eklund, J.M., El-Khatib, K. and Thommandram, A., 2014, “Toward a Big Data Healthcare Analytics System: a Mathematical Modeling Perspective”, IEEE 10th World Congress on Services, Alaska, pp 208-15.
  • Naik, T., Thommandram, A., Fernando, S., Bressan, N., James, A., McGregor, C., (2014), “A method for a real-time novel premature infant pain profile using high rate, high volume physiological data streams”, 27th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2014), New York, USA, pp. 34-37.
  • Kamaleswaran, R., McGregor, C. (2014). “A Real-Time Multi-Dimensional Visualization Framework For Critical And Complex Environments”, 27th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2014), New York, USA, 325-328.
  • Eklund, J.M., Fontana, N., Pugh, E., McGregor, C., Yielder, P., James, A., Keyzers, M., Hahn, C., McNamara, P. (2014). “Automated Sleep-Wake Detection in Neonates from Cerebral Function Monitor Signals”, 27th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2014), New York, USA, 22-27.
  • Wang, L.X., Eklund, J.M., McGregor, C. (2014). “Parametric Power Spectrum Analysis of ECG Signals for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Classification”, 27th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2014), New York, USA, 8-13.
  • Huang, W., McGregor, C., James, A. (2014). “A Comprehensive Framework Design for Continuous Quality Improvement within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Integration of the SPOE, CRISP-DM and PaJMa Models”, IEEE-EMBS International Conferences on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Valencia, Spain, 289-292.
  • Eklund, J.M., McGregor, C., (2014), “Real-time Online Health Analytics for Interplanetary Space Missions”, IEEE Aerospace, 10 pages.
  • McGregor, , James, A., Eklund, J.M., Sow, D., Ebling, M., Blount, M., (2013), “Real-time Multidimensional Temporal Analysis of Complex High Volume Physiological Data Streams in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit”, The 14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo, 2013), Copenhagen, p 362-6.
  • Kamaleswaran, R., Thommandram, A., Zhou, Q., Eklund, J.M., Cao, Y., Wang, W.P. and McGregor, C., (2013), “Cloud Framework for Real-time Synchronous Physiological Streams to Support Rural and Remote Critical Care”, IEEE Computer Based Medical Systems (IEEE CBMS), Porto, Portugal, pp.473-6.
  • Bressan, N., James, A., McGregor, C., (2013), Integration of Drug Dosing Data with Physiological Data Streams using a Cloud Computing Paradigm, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Osaka, Japan, pp 4175–8.
  • Thommandram A., Eklund, J.M., McGregor, C., (2013), Detection of Apnoea from Respiratory Time Series Data Using Clinically Recognizable Features and Knn Classification, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS. Osaka, Japan, pp 5013–6.
  • McGregor, C., 2013, “A Platform for Real-time Online Health Analytics during Spaceflight”, IEEE Aerospace, CDROM, 8 pages .
  • Kamaleswaran, R., Thommandram, A., Qi Z., Eklund, J.M., Cao, Y., Wang, W.P., McGregor, C., 2013, “Cloud Framework for Real-time Synchronous Physiological Streams to Support Rural and Remote Critical Care”, 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2013), Porto, Portugal, pp. 473-6.
  • Garg, S., Kinney, S., Monagle, P., Sow, D.M., McGregor, C., Reumann, M., 2013, “Stream computing in a children’s intensive care unit: Enabling investigation of age dependent predictors for pro-active intervention”, Big Data in biomedicine and healthcare conference, Melbourne, Australia, April, in press.
  • Thommandram A, Pugh JE, Eklund JM, McGregor C, James AG. Classifying Neonatal Spells Using Real-Time Temporal Analysis of Physiological Data Streams: Algorithm Development. In: 2013 IEEE Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies (PHT), Bangalore, India: 2013, p. 240–3.
  • Steadman, A., McGregor C., Percival, J., James, A., (2012), “Using PaJMa to Enable Comparative Assessment of Health Care Processes within Canadian Neonatal Intensive Care Units”, Advances in Health Informatics Conference (AHIC 2012), CDROM 7 pages.
  • Bressan, N., James., A., McGregor, C., 2012, “Physiological Data Stream Analytics to Evaluate Noxious Stimuli in the Newborn Infant”, 23rd Meeting of the European Society for Computing and Technology in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (ESTAIC 2012), Timisoara, Romania, pp17-18.
  • McGregor, C., Catley, C., James, (2012), “Variability Analysis with Analytics Applied to Physiological Data Streams from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit”, 25th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2012), Rome, Italy, CDROM 5 pages.
