Hossam Gaber (Gabbar)
FEASFaculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Distinguished international researcher forging new methods and technologies for smart energy grid engineering, energy safety and control systems, nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems, and waste to energy using advanced plasma technologies.
English, Arabic, Japanese
905.721.8668 ext. 5497
- PhD - A+ Process Systems & Safety Engineering, Department of Systems Engineering Okayama University, Japan 2001
- Master's Degree Courses - Computer Science and Automatic Control Alexandria University, Egypt 1990
- BSc - Computer Science and Automatic Control (1st Class Honours) Alexandria University, Egypt 1988
Plenary Talk “Resilient Energy-Water-Transportation-Food-Health Infrastructures for Smart Cities”
ICSGSC, Smart Grid and Smart Cities, Osaka, Japan (virtual) August 18, 2020Invited talk on Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems, as part of webinar on “Synergies between Nuclear and Renewable Energy and Hybrid Systems”
IFNAC, SloveniaResilient Energy and Transportation Infrastructures for Smart Cities
Ontario, CanadaInvited Talk at High School for Grade 11 Physics Class
Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE) 2019, Resilient Energy-Water-Transportation Infrastructures for Smart Cities
Toronto, Ontario, CanadaKeynote Speaker at IEEE International Conference
Interconnected Micro Energy Grids for Resilient Energy and Transportation Infrastructures,
Guiyang, ChinaInternational Development of High-End Manufacturing Summit 2019, October 25th-26th 2019
Fast Charging Infrastructures for Autonomous Transportation and Smart Cities
Ontario Tech, Oshawa, ON, CanadaKeynote Speaker, IEEE Smart Energy Grid Engineering-SEGE2019, 12-14 Aug, 2019
Fast Charging Infrastructures for Autonomous Transportation and Smart Cities
Banff, Alberta, CanadaPlenary talk, IEEE ICNSC2019
Robotics-Assisted Testing and Training Platform for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Plugfest, Omniair, Montreal May 7, 2019Invited talk-Panel
Risk Management and SIL Verification in Oil & Gas Process Industry
UAEInvited talk
Nuclear-Renewable Energy Integration
Vienna, Austria, IAEAInvited talk
Interconnected Micro Energy Grids with Hybrid Energy Storage for Resilient Energy and Transportation Infrastructures
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China December 28, 2018Invited speaker
Resilient Energy and Transportation Infrastructures
China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI), Beijing, China December 27, 2018Invited speaker
Resilient Energy and Transportation Infrastructures
Jiaoton University, Beijing, China December 27, 2018Invited speaker
Flywheel-Based Energy Storage for Resilient Energy and Transportation Infrastructures
Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization(GEIDCO), Beijing, China December 27, 2018Invited speaker
Smart Grid for Smart Cities
Genk, BelgiumInvited Speaker at IEEE 2nd World Forum, 26-28 Nov, 2018
Resilient Micro Energy Grids with Gas-Power and Renewable Technologies
Bali, Indonesia December 9, 2014The 2nd IEEE Conference on Power Engineering and Renewable Energy, ICPERE 2014
Smart Energy Grid Engineering and Regional Implementation Plans
Indonesia December 8, 2014International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Meeting
Safety Design for Smart Energy Grids
University Teknologi Malaysia Johor Bahru, Malaysia December 4, 2014Advanced Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring in Process Facilities
St. John's, Newfoundland October 22, 2014The Second Workshop on Safety and Integrity Management of Operations in Harsh Environments
Advances in Safety and Control Engineering: Future Opportunities for NPP
Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Ontario October 6, 2014IAEA Technical Meeting on Advances in Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Energy and on Efficiency Improvement at Nuclear Power Plants
Advances in Safety Engineering for Energy and Nuclear Facilities
Beijing, China September 25, 2014Invited Talk, Tsinghua University
Smart Energy Grids and Micro Grids with Energy Conservation Strategies
Nanjing, China September 23, 20142014 Nanjing Mayor International Consultative Conference
Building Micro Energy Grids with Gas-Power and Renewable Technologies
Qingdao, China September 21, 2014New Energy Forum, Fuelling a Beautiful World of Cleanness and Sustainability
