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Shahram Heydari


Networking and IT Security
Faculty of Business and Information Technology

Dr. Heydari's research interests include Network Protocols and Services, Critical Infrastructure Reliability and Failure Recovery, Software-Defined Infrastructures, Cloud-Based Content Delivery, and Quality of Service and Traffic Modeling.

English, Persian

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Shahram is available for:
  • Graduate student research supervision
  • Partnerships
905.721.8668 ext. 3440

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  • PhD University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
  • Master of Applied Science Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec
  • Master of Science Sharif University of Technology, Iran
  • Bachelor of Science Sharif University of Technology, Iran

Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Ontario Tech University's Advanced Networking Technology and Security (ANTS) Lab

  • Introduction to Networking I (INFR 1411U)
    This course introduces students to the fundamentals of networking and routers and helps them gain both the conceptual and practical skills. The following topics are covered: principles of communication and computer networking, Internet applications and architecture, networking terminology and protocols; LANs and WANs, Open System Interconnection (OSI) and TCP/IP models, Ethernet, Internet Protocol (IP) addressing and subnetting, VLSM and CIDR, Physical media and cabling, design and documentation of a basic network, Router user interfaces, components and configuration, basics of IOS, Distance-vector and link-state routing algorithms, Introduction to RIP, RIPv2, EIGRP and OSPF routing protocols. This course includes very intensive lab work based on Cisco CCNA Exploration 1 and 2 curriculum.
  • Introduction to Networking II (INFR 1421U)
    This course continues the INFR 1411U course on the fundamentals of networking by focusing on LAN and WAN design and protocols. The following topics are covered: principles of LAN design, LAN switching and VLANs, VLAN Trunking and VTP, spanning-tree protocol, basic wireless LAN concepts, introduction to WANs, PPP, frame relay, security and access lists, teleworker services, NAT, DHCP, network troubleshooting. This course includes very intensive lab work based on the Cisco CCNA Exploration 3 and 4 curricula.
  • Basics of Digital Transmission (INFR 3720U)
    Introduces the digitization: filtering, sampling, quantization, A-to-D and D-to-A conversion, line coding; fundamentals of source and channel coding; multiplexing: TDM, FDM, WDM; baseband and passband systems; modulation: pulse modulation (PAM, PPM, PDM) and digital modulation (binary and M-ary transmission); Nyquist-I criterion and intersymbol interference; adaptive equalization; power, bandwidth, performance, and complexity trade-offs; digital communication systems;
  • Advanced Communication Networks (INFR 4750U)
    Networks are the essential components to information transmission, without which there are no communications. This course presents telecommunications networks fundamentals, and emphasizes advanced topics and detailed network architectures. The course gives detailed descriptions of the principles associated with each layer, as well as the analytical framework of each level and highlights many examples drawn from the Internet and wireless networks. This course analyzes various wireless systems. In this course, all major aspects of transmission systems and theoretical foundations of computer and communications networks, as well as networking principles will be analyzed and discussed in detail.
  • Introduction to Cloud Services (INFR 2670U)
    This course presents an introduction to the concept of cloud computing and cloud-based services from a technical and business perspective. Students will learn about cloud components, cloud delivery and deployment models; key business drivers and value of the cloud; virtualization fundamentals and related technologies; cloud computing applications; privacy issues in the cloud; cloud economics, multi-tenancy and resource monitoring. The course will include hands-on work with virtualization technologies and commercial cloud services.