  • Kamaleswaran, R., McGregor, C., (2012), “Integrating Complex Business Processes for Knowledge-driven Clinical Decision Support Systems”, 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, San Diego, California USA, pp 1306-9.
  • Percival, J., McGregor, C., James, A., (2012), “Real-Time Integration Of Clinical Interventions And Physiological Data Streams: A Case Study”, INFORMS 2012 Data Mining and Health Informatics (DM-HI) Workshop, Pheonix, Arizona, CDROM, 4 pages.
  • Huang, W., McGregor, C., (2012), “The International Current State of Patient Journey Modeling and Process Improvement”, Advances in Health Informatics Conference (AHIC 2012), CDROM 6 pages.
  • Kamaleswaran, R., McGregor, (2012), “CBPsp: Complex Business Processes for Stream Processing”, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), CDROM 4 pages.
  • O’Reilly, R.D., Morrison, J.P., McGregor, C., (2012), “A system for the transmission, processing and visualisation of EEG to support Irish Neonatal Intensive Care Units”, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) , CDROM 5 pages.
  • Bressan, N., James, A., McGregor, C., (2012), “Trends and Opportunities for Integrated Real Time Neonatal Clinical Decision Support”, proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2012), Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, pp 687-90.
  • Kamaleswaran, R., McGregor, C., James, A., (2012), “A Novel Framework for Event Stream Processing of Clinical Practice Guidelines”, proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2012), Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, pp 933-6.
  • McGregor, C., Steadman, A., Percival, J., James., A., (2012) “A Method for Modeling Health Informatics Capacity in Patient Journeys Supported by Interprofessional Teams”, 2012, proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS’45, Maui, Hawaii, pp 2790-99.
  • McGregor, C., 2011, “A Cloud Computing Framework for Real-time Rural and Remote Service of Critical Care”, IEEE Computer Based Medical Systems, Bristol, UK, 6 pages CDROM.
  • McGregor, C., Catley, C., James, A., Padbury, J., 2011, “Next Generation Neonatal Health Informatics with Artemis”, Medical Informatics Europe, Oslo, Norway, pp 115-119.
  • McGregor, C., Catley, C., James, (2011) “A Process Mining Driven Framework for Clinical Guideline Improvement in Critical Care”, Learning from Medical Data Streams 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (LEMEDS), pp 35-46
    Nizami, S., Green, J., McGregor, C., (2011), “Service oriented architecture to support real-time implementation of artifact detection in critical care monitoring”, 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pp 4925-8.
  • Eklund, J. M., Catley, C., McGregor, C., James, A., (2011), “Detection Of Apnoea In Newborn Infants Using Impedance Respiratory Wave Data”, IASTED International Conference on Imaging and Signal Processing in Healthcare and Technology (ISPHT 2011), Washington, 5 pages.
  • Bjering, McGregor, C., (2010), “A Multidimensional Temporal Abstractive Data Mining Framework”, Australasian Workshop On Health Informatics and Knowledge Mgmt, pp 29-38.
  • Percival, J., McGregor, C., Percival, N., Kamaleswaran, R., Tuuha, S., (2010), “A Framework for Nursing Documentation enabling Integration with EHR and Real-time Patient Monitoring”, 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 468-73.
  • Catley, C., Smith, K., McGregor C., James, A., Eklund, J.M., (2010), “A Framework to Model and Translate Clinical Rules to Support Complex Real-time Analysis of Physiological and Clinical Data”, 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium, 307-15.
  • Blount, M., McGregor, C., James, A., Sow, D., Kamaleswaran, R., Tuuha, S., Percival, J., Percival, N. (2010), “On the Integration of an Artifact System and a Real-Time Healthcare Analytics System”, 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium, 647-655.
  • Nizami, S, Green, J., Eklund, J. M., McGregor, C., (2010), “Heart Disease Classification through HRV analysis using Parallel Cascade Identification and Fast Orthogonal Search”, IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), pp 134-9.
  • Kamaleswaran, R., McGregor, C., Eklund, M., (2010) “A Method for Clinical and Physiological Event Stream Processing”, 32nd International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp 1170-3.
  • Goldie, J., McGregor, C., Murphy, B., (2010) “Determining Levels of Arousal using Electrocardiography: A study of HRV during Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation”, 32ndInternational IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp 1198-1201.
  • Heath, J., McGregor, C., (2010), “CRISP-DM0 : A method to extend CRISP-DM to support null hypothesis driven confirmatory data mining”, Advances in Health Informatics Conference, May, pp 96-101.