Building Energy Conservations and Micro Energy Grids
Taiyuan, China September 16, 2014World Congress of Energy Wise 2014, WEW
Symposium on Plasma and Nuclear Systems, Chair
Oshawa, Ontario August 15, 2014SPANS 2014 Workshop, Ontario Tech University
Smart Micro Energy Grids with Gas-Power and Renewable Technologies, Plenary Talk and Conference Chair
Oshawa, Ontario August 12, 2014International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering, SEGE 2014, Ontario Tech University
Energy Conservation in Buildings: Integrated Approach with Smart Energy Grids
Qatar University, Doha, Qatar May 7, 2014Energy Conservation Opportunities in Buildings in Qatar, IEEE, SMC-IGPS
Energy Storage Solutions: Options to Improve Power Quality and Reliability, Panel Moderator
Sarnia, Ontario November 20, 2013Grid Resiliency Through Energy Storage in SW Ontario
Toward a Sustainable Community in Qatar
Qatar University, Doha, Qatar May 1, 2013Energy Conservation Opportunities in Buildings in Qatar, IEEE SMC-IGPS
Advances in Energy Conservations for Smart Green Buildings, Towards Smart and Sustainable Communities Workshop, Chair
Oshawa, Ontario April 5, 2013IEEE, Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (SMC), Intelligent Green Production Systems (IGPS), Ontario Tech University
Safety Design of Plasma Experiment and Generation System
Published in British Journal of Applied Science & Technology January 1, 2016Daniel Bondarenko & Hossam A. Gabbar
View more - Safety Design of Plasma Experiment and Generation System
Optimal Planning of Combined Heat and Power Within Microgrids
Published in Energy Elsevier December 15, 2015Aboelsood Zidanac, Hossam A.Gabbarab & AhmedEldessoukya
View more - Optimal Planning of Combined Heat and Power Within Microgrids
Risk Based Life Cycle Assessment Conceptual Framework for Energy Supply Systems in Large Buildings
Published in Journal of Cleaner Production November 16, 2015Nasser Ayoubac, Farayi Musharavatia, Shaligram Pokharela & Hossam A.Gabbarb
Performance Analysis of AC/DC Microgrid in Grid Connected and Islanded Modes for Residential Home Cluster
Published in Intelligent Control and Automation November 1, 2015Ahmed M. Othman, Hossam A. Gabbar & Negar Honarmand
Risk Assessment of High Density Plasma Experimentation
Published in International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology September 1, 2015Hybrid Transportation Model Forecasting and Optimization with Practical Fuel Supply Chain
Published in International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience Resilience, Vol. 1, No. 3 September 1, 2015Nasser M. Ayoub & Hossam A. Gabbar
Evaluation of Potential Designs for High Performance Fusion Energy Technologies
Published in International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology September 1, 2015Fuzzy Logic-Based Safety Design for High Performance Air Compressors
Published in International Journal of Progress in Nuclear Energy April 1, 2015View more - Fuzzy Logic-Based Safety Design for High Performance Air Compressors
Performance Evaluation of Gas-Power Strategies for Building Energy Conservation, Energy Conversion and Management
Published in Energy Conversion and Management March 15, 2015Hossam A.Gabbar, Jason Rung, Daniel Bondarenkob, Lowell Bowerb & Devarsh Pandy, Farayi Musharavati, Shaligram Pokharel
Simulation of High-Current Intersecting Plasma Beams by MHD and Monte Carlo Methods
Published in British Journal of Applied Science & Technology January 1, 2015View more - Simulation of High-Current Intersecting Plasma Beams by MHD and Monte Carlo Methods
Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic PID Controller, Applications in Nuclear Power Plants
Published in International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications January 1, 2015Harsh Deol & Hossam A. Gabbar
View more - Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic PID Controller, Applications in Nuclear Power Plants
FSN-Based Co-Simulation for Fault Propagation Analysis in Nuclear Power Plants
Published in Process Safety Progress December 8, 2014Hossam A. Gabbar & Emmanuel K. Boafo
View more - FSN-Based Co-Simulation for Fault Propagation Analysis in Nuclear Power Plants
Functional Modelling for the Analysis of High Density Plasma Experimentation
Published in International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology September 1, 2014Signal Denoising Methods For Fault Diagnosis and Troubleshooting at CANDU® Stations
