Fletcher Lu
Assistant Professor
Management Science and Quantitative MethodsFaculty of Business and Information Technology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Lu's research areas focus on applying machine learning and numerical analysis techniques towards business and health applications. His research crosses several disciplines, including health informatics, computer science, gaming, fraud detection and security.
905.721.8668 ext. 3761
Areas of expertise
- PhD - Statistical Machine Learning University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario 2003
- MMath - Scientific Computation University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario 1999
- BMath - Mathematics University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario 1996
An Automated Fraud Auditing System with Health Insurance Records
Minneapolis, Minnesota October 6, 2013Institute for Operations Research Management Sciences Annual Meeting
Datamining: Developing a Fraud Audit Support System
Niagara Falls, Ontario September 20, 2012Canadian Health Care Anti-Fraud Association Annual Conference
Combating Childhood Obesity by Mobile Fitness Gaming
Ottawa, Ontario February 7, 2012Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada 4th Pan Canadian Conference
A Comparison of Online versus Face-to-Face Teaching Delivery in Statistics Instruction for Undergraduate Health Science Students
Published in Advances in Health Sciences EducationManon Lemonde
Reducing Adolescent Obesity with a Mobile Fitness Application: Study Results of Youth Age 15 to 17
Published in Proceedings of 15th International Conference on E-Health, Networking, Application & Service: IEEE HealthcomKei Turner and Bernadette Murphy
Adaptive Fraud Detection Using Benford’s Law
Published in Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, Canadian AI 2006 19:347-358, 2006J. Efrim Boritz and Dominic Covvey
Error Bounds for Policy Evaluation in Reinforcement Learning
18:438-449, 2005Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, Canadian AI 2005
Practice Prize Winner
Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS) May 26, 2014Dr. Lu received first prize at the 2014 CORS Practice Prize Competition for outstanding operational research in Computational Efficiencies in Insurance Fraud Data Analysis.
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) October 6, 2013Dr. Lu received distinction at the 2013 INFORMS Annual General Meeting for the results of his research in insurance fraud risk using Markov decision processes.
Lakeridge Health Research Ethics Board
May 1, 2010Since 2010, Dr. Lu has served on the Research Ethics Board for Lakeridge Health Corporation. He is responsible for the review of research involving human subjects for compliance with provincial and national standards; as well as monitoring ongoing research within the Oshawa hospital for subject treatment and ensuring informed consent.
Assistant Professor, Cross-Appointed in the Faculty of Business and Information Technology, and the Faculty of Health Sciences
UOIT January 1, 2008Dr. Lu teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Artificial Intelligence, Systems Analysis in Health Care, and Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Ontario Partnership for Innovation and Commercialization.
Executive Member and Reviewer
International Association of Journals and Conferences (IAJC) January 1, 2008Since 2008, Dr. Lu has been an executive member of IAJC, a first-of-its-kind, global, umbrella consortium for academic journals, conferences, organizations, and individuals committed to advancing excellence in all aspects of technology-related education. Dr. Lu reviews submitted research papers and serves as chair for conference sessions.
Data Integration and Analysis of Electronic Personal Health Records in a Cloud Environment
NSERC Engage Grant August 1, 2013$25,000
Detecting Interrelationships Across Different Insurance Data Structures With Machine Learning Techniques
NSERC Engage Grant August 1, 2012$25,000