Khalid Elgazzar
Canada Research Chair in the Internet of Things (IoT)
Associate Professor
Electrical, Computer and Software EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Dr. Khalid’s research explores the link between physical infrastructure and technology innovations. He’s uncovering new information on the expansion of Internet-enabled computing devices and advancements in wireless technologies. His research findings have applications for the seamless interaction of smart services in areas such as health care, transportation, industrial automation, emergency response and law enforcement.
English, Arabic
905.721.8668 ext. 7365
- PhD - Computer Science Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario 2013
- MSc - Computer Engineering Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt 2007
- BSc - Computer and Communication Engineering Alexandria University, Egypt 1995
Intelligent ECG Monitoring using BLE Real-time Streaming
IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2021), New Orleans, Louisiana
On the Convergence of Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence
ICCSPA 2020: International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing and their Applications
IoT for Efficient Energy Management in Smart Cities and Connected Communities
World Energy Strategies Congress and Exhibition 2019 (WESCE’19), Istanbul, Turkey
Human Technology Interface, Tech and Privacy Panel
President’s Future Forum, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Ontario
An Open and interoperable Infrastructure for IoT Environments
ICIoT 2019, SRM IST, Chennai, India
Humanity and Technology, Our Privacy is at the Brink in the Information Age
Walrus Talks Humanity and Technology, MaRS Discovery District, Toronto, Ontario
Smart City: A Reality Check
Hello Tomorrow, Durham Smart Cities Forum, Oshawa, Ontario
An Empirical Study of Latency in an Emerging Class of Edge Computing Applications
The Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2017), San Jose/Freemont, California
QuARAM Service Recommender: A Platform for IaaS Service Selection
The 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2016), Shanghai, China
The Case of Face Recognition on Mobile Devices
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Doha, Qatar
Authentication and Access Control in e-Health Systems in the Cloud
The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud, New York City, New York
SLAM: SLA Monitoring for Federated Cloud Services
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, Limassol, Cyprus
A Framework for Vehicular Cloud Computing
The 2015 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo, Shenzhen, China
goDiscovery: Web Service Discovery Made Efficient
The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Web Services, New York City, New York
QuARAMRecommender: Case-Based Reasoning for IaaS Service Selection
The International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (CAC 2014), Imperial College, London, England
Secure and Efficient Data Placement in Mobile Healthcare Services
The 25th International Conference on Database and Expert (DEXA 2014), Munich, Germany
Near-Clouds: Bringing Public Clouds to Users’ Doorsteps
The 9th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Madeira, Portugal
Best Paper Award: Empowering Mobile Service Provisioning Through Cloud Assistance
The 6th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Dresden, Germany
A full list of Dr. Elgazzar's publications can be accessed on Google Scholar.
- Ulya Sabeel, Shahram Shah Heydari, Khalil El-Khatib, Khalid Elgazzar, "Deep Learning in Network Intrusion Detection: Technical Review, Applications and Challenges", IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, 2022, Under Review.
- Haytham Khalil, Khalid Elgazzar, "Location Transparency Call (LTC) System: An Intelligent Phone Dialing System Based on the Phone of Things (PoT) Architecture", Future Internet, Vol. 14, No. 4, p. 111, 2022
- Ahmed Badr, Abeer Badwai, Khalid Elgazzar, and Abdulmonem Rashwan, "XBeats: A Real-Time Electrocardiogram Monitoring and Analysis System", MDPI Signals, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 189-208, 2021.
- Ulya Sabeel, Shahram Shah Heydari, Khalid Elgazzar, and Khalil El-Khatib, "Incremental Adversarial Learning for Polymorphic Attack Detection", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021. [under review].
- Abeer Badawi, and Khalid Elgazzar, "Detecting Coronavirus from Chest X-rays Using Transfer Learning", COVID, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 403-415, 2021.