  • Joshi, A., McGregor, C. And Percival, J., (2010), “The use of technology to support the patient’s journey: a pilot study in Indian Neonatal Intensive Care Units”, Advances in Health Informatics Conference, May, pp 34-39.
  • McGregor, C., Sow, D., James, A., Blount, M., Ebling, M., Eklund, JM., Smith, K., (2009), “Collaborative Research on an Intensive Care Decision Support System utilizing Physiological Data Streams”, Fall 09 Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), pp 1124-6.
  • McGregor, C., Smith, K. and Eklund, M., (2009), “A Survey of Recent Physiological Monitoring and Transmission to Support the Service of Critical Care, 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, (CBMS2009), 7 pages.
  • Catley, C., Smith, K., McGregor, C and Tracy, M., (2009), “Extending CRISP-DM to Incorporate Temporal Data Mining of Multi-dimensional Medical Data Streams: A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Case Study”, 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, (CBMS2009), 5 pages.
  • MacDougall, C., Percival, J. and McGregor, C., (2009) “Integrating Health Information Technology into Clinical Guidelines”, 31st International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, Minneapolis, MN, pp 4646-9.
  • Kamaleswaran, R., McGregor, C., Percival, J., (2009) “Service Oriented Architecture for the integration of clinical and physiological data for real-time event processing”, 31stInternational IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, Minneapolis, MN, pp 1667-70.
  • McGregor, C., & Smith, K., (2009), “A Survey of Physiological Monitoring Data Models to support the Service of Critical Care”, Second IEEE Int. Workshop On Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture and Applications (RTSOAA 2009), in association with 2009 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 09), Seattle, pp 104-9.
  • McGregor, C, & Eklund, JM, 2009, “Standards for Physiological Data Transmission and Archiving for the Support of the Service of Critical Care”, The 2nd Joint Workshop On High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and Systems (HCMDSS) and Medical Device Plug-and-Play (MD PnP) Interoperability, San Francisco, 6 pages.
  • McGregor, C, & Eklund, JM, 2008, “Real-time Service Oriented Architecture to Support Remote Critical Care: Trends and Challenges”, First IEEE Int.Workshop On Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture and Applications (RTSOAA 2008), Finland, July, 08, 1199-1204.
  • Catley, C, Stratti, H & McGregor, C, 2008, Multi-Dimensional Temporal Abstraction and Data Mining of Medical Time Series Data: Trends and Challenges, 30th International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 4322-5.
  • Catley, C, McGregor, C, Percival J, Curry, JM, James, A, 2008, Multi-dimensional Knowledge Translation: Enabling Health Informatics Capacity Audits Using Patient Journey Models. 30th International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 1502-5.
  • McGregor, C, Percival, J, Curry, JM, Foster D, Anstey, E, Churchill, D, 2008, A Structured Approach to Requirements Gathering Creation Using PaJMa Models. 30thInternational IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 1506-9.
  • Eklund, JM, McGregor, C, & Smith, KP, 2008, A Method for Physiological Data Transmission to Support the Service of Critical Care Using DICOM and HL7. 30thInternational IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 1486-9.
  • McGregor, C., Smith, K. P & Percival J, Women in Biomedical Engineering and Health Informatics and its impact on Gender Representation for Accepted Publications at IEEE EMBC 2007. Submitted to 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC08), 2881-4.
  • McGregor, C., Kneale, B. (2007), “Simulated Neonatal Intensive Care Units To Support Neonatologist International Mobility”, IASTED TeleHealth, Montreal, Canada, pp 124-129.
  • Stacey, M., McGregor, C., Tracy, M., (2007), “An architecture for multi-dimensional temporal abstraction and its application to support neonatal intensive care”, 29thAnnual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC07), Lyon, France, pp 3752-3756.
  • McGregor, C., Stacey, M, (2007), “High Frequency Distributed Data Stream Event Correlation to Improve Neonatal Clinical Management”, Inaugural International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 07), Toronto, Canada, CD-ROM, 6 pages.
  • Curry, J., McGregor, C., Tracy, S., (2007), “A Systems Development Lifecycle Approach to Patient Journey Modelling Projects”, MedInfo, Brisbane, Australia, 905-909.
  • McGregor, C. and Morris B., (2006), “A Survey of Recent Research to Support Remote Neonatal Intensive Care via Mobile Devices”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Business (IMB 2006), Sydney, Australia, ISBN 1 74108 122 X, pp 422-428.
