Scott Nokleby
Associate Dean
Automotive, Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Dr. Nokleby's research focuses on the area of robotics, mechatronics, and autonomous systems and seeks to innovate robotic technology to reduce human exposure to hazardous environments. He leads a research program investigating remote-inspection of four-legged robots with OPG and RMUS Canada.
905.721.8668 ext. 5491
Areas of expertise
- PhD - Mechanical Engineering University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia 2003
- MASc - Mechanical Engineering University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia 1999
- BEng - Mechanical Engineering (Co-op Program and Management Option) University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia 1997
MCNP Simulation of Offline Core Dose in CANDU Reactors
Toronto, Ontario December 1, 2015UNENE Workshop
Designing the Next Generation of CANDU Pressure Tube Inspection Tools
Toronto, Ontario December 1, 2014UNENE Workshop
Design and Development of a Non-Contact Flaw Replication Tool for CANDU Fuel Channels
Toronto, Ontario June 9, 201334th CNS Annual Conference and 37th Annual CNS-CNA Student Conference
Radbot - A Mobile Robotic Platform for Generating Radiation Maps
Toronto, Ontario December 1, 2012UNENE Workshop
Design and Implementation of an Automated Gamma Probe for Jet Boring Uranium Mining
Published in Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science January 11, 2016Scott Nokleby
A proof-of-concept detector prototype capable of collecting and storing radiometric data in the Jet Boring System (JBS) during pilot hole drilling at the Cigar Lake uranium mine is presented. Cigar Lake is the world’s second highest known grade uranium mine and is located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Variant design is used to design, develop, test and implement the detector’s firmware, software and hardware.
Indoor Localization of an Omni-Directional Wheeled Mobile Robot
Published in Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering December 1, 2013Scott Nokleby
This paper presents a localization system developed for estimating the pose, i.e., position and orientation, of an omni-directional wheeled mobile robot operating in indoor structured environments. The developed system uses a combination of relative and absolute localization methods for pose estimation.
Optimum Design of a Spherical Quasi-Homokinetic Linkage for Motion Transmission Between Orthogonal Axes
Published in Mechanism and Machine Theory January 1, 2013Danial Alizadeh, Jorge Angeles & ScottNokleby
Homokinetic motion transmission between two shafts with axes intersecting at right angles is a recurrent problem; the term quasi-homokinetic indicates that a constant 1:1 velocity ratio between the input and output is the design target, even though this cannot be fully met with a four-bar linkage. A four-bar spherical linkage is optimally designed, which performs “homokinetically” with minimum error through a 120° rotation of its input link, large enough for one specific robotics application.
Force Optimization of Kinematically-Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulators Following a Desired Trajectory
Published in https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094114X12001206 October 1, 2012Roger Boudreau & ScottNokleby
In this work, an optimization-based methodology for resolving the generalized forces for kinematically-redundant planar parallel manipulators following a desired trajectory is presented. The proposed methodology assumes that the manipulator is performing a task that is slow enough to allow kinetostatic analysis to be used. Two test trajectories were used to show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
Appointed to 2016 Fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME)
June 30, 2016Appointed to this role for his significant contributions to advancement in the field.
2014 CSME Best Paper in Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
June 1, 2014Awarded for the 2013 co-authored paper: Indoor Localization of an OmniDirectional Wheeled Mobile Robot, which appeared in the journal's Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 1043-1056.
Past-President, Durham Outdoors Club
January 1, 2013Dr. Nokleby served as President from May 2013 to April 2016. The club is run by and for its members who share a common goal of learning about and pursuing a broad range of outdoor activities and experiences.
Associate Editor, Transaction of the CSME
January 1, 2012Published quarterly by the CSME, this archival journal dedicated is to the broad field of mechanical engineering.
Communications Officer, Executive Committee, Canadian Committee for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (CCToMM)
January 1, 2011The CCToMM is dedicated promoting development in the field of machines and mechanisms by theoretical and experimental research and its applications to practice.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick
January 1, 2010Dr. Nokleby serves as a committee member for graduate supervisory students.
Automated Radiation Profiling and Shotcreting of Uranium Mine Drifts
NSERC – Collaborative Research and Development Grant with Cameco Corporation January 1, 2015Dr. Nokleby is the primary investigator in this three-year research project that aims to develop a system to collect better data for uranium mine geologists. ($200,000)
Mining Systems, Automation, and Robotics
Ontario Online Initiative January 1, 2015Dr. Nokleby co-developed this online course in collaboration with Queen's University available in winter 2016. ($94,500)
Development of New CANDU Fuel Channel Inspection Tools for Increased Inspection Speed
NSERC – Collaborative Research and Development Grant with UNENE, OPG, and Cameco Corporation April 1, 2012During regular maintenance shutdowns in CANDU nuclear power plants, the current system of inspecting fuel channels creates a major bottleneck. As principal investigator of this four-year research project, Dr. Nokleby is developing a robotic inspection system to allow multiple copies to be inserted into the fuel channels at the same time, reducing inspection time and increasing productivity. ($360,000)
Integrated Kinematic Control of Mobile Manipulators
NSERC Discovery Grant April 1, 2016As principal investigator of this five-year research program, Dr. Nokleby is exploring ways of better controlling mobile manipulator systems using automated arms to improve efficiency and reduce risk in areas such as mining.
Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
Professional Engineers Ontario
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Engineers Without Borders
- Introduction to Engineering (ENGR 1015U)
An introduction to engineering, the profession and core skills of engineers. Topics include: history of engineering; fields in engineering; how systems work; an overview of computer systems; information technology trends and state-of-the-art applications (scientific computing, communications and signal processing); role of engineers in society; core engineering skills including freehand sketching, basic engineering graphics and drafting techniques, engineering report writing and introduction to MAT programming; occupational health and safety, and safety standards. - Robotics and Automation (MANE 4280U)
Industrial robots; robot kinematics, differential kinematics; statics, dynamics and control of robot arms; noncontact and contact sensors; actuators; real-time joint control; task planning and programming of industrial robots; applications of robots. - Mobile Robotic Systems (ENGR 5945G)
This course covers kinematics models and motion control for mobile robots; navigation, including path planning, obstacle avoidance and techniques for decomposition, localization using odometry, map representation, map building and introduction to probabilistic map-based localization; Kalman filter localization and other localization systems; computer vision, including imaging and image representation, feature extraction, pattern recognition, motion from 2D image sequences, image segmentation, sensing and object pose computation, and virtual reality.