- Youssef Osman, Reed Dennis and Khalid Elgazzar, “Yield Estimation and Visualization Solution for Precision Agriculture”, Sensors, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 403-415, 2021
- Reed Dennis, Youssef Osman, Sifatul Mostafi and Khalid Elgazzar, “Quantitative Analysis of Deep Learning Object Detection Models”, IEEE Access, 2021. [under review]
- Taghreed Alghamdi, Khalid Elgazzar, and Taysseer Sharaf, “Spatiotemporal Traffic Prediction Using Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling” Future Internet, Vol. 13, No. 19, pp.225-246. 2021.
- Ahmed Badr, Abeer Badwai, Khalid Elgazzar, Abdulmonem Rashwan, “Real-time Electrocardiogram Monitoring and Analysis”, ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 2021. Alaa Khamis, Dipkumar Patel, and Khalid Elgazzar, “Deep Learning for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review”, SI: Deep Learning for Unmanned Systems, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 2021.
- Ulya Sabeel, Shahram Shah Heydari, Khalid Elgazzar, Khalil El-Khatib, “Training Defensive AI to Detect Atypical Cyberattacks”, IEEE Access, 2021.
- Ghadeer Abdelkader, Khalid Elgazzar, Alaa Khamis, “Connected Vehicles: Technologies Review, State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Opportunities”, Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020.
- Kasem Khalil, Khalid Elgazzar, Mohamed Seliem, Magdy Bayoumi, Resource Discovery Techniques based on Communication Protocols in The Internet of Things: A Survey”, Elsevier Internet of Things Journal, 2020.
- Ashraf Alkhresheh, Khalid Elgazzar, Hossam Hassanein, “DACIoT: Dynamic Access Control Framework for IoT Deployments”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.3002709
- Sayani Sarkar, Michael W. Tataro, Khalid Elgazzar, and Ashok Kumar, “Real-Time Object Processing and Routing for Intelligent Drones”, IEEE Computer Journal & Magazine, March 2020.
- Ashraf Alkhresheh, Khalid Elgazzar, Hossam S. Hassanein, “Access Control Models in IoT: Dynamic Authorization Perspective”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Privacy-preserving IoT Environments, 2019.
- Sittichai Sukreep, Khalid Elgazzar, Cheehung Henry Chu, Chakarida Nukoolkit, and Pornchai Mongkol- nam, “Recognizing Falls, Daily Activities, and Health Monitoring by Smart Devices”, Sensors and Materials, Special Issue on
Smart Connections and Intelligent Computation in IoT, Vol. 31, No. 6 pp.1847–1869. - Mohamed Seliem, Khalid Elgazzar, “Towards Privacy Preserving IoT Environments: A Survey”, accepted, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2018, Nov. 2018.
- Sittichai Sukreep, Khalid Elgazzar, Henry Chu, Pornchai Mongkolnam, Chakarida Nukoolkit, “iWatch: A Fall and Activity Recognition System Using Smart Devices”, International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE), Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2018.
- Book Chapter: Operating Secure Mobile Healthcare Services Over Constrained Resource Networks Published in Emergent Computation, January 1, 2017, Anne Kayem, Patrick Martin, Khallid Elgazzar, Christoph Meinel
- Personal Mobile Services Published in Service Oriented Computing and Applications September 17, 2014, Khalid Elgazzar, Patrick MartinHossam, S. Hassanein
- Cloud-Assisted Computation Offloading to Support Mobile Services, Published in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, August 22, 2014
- DaaS: Cloud-based Mobile Web Service Discovery, Published in Pervasive and Mobile Computing, August 1, 2014, Khalid Elgazzar, Hossam S.Hassanein & PatrickMartin
- Resilient P2P Architecture for Mobile Resource Sharing, Published in The Computer Journal (Oxford) Volume 58, Issue 8, August 2015, Pages 1689–1700, July 4, 2014, Khalid Elgazzar, Sharief M. A. Oteafy, Walid M. Ibrahim & Hossam S. Hassanei
- Mobile Web Services: State of the Art and Challenges, Published in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, March 1, 2014, Khalid Elgazzar & Patrick Martin
- Appaas: Offering Mobile Applications as a Cloud Service, Published in Journal of Internet Services and Applications, November 4, 2013, Khalid Elgazzar, Ali Ejaz & Hossam S Hassanein
Best Paper Award
The 6th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing December 9, 2013Dr. Elgazzar received this award for his paper entitled: Empowering Mobile Service Provisioning Through Cloud Assistance in the conference held in Dresden, Germany.