  • Curry, J., McGregor, C., Tracy, S., (2006), “A Communication Tool to Improve the Patient Journey Modeling Process”, The 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC06), New York, August 30 – September, 3, pp 4726-4730.
  • Foster, D., McGregor, C., (2006), “Design of an Agent Server for Neonatal Analysis and Trend Detection” Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems for Medicine, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (MAS*BIOMED) in association with the 5th International Joint conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 06), Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, pp 47-59.
  • Curry, J., McGregor, C., Tracy, S., (2006), “Incorporating Balanced Scorecards into the Patient Journey Modelling Process”, Health Informatics Conference, Sydney, Australia, CDROM, 7 pages.
  • McGregor, C., Kneale, B., & Tracy, M., (2005)., “Bush Babies Broadband: On-Demand Virtual Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Support for Regional Australia”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA), Sydney, Australia, IEEE, ISBN 0-7695-2316-1, pp 113-117, Acceptance Rate: ~26 per cent.
  • McGregor, C., Heath, J., & Wei, M. (2005), “A Web Service Based Framework for the Transmission of Physiological Data for Local and Remote Neonatal Intensive Care”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service, Hong Kong, IEEE pp 496-501, Acceptance Rate: ~25% (Cited by 12).
  • Curry, J., McGregor, C., Tracy, S., (2005), “Deficiencies of Process Reengineering in its Support for Healthcare Redesign”, Innovation Conference, Penrith, Australia, 19-20, ISBN 1 74108 083 5 awarded best paper in Computing and IT track.
  • Foster, D., McGregor, C., El-Masri, S., (2005), “A Survey of Agent-Based Intelligent Decision Support Systems to Support Clinical Management and Research” Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems for Medicine, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (MAS*BIOMED) in association with the 4th International Joint conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 05), Utrecht, Netherlands, pp 16-34 .
  • McGregor, C., Purdy, M., & Kneale, B. (2005), “Compression of XML Physiological Data Streams to Support Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Web Services”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service, Hong Kong, IEEE pp 486-489 .
  • McGregor, C., (2005), “e-Baby Web Services to Support Local and Remote Neonatal Intensive Care”, Health Informatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 6 pages, CD-ROM, ISBN 0 9751013 5 8.
  • Foster, D., McGregor, C., (2005), “Overview of an Agent-Based IDSS Framework for Neonatal Analysis and Trend Detection”, Health Informatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 5 pages, CDROM, ISBN 0 9751013 5 8.
  • Heath, J., McGregor, C., Smoleniec, J., (2005), “DataBabes: A Case Study in Feto-Maternal Clinical Data Mining”, Health Informatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 6 pages, CDROM, ISBN 0 9751013 5 8.
  • Curry, J., McGregor, C., (2005), “The Current State of Patient Journey Redesign in Australia”, Health Informatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 9 pages CDROM, ISBN 0 9751013 5 8.
  • Foster, D, McGregor, C., Tracy, M., (2005), “e-Baby: Supporting Clinical Research in NICUs”, Innovation Conference, Penrith, Australia, pp 9-10, ISBN 1 74108 083 5.
  • Stacy, M., McGregor, C., Tracy, M., (2005), “Knowledge Based Temporal Abstraction Within The Neonatal Intensive Care Domain”, Innovation Conference, Penrith, Australia, pp 35-36 ISBN 1 74108 083 5.
  • Schiefer, J., McGregor, C., (2004) “Correlating Events for Monitoring Business Processes”, proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2004, Portugal, CDROM, 8 pages, Acceptance Rate: ~14 per cent.
  • Foster, D., McGregor, C., (2004), “Intelligent Decision Support Systems For Medical Trend Detection”, 2004 UWS CSTE Innovation Conference, Penrith, Australia, 2 pages.
  • Heath, J, McGregor, C., (2004), “Research Issues in Intelligent Decision Support”, 2004 UWS CSTE Innovation Conference, Penrith, Australia, 3 pages.
  • McGregor C., and Schiefer, J., (2003) “A Framework for Analysing and Measuring Business Performance with Web Services”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Conference on E-Commerce, CEC'03, Newport Beach, CA, pp 405-412, ISBN 0-7695-1969-5.
  • McGregor C., (2003b) “A Method to extend BPEL4WS to enable Business Performance Measurement”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Web Services, ICWS’03, Las Vegas, pp 46-51, ISBN 1-892512-49-1.
  • McGregor C., (2003a) “Balanced Scorecard Driven Business Process Definition Using XML”, Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS’36, Hawaii, CDROM, 8 pages, ISBN 0-7695-1875-5, IEEE, nominated for best paper.