Published in Nuclear Engineering and Design Elsevier September 1, 2014ElnaraNasimi & Hossam A.Gabbar
View more - Signal Denoising Methods For Fault Diagnosis and Troubleshooting at CANDU® Stations
Fault Diagnosis in Gearbox Using Adaptive Wavelet Filtering and Shock Response Spectrum Features Extraction
Published in Journal of Structural Health Monitoring March 1, 2013Sajid Hussain & Hossam A Gabbar
Techno-Economic Evaluation of Interconnected Nuclear-Renewable Micro Hybrid Energy System with Combined Heat and Power, Sustainable Energy Section, Smart Energy, Plasma and Nuclear Systems, Energies
Volume 13, Issue 7, 10.3390/en13071642. [IF: 3.060]Hossam A.Gabbar, Md. Rafiul Abdussami, Md Ibrahim Adham,
Hierarchical Control of Resilient Interconnected Microgrids for Mass Transit Systems, journal of IET Electrical Systems in Transportation
DOI: 10.1049/iet-est.2019.0145 [IF: 2.88]Hossam A.Gabbar, Taylor Egan, Ahmed M. Othman, and Ruth Milman
Optimal Design of Electric Bus Transport Systems with Minimal Total Ownership Cost, IEEE Access
page(s): 1-16, Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3004910. [IF: 3.745]Mohamed Lotfi, Pedro Pereira, Nikolaos G. Paterakis, Hossam A. Gabbar, João P.S. Catalão
The Rise of Energy Prosumers and Energy Democracy: History and Future Prospects
Published in IEEE Smart Grid eNewsletter, Jul-2020Mohamed Lotfi, João P.S. Catalão, Hossam A. Gabbar
Synergy of Enhanced Descent Gradient and Voronoi Diagram for Allocation Planning of Electrical Fast Charging Stations, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier,
Published in Elsevier, Computers and Electrical Engineering 83 (2020) 106574. [IF: 2.663]Ahmed M. Othman, Hossam A. Gabbar, Francesco Pino, Maurizio Repetto
Ahmed M. Othman, Hossam A. Gabbar
Published in International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Special Issue “Intelligent Information Technologies and Agriculture, Energies 2017 10(6), 776Enhanced Interconnected Microgrids for Water-Pumps Networks towards Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Farms
Review of Energy Storage Technologies in Harsh Environment
Published in Journal of Safety in Extreme Environments, Springer, (2019) 1:11–25.Yoka Cho, Hossam A.Gabbar
RF-ICP Thermal Plasma for Thermoplastic Waste Pyrolysis Process with High Conversion Yield and Tar Elimination Processes 2020
8(3), 281Mohamed Aboughaly, Hossam A. Gabbar, Vahid Damideh and Isaac Hassen
Improved Performance of Flywheel Fast Charging System (FFCS) using Enhanced Artificial Immune System (EAIS)
Published in IEEE Systems Journal Volume: 14, Issue: 1, March 2020Hossam A. Gabbar, Ahmed M. Othman, Francesco Pino, Maurizio Repetto
A New Methodology for Multiple Incipient Fault Diagnosis in Transmission Lines Using QTA and Naïve Bayes Classifier
Published in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Pages 326-346, Vol. 103, Dec-2018Paula Renatha N. da Silva, Martin Max Luís de Castro. Negrão, Hossam A. Gabbar, Petrônio Vieira Junior, Carlos Tavares da Costa Junior
X-Pinch Plasma Generation Testing for Neutron Source Development and Nuclear Fusion, Energies, 2018
11(4), 988Hossam A.Gabbar, C.A. Barry Stoute, Daniel Bondarenko, Nicholas Tarsitano, Anas Abdel Rihem, Stefan Sirakov, Samskruthi Menashi
Control and EMS of a Grid-Connected Microgrid with Economical Analysis
Published in Energies Journal, Energies 2018 11, 129; doi:10.3390/en11010129.Mohamed El-Hendawi, Hossam A. Gabbar, G. El-Saady, El-Nobi A. Ibrahim, Ahmed M. Othman
Stochastic Uncertainty Quantification for Safety Verification Applications in Nuclear Power Plants
Published in Annals of Nuclear Energy Volume 113, March 2018, Pages 399-408Emmanuel Boafo, Hossam A.Gabbar
A Comparative Study of Pyrolysis and Gasification for MSW Recycling
Published in Journal of Energy InstituteHossam A.Gabbar, Mohamed Aboughaly, Nasser Ayoub
View more - A Comparative Study of Pyrolysis and Gasification for MSW Recycling
DC Thermal Plasma Design and Utilization for the Low Density Polyethylene to Diesel Oil Pyrolysis Reaction
Published in Energies – Special Issue Energy Production Systems, Energies 2017 10(6), 784; doi:10.3390/en10060784Hossam A. Gabbar, Mohamed Aboughaly, Barry Stoute
Anomaly Detection in a Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel System via Pulse Shape Analysis
