Atef Mohany
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Dr. Mohany's main areas of expertise are aeroacoustics, fluid-structure interaction, flow-induced vibration and noise, turbulent flows, structural dynamics, and noise and vibration control. The majority of his research projects address a wide range of practical engineering problems related to the design and operation of automotive, aerospace, and sustainable energy systems.
905.721.8668 ext. 5720
- PhD - Mechanical Engineering McMaster University, Canada 2006
- MSc - Mechanical Power Engineering Cairo University, Egypt 2001
- BSc - Mechanical Power Engineering Cairo University, Egypt 1998
- M. Alziadeh and A. Mohany, (2022), “Vortex Dynamics of Tandem Bare and Spiral Finned Cylinders in Cross-Flow and their Susceptibility to Acoustic Resonance Excitation”, Physics of Fluids, 34 (4), 045105.
- M. Alziadeh and A. Mohany, (2022), “Applicability of the Equivalent Diameter Approach to Estimate Vortex Shedding Frequency and Acoustic Resonance Excitation from Different Finned Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Pressure Vessel and Technology 144(4), 041406.
- Utkarsh, N.A. Syed, M. Tariq, A. Mohany, R. Pop-Iliev, G. Rizvi, (2022), “Experimental Investigation of Low-Frequency Sound Absorption Characteristics of Electro-Spun Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Membranes”, Polymer, Vol. 245, 124704.
- M. Shaaban and A. Mohany, (2022), “Flow-Acoustic Coupling Around Rectangular Rods of Different Aspect Ratios and Incidence Angles”, Experiments in Fluids 63(2), 1-15.
- O. Sadek, A. Mohany, M. Hassan, (2022), “The Flow-Structure Couplings of Fluidelastic Instability and the Effect of Frequency Detuning in Triangular Tube Bundles Subjected to a Two-Phase Flow”, Journal of Pressure Vessel and Technology 144(5), 051401.
- M. Shaaban and A. Mohany, (2021), “Synchronous Vortex Shedding from Aerodynamically Isolated Side-by-Side Cylinders imposed by Flow-Excited Resonant Acoustic Modes”, Experiments in Fluids 62(10), 1 – 17.
- O. Sadek, A. Mohany, M. Hassan, (2021), “The Prediction of Fluidelastic Forces in Triangular Tube Bundles Subjected to a Two-Phase Flow: The Effect of the Flow Approach Angle”, Journal of Fluids and Structures 106, 103386.
- M. Abdelmwgoud and A. Mohany, (2021), “Control of the Self-Sustained Shear Layer Oscillations over Rectangular Cavities using High-Frequency Vortex Generators”, Physics of Fluids, 33 (4), 045115.
- M.R. Islam, and A. Mohany, (2021), “Flow-Induced Acoustic Resonance of Finned Cylinders with Varying Fin Heights”, Journal of Pressure Vessel and Technology, 143 (4): 041405.
- M. Abdelmwgoud and A. Mohany, (2021), “Shear Layer Synchronization of Aerodynamically Isolated Opposite Cavities due to Acoustic Resonance Excitation”, Physics of Fluids, 33 (5), 055112.
- S.S. Rashwan, A. Mohany, I. Dincer, (2021), “Development of Efficient Sonoreactor Geometries for Hydrogen Production", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (29), 15219-15240.
- Y. Selima, M. Hassan, A. Mohany, W. Ahmed, (2021) “Modelling of Fluidelastic Instability in Tube Bundles under Two-Phase Bubbly Flow Conditions”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 103, 103256.
- O. Elbanhawy, M. Hassan, A. Mohany, (2021), “Modelling of Fully Flexible Fuel Bundles”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 378, 111014.
- M. Alziadeh and A. Mohany, (2021), “Vorticity Shedding and Acoustic Resonance Excitation of Two Tandem Spirally Finned Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Pressure Vessel and Technology, 143 (2): 021405.
- H.A. Kishawy, W. Ahmed, A. Mohany, (2021), “Analytical modeling of metal cutting process with self-propelled rotary tools”, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 33, 115-122.
- O. Afifi and A. Mohany, (2021), “Parametric Investigation of the Flow-Sound Interaction Mechanism for Single Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Pressure Vessel and Technology, 143(2): 021404.
- W. Ahmed, H. Hegab, H. Kishawy, A. Mohany, (2021), “Estimation of Temperature in Machining with Self-Propelled Rotary Tools using Finite Element Method”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 61, pp: 100 – 110.
- M.R. Islam, and A. Mohany, (2020), “On the Three-Dimensional Flow Development around Circular Finned Cylinders”, Physics of Fluids, 32 (11), 115116. Chosen to be a Featured Article by the Editors of the Physics of Fluids.
- M. Abdelmwgoud, M. Shaaban, A. Mohany, (2020), “Flow dynamics and Azimuthal Behaviour of the Self-Excited Acoustic Modes in Axisymmetric Shallow Cavities” Physics of Fluids, 32(11), 115109.