  • McGregor, C. and Kumaran S., (2002b), "Business Process Monitoring Using Web Services in B2B Commerce", Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Internet Computing and E-Commerce(ICEC'02), April 2002, Fort Lauderdale, USA, CDROM, 8 pages, ISSN 1530-2075, IEEE.
  • McGregor, C. and Kumaran S., (2002a), "An Agent-Based System for Trading Partner Management in B2B Commerce", Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering (RIDE-2EC'2002), February 2002, San Jose, USA, pp 84-89, ISSN 1066-1395, IEEE.
  • McGregor C., Bryan, G.M., Curry, J. & Tracy M., (2002) “The e-Baby Data Warehouse: A Case Study”, Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS’35, Hawaii, CDROM, 7 pages, ISBN 0-7695-1435-9, IEEE.
  • Bryan, G.M., Holdsworth, D., Sharply, R., Curry, J & McGregor C., (2002) “Using XML to facilitate information management across multiple Local Government Agencies”, Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS’35, Hawaii, CDROM, 10 pages, ISBN 0-7695-1435-9.
  • McGregor, C., 2000, “Intelligent Workflow Monitoring Systems”, Proceedings of Doctoral Consortium of the Australian Conference of Information Systems, December, 2000, Brisbane, Australia
  • Slomov, A. V., Baevsky, R. M., Rukavishnikov, I. ., Amirova, L. ., McGregor, C., Zhmurchak, A., & Bersenev, E. Y. 2017, “Analysis of Body Posture Changing, Painfulness, Regulation of the Heart and Breath during night Sleep in Experiment with a 5-Day Dry Immersion”, 9th International Symposium on Neurocardiology (NEUROCARD 2017). Belgrade, Serbia.
  • McGregor, C., Baevsky, R., Chernikova, A., Rusanov, V., 2017 “Preparation of Space Experiments Using Big Data Analytics for Continuous Assessment of Astronaut Health Risk”, XVI Conference on Space Biology and Medicine, Moscow, Russia.
  • Fernando, K.E.S., C. McGregor, C., James, A.G., 2016, “Correlation of Retinopathy of Prematurity and Blood Oxygen Saturation in Neonates using Temporal Data Mining: A Pilot Study”, 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orlando, USA.
  • Inibhunu, C., McGregor, C., 2016, “Dimension Reduction and Similarity Measures for Temporal Pattern Recognition in Critical Care”, 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orlando, USA.
  • McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2016, “Integrating Virtual Reality, Big Data Analytics and Tactile Garments for New Resilience Assessment and Development Approaches”, ISTSS-CIMVHR meeting, Traumatic Stress Research: Enabling Bedside Implementation, May 9 – 10, Toronto, Ontario.
  • McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2015, “Using Big Data for Virtual Reality Tactical Training Analytics to Support Resilience Assessment and Development”, Military Health System Research Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, USA.
  • McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2014, “Athena: A Big Data Platform for Real-time Stimulation and Response Monitoring and its Application to Tactical Training”, 5th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Toronto, Canada, Toronto, Canada.
  • Saarinen, A., McGregor, C., 2014, “Can a little red beam of light save newborn lives? ”, 2nd Get Health Summit, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Bressan, N., McGregor, C., James, A., 2014, “Cardiorespiratory physiological data as an indicator of morphine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in critically ill newborn infants”. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2014 Annual Symposium, Washington, USA, 2014.
  • Pugh, J., Keir, A, McGregor, C., James, A., 2013, “The Impact of Routine Blood Transfusion on Heart Rate Variability in Premature Infants”, AMIA 2013 Annual Symposium, Washington, Nov.
  • Percival, J., McCabe, M., McGregor, C., 2012, “Integrating Information Systems into PaJMa to Support the Integration of e-Health Systems”, INFORMS 2012,Pheonix, Arizona.
  • Percival, J., McGregor, C., 2011, “Extending The Patient Journey Modeling Architecture (PaJMa) Framework To Integrate E-Health Systems”, INFORMS Healthcare 2011.
  • Taylor, R., Percival, J., McGregor, C., 2011, “Comparison Of Data Collection Techniques And Their Effectiveness For Process Improvement In Healthcare”, INFORMS Healthcare 2011.
  • Smoleniec, J., Heath, S., Heath, J., & McGregor, C. (2005) “DataBabes: A Case Study in Fetal-maternal Clinical Data Mining”, Poster, Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference (PSANZ) , Sydney, Poster.
  • Smoleniec, J., Heath, S., Heath, J., & McGregor, C. (2004) “Fetal-maternal Data Warehouse and Data Mining”, Poster, Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference (PSANZ) , Sydney, Poster