Published in Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Springer, December 2017 Volume 17, Issue 6, pp 1174–1181H.A.Gabbar, C.U.Mba, S. Marchesiello, A. Fasana, L. Garibaldi
Fault Diagnosis in Flywheels: Case Study of a Reaction Wheel Dynamic System with Bearing Imperfections
Published in International Journal of Performability Engineering, July 2017 - Paper 3 Volume 13, Number 4 - pp. 362-373.C.U.Mba, H.A.Gabbar, S. Marchesiello, A. Fasana, L. Garibaldi
Enhancing Microgrid Dynamic Performance using Modulated Power Filter (MPF) based on Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Optimization (EBFO)
Published in Energies 2017 10, 776; doi:10.3390/en10060776Ahmed M. Othman, Hossam A.Gabbar
Evaluation and Optimization of Thermoelectric Generator Network for Waste Heat Utilization in Nuclear Power Plant
Published in Annals of Nuclear Energy, March 2017. Volume 101, Pages 454-464Hossam A.Gabbar, C. A. Barry Stoute, Derek Steele, Cole Simkin, Thomas Sleeman, David Newell, Dominique Paterson, Emmanuel Boafo
International Journal of Systems Processing Engineering (IJPSE) January 1, 2015Published quarterly, the IJPSE addresses new process systems engineering methods, trends and technologies and applications in plant, process and product lifecycles, including engineering design and operational activities and their interaction.
Invited Professor to conduct short course on Resilient Micro Energy Grids
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), MalaysiaJuly 2016
Best paper award
EURACA, Athens, GreeceMuhammad R. Abdussami, Md Ibrahim Adham, Hossam A. Gabbar, Modeling and performance analysis of nuclear-renewable micro hybrid energy system based on different coupling methods, Elsevier Conference, Tmrees, Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability, 25 to 27 June 2020
Nominated for Student Supervision Excellence Award, 2019
Ontario Tech University, Ontario, CanadaBest Paper Presentation Award
IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE), Toronto, Ontario, CanadaDemonstration of Advanced Electric Wheel and Integrated Test Platform, 2-4th Nov-2019
Best student innovation award
IEEE SEGE 2019, Ontario, CanadaDevelopment of Electric Wheel and Test Platform
Third position in Jinan Talent Competition
Shandon, China, 2018Senior Research Excellence Award
Ontario Tech University, 2016Best student paper award
IEEE Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE) Conference, Ontario, Canada21-24 Aug, 2017
Best paper award
IEEE Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE) Conference, Ontario, Canada21-24 Aug, 2016
Best paper presentation award
Generation and Application (ICREGA), France4th International Conference on Renewable Energy, 8-10 Feb, 2016
Second Best Paper Award
December 18, 2007Integrated Qualitative & Quantitative Fault Diagnosis Dr. Gaber co-authored and presented the paper; and received distinction at the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications, organized by the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (SMC) in Okayama, Japan.
Development of Resilient Microgrids in Trailers Amount
NSERC Engage Grant August 1, 2018This six-month grant is in partnership with MOBISMART. ($35,000)
Design of Thermal System for Electric Wheels
Mitacs Accelerate Grant March 1, 2018Dr. Gaber is principal investigator of this two-year research project aimed at studying the thermal system for high performance electric wheels for transportation electrification. ($90,000)
Resilient Energy Storage Platform for OPUC Power Grid Substation
Oshawa Power Utility Company (OPUC) and UOIT January 1, 2018Dr. Gaber is principal investigator of this collaborative research project between OPUC and UOIT which aims to support of the development and installation of the new substation in Oshawa. The focus in this one-year project is to design a resilient energy storage platform and integrate it with the new substation. In addition, the project will include validation and verification of the new substation design with safety, reliability, and performance tests in view of national and international standards and regulations. ($25,000)
Design of High Performance Electric Wheel Technology
WINA North American Technology Co. Ltd. Industrial Project November 1, 2017Dr. Gabe is principal investigator of this one-year industrial collaboration project aimed at the design and control of high performance electric wheels for demonstration and implementation in transportation systems.