- A. Elhelaly, M. Hassan, A. Mohany, S. Moussa, (2020), “Effect of the Flow Approach Angle on the Dynamics of Loosely-Supported Tube Arrays”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 368, 110802.
- M.R. Islam, M. Shaaban, A. Mohany, (2020), “Vortex Dynamics and Acoustic Sources in the Wake of Finned Cylinders during Resonance Excitation”, Physics of Fluids, 32(7), 075117.
- M.R. Islam and A. Mohany, (2020), “Vortex Shedding Characteristics in the Wake of Circular Finned Cylinders”, Physics of Fluids, 32(4), 045113. (Selected as the Editor's Pick).
- O. Elbanhawy, M. Hassan, A. Mohany, (2020), “Simulation of Motion-Dependent Fluid Forces in Fuel Bundles”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 356:110373.
- S.S. Rashwan, I. Dincer, A. Mohany, (2020), “An Investigation of Ultrasonic Based Hydrogen Production”, Energy, Volume 205, 118006.
- M. Shaaban and A. Mohany, (2020), “Experimental Study of the Self-Excited Resonance Effect on the Dynamic Lift and Flow Structure around Inline Cylinders”, Journal of Fluids and Structures 96, 103015.
- S.S. Rashwan, I. Dincer, A. Mohany, (2020), “Investigation of Acoustic and Geometric Effects on the Sonoreactor Performance”, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Volume 68: 105174.
- S.S. Rashwan, A. Mohany, I. Dincer, (2020), “Investigation of Self-Induced Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Gas Turbine Combustors”, Energy, Volume 190: 116362.
- O. Sadek, A. Mohany, M. Hassan, (2020), “Numerical Simulation of Streamwise Fluidelastic Instability of Tube Bundles Subjected to Two-Phase Cross Flow”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 92:102816.
- M. Shaaban and A. Mohany, (2019), “Characteristics of Acoustic Resonance Excitation by Flow around Inline Cylinders”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 141(5): 051301. Received the 2020 Literature Award from the ASME JPVT.
- T. Lato, M. Hassan, A. Mohany, (2019), “A Passive Damping Device for Suppressing Acoustic Pressure Pulsations: The Infinity Tube”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(6), 4534 – 4544.
- S.S. Rashwan, I. Dincer, A. Mohany, B. Pollet, (2019), “The Sono-Hydro-Gen Process (Ultrasound Induced Hydrogen Production): Challenges and Opportunities”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(29): 14500 - 14526.
- N. Arafa and A. Mohany, (2019), “Wake Structure and Acoustic Resonance Excitation of a Single Finned Cylinder in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Fluids and Structures (86), 70 - 93.
- M. Alziadeh and A. Mohany, (2019), “Passive Noise Control Technique for Suppressing Acoustic Resonance Excitation of Spirally Finned Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (102), 38 – 51.
- M. Shaaban and A. Mohany, (2019), “Phase-Resolved PIV Measurements of Flow over Three Unevenly Spaced Cylinders and its Coupling with Acoustic Resonance”, Experiments in Fluids, 60 (4), 71.
- T. Lato and A. Mohany, (2019), “Passive Damping of Pressure Pulsations in Pipelines Using Herschel-Quincke Tubes”, Journal of Sound and Vibration (448), 160 – 177.
- H. Hegab, H.A. Kishawy, U. Umer, A. Mohany, (2019), “A Model for Machining with Nano-Additives Based Minimum Quantity Lubrication”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology pp. 1 – 16.
- O. Sadek, A. Mohany, M. Hassan, (2018), “Numerical Investigation of the Cross-Flow Fluidelastic Forces of Two-Phase Flow in Tube Bundles”, Journal of Fluids and Structures (79), 171 – 186.
- M. Shaaban and A. Mohany, (2018), “Flow-Induced Vibration of Three Unevenly Spaced Inline Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Fluids and Structures (76), 367 – 383.
- M. Elkasaby, H. Hegab, A. Mohany, G. Rizvi, (2018), “Modeling and Optimization of Electrospinning of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)”, Advances in Polymer Technology, 37(6) 2114 – 2122.
- K. Sachedina and A. Mohany, (2018), “A Review of Pipeline Monitoring and Periodic Inspection Methods”, Pipeline Science & Technology 2(3), 187 – 203.
- A. Omer, N. Arafa, A. Mohany, M. Hassan, (2016), “The Effect of Upstream Edge Geometry on the Acoustic Resonance Excitation in Shallow Rectangular Cavities”, the International Journal of AeroAcoustics, Vol. 15, pp. 253-275.
- M. Shaaban and A. Mohany, (2015), “Passive Control of Flow-Excited Acoustic Resonance in Rectangular Cavities using Upstream Mounted Blocks”, Experiments In Fluids, Vol. 56, Issue 4, 56:72.