Outstanding Achievement in Sponsored Research Award
UL Lafayette September 1, 2017Queen's School of Computing Distinguished Research Award
Queen's University January 1, 2014Queen's Postdoctoral Travel Award
Queen's University January 1, 2013Best Paper Award
IWCMC'10, Caen, France January 1, 2010Queen's University Graduate Award
Queen's University January 1, 2013Queen's University PhD scholarship
Queen's University January 1, 2009MSc scholarship
Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt January 1, 2007Canada Research Chair (CRC) in the Internet of Things (IoT)
CRC Secretariat January 1, 2018Dr. Elgazzar’s five-year CRC research program involves the development of “smart” spaces using embedded sensors to provide personalized services in a variety of environments that will enable people to conduct personal and professional tasks on the go while maintaining data privacy. ($1,221,194)
Building Open and Interoperable Useroriented Internet of Things
Canada Foundation for Innovation January 1, 2018As principal investigator of this five-year research project, Dr. Elgazzar aims to develop a smart city environment by deploying cameras on intersections that will feed real-time video streams into campus systems, in order to analyze and determine whether an event of interest such as a traffic violation or accident is occurring. In collaboration with the City of Oshawa, the infrastructure for this project will be built on UOIT’s campus. ($173,905)
CrisisEye: Smart Video-based Information Sharing Platform for Public Safety
U.S. Ignite November 1, 2017As co-investigator of this one-year research project, Dr. Elgazzar is developing an app for mobile devices and emergency vehicle dash cams that can crowdsource, register and stream public data and video of real-time events into a command centre to be assessed for immediate action by emergency response operators. ($10,000)
Improving Student Learning in Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering by Enabling the Development, Sharing and Interoperability of Active Learning Resources
National Science Foundation September 1, 2017In collaboration with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Iowa State University and BYU Iowa University, Dr. Elgazzar is a co-investigator on this four-year research project aimed at developing an online learning platform to enable hydrology students to visualize data and understand prediction models related to rainfall, flooding or weather forecasting.
Dynamic Access Control for IoT Deployments
Louisiana Board of Regents July 1, 2017As the principal investigator of this three-year research project, Dr. Elgazzar is focused on the privacy and protection of data that is stored in sensors or personal devices such as pacemakers in an open environment. He is currently developing a privacy preservation access technique that would enable only the user and an authorized entity to access the data and sensors in their proximity.
Canadian Advanced Research Facility for Aerial Robotic Manipulation: Can-ARFARM
CFI/CFICo-Investigator. Grant amount of $2,779,581
Towards Dementia-Friendly Communities: Experiential Awareness to Promote Enhanced Accessible Mobility
PHAC/Dementia Strategic FundCo-Investigator. Grant amount of $716,000
Implementation of Hybrid Automated-Assisted Inspection Solution for Highway Infrastructure
MTO May 1, 2023Co-Investigator. Grant amount of $126,375
Triage-Bot: An AI-powered Assistive Triage Frame- work
NFRF/SC March 1, 2024Co-Investigator. Grant amount of $237,970
Automated Speed Enforcement Analysis
Durham Region/City Studio June 1, 2023Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $10,000
Real-time Traffic Analytics from Live Camera Feeds
NSERC/I2I/L2M June 1, 2023Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $20,000
Intelligent Real-time Traffic Analysis from Live Video Streams
NSERC Alliance/VIP April 1, 2022Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $70,932
Runway Condition Detection and Analysis using Deep Learning
NSERC Alliance March 1, 2022Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $100,500
Industry-oriented 5G testbed for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Mothersill Family, Donation December 1, 2021Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $25,000
DementiaAssist: Transforming Dementia Care in Communities Through Intelligent Sensing and Socially Assistive Therapeutic Robots
CIHR, Project GrantPrincipal Investigator. Grant amount of $1,240,000
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and a Conversa- tional Robot to Detect and Manage Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
Ontario Shores/Ontario Tech Joint grant August 1, 2021Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $25,000.
