Salma Karray
PhD, MSc
Pronouns: she/her
Research Excellence Chair in Marketing Analytics and Decision Models,
MarketingFaculty of Business and Information Technology
Dr. Karray uses optimization, game theory, data analytics, and AI techniques to help businesses improve their performance and strive in competitive environments. Applications of her work include digital advertising, pricing, retailing, loyalty program management, CRM, and e-commerce.
English, French, Arabic, Italian
- Graduate student research supervision
- Media inquiries
- Partnerships
905.721.8668 ext. 2832
Dr. Salma Karray's Google Scholar profile
Faculty profile page
- PhD - Marketing HEC, Montréal 2005
- MSc - Marketing HEC, Montréal 2001
- BCOM - Marketing IHEC, Tunisia 1998
Research Excellence Chair in Marketing Analytics and Decision Models at Ontario Tech University
Ontario Tech October 18, 2023FBIT Research Excellence Award (Senior Researcher category)
Ontario Tech January 1, 2020Game-Theoretic Models for Competitive Supply Chains
NSERC Discovery Grant April 1, 2015This research project continues to explore complex mathematical models and techniques to determine optimal marketing strategies for manufacturers and retailers in a distribution channel. ($100,000)
Applications of Game Theory to Competitive Interactions in Channels
NSERC Discovery Grant April 1, 2007This research project explores complex mathematical models and techniques to determine optimal marketing strategies for manufacturers and retailers in a distribution channel.
Marketing Science Institute
American Marketing Association
Canadian Operations Research Society
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
View more - The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
The Association of European Operational Research Societies
View more - The Association of European Operational Research Societies
- Marketing Channels (BUSI 3230U)
This course presents a comprehensive overview of the theories and issues within distribution channels. Students will take a closer look at who the different institutions in a channel are (retailers, wholesalers, logistics companies, etc.), how to choose distribution partners (channel planning and design) and how to manage the interactions with these partners (channel management). The course also discusses some special topics in distribution (franchising, international perspectives, e-channels, direct selling and channels for services, etc.). Using interactive techniques and case studies, students will have opportunities to apply theories, concepts, and practices. - Marketing Research (BUSI 3260U)
This course is concerned with research methods used in marketing. The course focuses on contemporary research techniques and analysis of market-related data. Topics include research design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, and reporting. - Marketing Strategy (BUSI 4220U)
This course focuses on strategic planning and evaluation of marketing decisions in a competitive environment. The purpose of the course is to help students develop analytical abilities by integrating all major areas of marketing. Special emphasis is placed on problem-solving and decision-making in the formulation of marketing strategies.