FBIT Research Excellence Award (2018)


Senior Researcher category

Awarded Renewal of Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics (2012)

IBM Centenary Video: Selected as one of only four people who were featured in the video as significant innovators of the century of IBM (2011)


Research Excellence Award – Early Stage Researcher (2010)


International IBM Infosphere Innovation Award (2009)


IBM First of a Kind Collaboration (2008)


Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics (2007)

The Chancellors Award for PhD Dissertation (2003)


PhD Research Internship with IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown, N.Y. (2001)

  • 2017 - Ambassador, Business Events Sydney, New South Wales
  • 2016 - Alumni Luminary, University of Technology, Sydney
  • 2015 - Alumni of the Year Award, University of Technology, Sydney Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
  • 2015 - Eve Innovation Award, Newborn Foundation
  • 2015 - Advance Global Australian Award – Technology Innovation
  • 2014 - Member of the Order of Australia – General Division for significant service to science and innovation through health care information systems
  • 2013 - Artemis project received the Ingenious Award by the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) for the not-for-profit category
  • 2011 - Voted by IEEE North American Members to be the North A merica – Canada representative on the IEEE EMBS Administrative Committee (ADCOM), 2012-14
  • 2008 - Voted by IEEE North American Members to be the North America – Canada representative on the IEEE EMBS Administrative Committee (ADCOM), 2009-11
  • 2008 - Inaugural IEEE EMBS Liaison to the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee, appointed by IEEE EMBS President
  • 2007 - Vice-Chair, IEEE EMBS Toronto Chapter