Intelligent Control and Optimization for PV-Based EV Fast Charging Stations
NSERC Engage Grant, Alternate Power International April 1, 2017Dr. Gaber is principal investigator of this one-year research project aimed at the control system design and optimization for PV-based charging stations and their use for transportation electrification infrastructures. It includes integration of energy storage such as flywheel to achieve fast charging stations for EV and electric buses.
Testing Platform for Performance, Reliability and Safety Verification and Validation of Clean Energy Technologies
NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Grant April 1, 2016Dr. Gaber is the principal investigator of this one-year project to design and develop a testing platform to evaluate and verify the performance of clean energy in terms of quality, response, safety, reliability, and availability. It supported testing of a number of clean energy technologies including waste to energy, renewable energy, and other clean energy technologies for energy and transportation infrastructures. ($62,000)
Intelligent Control Design for High Performance Wind Farm with PV Integration within Micro Grid
NSERC Engage Grant, eV Force April 1, 2016Dr. Gaber is principal investigator of this research project to design intelligent control systems for integrated PV-Wind with energy storage as part of micro grids. The proposed solution can be implemented in houses, buildings, and other urban infrastructures. ($40,000)
Verification of Thermoelectric Generator Safety System
Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP) May 1, 2015As a result of the 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station, a directive was released by many nations ensuring nuclear stations reassess and confirm plant safety for fuel cooling. As Principal Investigator on this one-year project, Dr. Gaber will address the development of an additional nuclear facility Thermoelectric Generator Safety System (TEGSS) to provide power in the event of a complete loss of offsite power. ($40,000)
Intelligent Green Commercial and Industrial Facilities – Smart Green Buildings
IEEE-SMC Industrial Project Fund June 1, 2015Chair of the Technical Committee on Industrial Green Production Systems (IGPS) of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Dr. Gaber's research supports student research and innovation including the development of a knowledge base for smart green building systems engineering practices and standards, and attendance at an international workshop on Smart Green Building as part of the IEEE SEGE 2016. ($3,500)
Mitacs Globalink Fund
Mitacs Globalink Fund May 1, 2015Awarded to invite an international student to visit UOIT and join research projects at ESCL in Resilient Micro Energy Grids to September 2015. ($8,000)
Mitacs Globalink Fund
Mitacs Globalink May 1, 2015Awarded to invite an international student to visit UOIT and join research projects at ESCL in Safety Verification of Energy and Nuclear Facilities to September 2015.
Ontario Energy Supply Network Modelling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Gas-Power Conversion and Supply Technologies
OCE, NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Grant September 1, 2014This project is aimed at the development of an intelligent decision-making tool to provide solutions for technically, economically and environmentally responsible stakeholders and industries, and facilitate Ontario energy supply network modelling, evaluation, and optimization for optimal gas-power/renewable generation mix.
Simulation Modelling of Physical Mechanisms in Plasma Beams With Electric Currents
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited March 1, 2014As principal investigator, Dr. Gaber's research focuses studying the physics of four high-current intersecting plasma beams both analytically and numerically to support the investigation of clean fusion energy generation. Results from these studies will be used to guide the design of the experimental apparatus for the proposed concept. Preliminary MHD analyses and simulations have already been carried out for one, two and four plasma beams in the previous OCE project. The initial work focused on evaluating and assessing the necessary computer codes as well as developing analytical models for the intersecting plasma beams using the MHD theory.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Professional Engineers Ontario
Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Reactor Control
- Intelligent Systems and Applications on Nuclear Power Plants
- Micro Energy Grids
- Problem Solving, Modeling and Simulation
- Risk Analysis Methods
- Safety Instrumented Systems
- Advanced Process Control Systems
- Reliability and Risk Management
- Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
- Electric Circuits
- Scientific Instrumentation
- Control Programming Experiment
- Systems Engineering Experiment
- Intelligent System Design
- Engineering Fundamentals
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- System Safety
- Emergency Response & Disaster Management