- H. Ciloglu, M. Alziadeh, A. Mohany, H. Kishawy, (2015), “Assessment of the Whole Body Vibration Exposure and the Dynamic Seat Comfort in a Passenger Aircraft”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 45, pp. 116 – 123.
- A. Miller, R. Machrafi, A. Mohany, (2015), “Development of a Semi-Autonomous Directional and Spectroscopic Radiation Detection Mobile Platform”, Journal of Radiation Measurements, Vol. 72, pp. 53 – 59.
- J. R. Elliott, R. Dubay, A. Mohany, M. Hassan, (2014), “Model Predictive Control of Vibration in a Two Flexible Link Manipulator – Part 1”, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, Vol. 33, Number 4, pp. 455 - 468.
- J. R. Elliott, R. Dubay, A. Mohany, M. Hassan, (2014), “Model Predictive Control of Vibration in a Two Flexible Link Manipulator – Part 2”, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, Vol. 33, Number 4, pp. 469 – 484.
- A. Mohany, D. Arthurs, M. Bolduc, M. Hassan, S. Ziada, (2014), “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Flow-Acoustic Resonance of Side-by-Side Cylinders in a Duct”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 48, pp. 316 – 331.
- J.B. Anderson, M. Hassan, A. Mohany, (2014), “Modelling of Fluidelastic Instability in a Square Inline Tube Array Including the Boundary Layer Effect”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 48, pp. 362 – 375.
- A. Mohany and M. Hassan, (2013), “Modeling of Fuel Bundle Vibration and the Associated Fretting Wear in a CANDU Fuel Channel”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 264, pp. 214 – 222.
- M. Hassan and A. Mohany, (2013), “Fluidelastic Instability Modelling of Loosely Supported Multi-Span U-Tubes in Nuclear Steam Generators”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 135, 011306 (9 pages). (Awarded the JPVT Editor’s Choice Award)
- A. Mohany, V. Janzen, P. Feenstra, S. King, (2012), “Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Flow-Induced Vibration of Multi-Span U-Tubes”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 134, 011301.
- A. Mohany and S. Ziada, (2011), “Measurements of the Dynamic Lift Force Acting on a Circular Cylinder in Cross-Flow and Exposed to Acoustic Resonance”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 27, Issue 8, pp. 1149 - 1164.
- A. Mohany and S. Ziada, (2009), “Numerical Simulation of the Flow-Sound Interaction Mechanisms of a Single and two Tandem Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 131, p. 031306.
- A. Mohany and S. Ziada, (2009), “Effect of Acoustic Resonance on the Dynamic Lift Forces Acting on Two Tandem Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 25, pp. 461 – 478.
- R. Hanson, A. Mohany and S. Ziada, (2009), “Flow Excited Acoustic Resonance of Two Side-by-Side Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 25, pp. 80 – 94.
- A. Mohany and S. Ziada, (2009), “A Parametric Study of the Resonance Mechanism of Two Tandem Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 131, p. 021302.
- A. Mohany and S. Ziada, (2005), “Flow-excited Acoustic Resonance of Two Tandem Cylinders in Cross-Flow”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 21, pp. 103-119.
- Fellow, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). 2022
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology (JPVT) Reviewer of the Year Award. 2020
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology (JPVT) Literature Award for co-authoring a technical paper with significant emphasizes on application and novel design of pressure vessel components. 2020
- Honorary Award for scientific contribution from the World Energy Strategies Congress and Exhibition (WESCE 19), Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey. 2019
- The Achievement Increment Award (AI) from the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science in recognition of outstanding teaching and research activities, UOIT. 2014 & 2016
- The Editor’s Choice Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for co-authoring a research paper with significant contributions the design, analysis and development of pressure vessel components and their applications in nuclear power plants. 2013
- Achievement Award from Chalk River Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited for outstanding contribution to the safety and reliability of CANDU power plants. 2008
- The Pathways to Higher Education (PHE) Honorary Award, Cairo University, Egypt. 2008
- Member of the National Standard Committee ISO/TC 11 on Boilers and Pressure Vessels (2021 – present)
- Member of the National Standard Committee ISO/TC 43 on Acoustics and subcommittee ISO/TC43/SC1 on Noise (2021 – present)
- Chair of the ASME Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Honors and Awards committee (July 2019 – present)
- Warden of Camp 1, the Calling of an Engineer (July 2017 – present)
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration (2012 – present)
- Editoral Board Member, Ultrasonics Sonochemsitry, Elsevier Science Ltd. UK (2021 – present)
- Editoral Board Member, Pipeline Science and Technology, Transneft, Russia (2017 – present)
- Advanced Acoustics and Noise Control (graduate course)
- Flow-Induced Vibration (graduate course)
- Industrial Aeroacoustics (graduate course)
- Automotive Noise, Vibration and Harshness (graduate course)
- Mechanical Vibrations (undergraduate course)
- Machine Design (undergraduate course)
- Kinematic and Dynamics of Machines (undergraduate course)
- Quality Control (undergraduate course)