Real Time Traffic Analysis from Live Video Streams
City of Oshawa December 1, 2021Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $25,000.
Development Platform for Acoustoelectric Impedance Tomography in Internal Radiation Therapy
NSERC/RTI April 1, 2021Co-Investigator. Grant amount of $150,000.
Protecting User Privacy in the Connected World
Privacy Canada March 1, 2020Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $50,000
Towards Privacy Preserving IoT Environments
NSERC March 1, 2024Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $127,500.
Steerable Tumour-sensing Needles for Real-time Biopsy and Brachytherapy of Breast, Prostate, and Gynecological Cancers
New Frontiers (Carlos Rossa, PI) March 1, 2021Co-Investigator. Grant amount of $273,310
Ontario Tech New Hire Startup Grant
Ontario Tech University December 1, 2024Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $80,000
A Comprehensive Data Integrity/Trust Approach for IoT Infrastructures
CGI(Industry) August 1, 2019Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $60,000
Event Detection and Classifications from Live Video Streams
CGI(Industry) July 1, 2022Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $40,000
Cloud-Connected Testbed for Autonomous Agricultural Vehicles
Ontario Tech University-RIFCo-Investigator. Grant amount of $60,000
Enabling Ubiquitous Urban Data Services in Smart City Settings
UL Lafayette June 1, 2018Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $2,000
Data Integrity for IoT Smart Infrastructure
CGI(Industry) June 1, 2018Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $60,000
Enabling Mobile Visual Analytics
LITE(Industry) July 1, 2018Principal Investigator. Grant amount of $40,000.
UL New Hire Startup Grant
UL Lafayette July 1, 2017Principal Investigator. Grant Amount of $200,000.
Personalized Mobile Service Delivery
NSERC/PDF April 1, 2017Principal Investigator. Grant amount of ($90,000).
FreeMKet: Ubiquitous Marketplace for Mobile Service Exchange
OCE/NSERC October 1, 2015Co-investigator. Grant amount of $84,878
Personalized Web Tasking
MITACS/IBM August 1, 2014Principal investigator. Grant amount of $30,000.
Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Design and Analysis for IoT Software Systems (SOFE 4610U)
Internet of Things (IoT) systems are large scale complex systems integrating sensing, data analytics, software services, and actuation through the Internet. Design and development of software systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) and the related architectures, technologies, communication protocols and frameworks used to enable the IoT are described. The importance and benefits of IoT in society is presented through large scale IoT application examples like smart buildings, remote health monitoring, and smart cities. Students will learn to design and analyze IoT systems with an emphasis on software architecture, protocols at the sensor, actuation, and service layer, and data storage and analysis with the goal of facilitating the deployment of IoT services. IoT specific security concerns and solutions will be discussed. Experiential learning is emphasized through hands‐on design and development of IoT prototypes. - Introduction to Programming for Engineers (ENGR 1200U)
Introduction to the anatomy of a computer: CPU, memory, machine cycle, input and output devices, data representation; fundamental programming concepts: flowcharting, algorithm design, use of procedures, program control flow, arrays and vectors, arithmetic and logic operations, input and output, data declaration; programming in C++. - Real-Time Data Analytics for Internet of Things (ENGR 5785G)
The velocity, diversity of data types and sheer volumes of data that IoT (Internet of Things) devices collect present unique challenges on data analytics techniques to support real-time decision making. This requires new perspectives in data collection, processing and management flows to cater to such unique requirements. This course focuses on data analytics specific to real-time data streams in IoT environments and applications. The course begins by defining the IoT conceptual framework, outlines application domains and draws clear distinctions between IoT data processing and typical big data analytics. Themes to be covered: IoT data collection architectures, interactions between service models and human subjects, data preprocessing, feature engineering and extraction, statistical modeling and estimation methods, time series analysis, spatiotemporal modeling, multivariate time series forecasting, real-time streaming data pipelines, anomaly detection in real-time sensing, event detection and classification techniques, privacy and security in IoT scenarios, and dynamic access control for real-time IoT.