Vijay Sood
Electrical, Computer and Software EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Dr. Sood is an industry pioneer. He conducts smart grid energy storage research at Ontario Tech. His research focuses on the simulation, monitoring, control, and protection of power systems and on the integration of renewable energy systems into the smart grid.
English, French
905.721.8668 ext. 5478
- PhD - Power Electronics Bradford University, UK 1977
- MASc - Electrical Machines Strathclyde University, UK 1969
- BSc - Electrical Engineering Nairobi University, Kenya 1967
Average Model of Boost Converter, Including Parasitics Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode
Charlotte, North Carolina March 17, 201530th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Conference and Exposition
Small Signal Analysis of Boost Converter, Including Parasitics, Operating in Continuous Conduction Mode
New Dehli, India October 5, 20146th IEEE Power India International Conference
A Study on the Control of Hybrid MTDC System Supplying a Passive Network
Chengdu, China October 22, 20142014 PowerCon - IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology
Modelling of Voltage Source Converters for HVDC Transmission
Chengdu, China October 20, 20142014 PowerCon - IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology
Modelling of Synchronous Generator and Full-Scale Converter for Distribution System Load Flow Analysis
Oshawa, Ontario August 12, 2014International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE’14)
Steady-State and Dynamic Performance of Front-End Diode Rectifier Loads as Predicted by Dynamic Average-Value Models
Washington, DC July 27, 2014IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
Unified Multi-Critical Infrastructure Communication Architecture
Kingston, Ontario August 14, 201427th Biennial Symposium on Communications
Overview of Connection Topologies for Grid-Connected PV Systems
Toronto, Ontario May 5, 2014IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
EMTP Model of Grid Connected PV System
Vancouver, British Columbia July 19, 2013International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2013)
Phase Angle Pattern Classifier for Differential Protection of Power Transformers
Vancouver, British Columbia July 19, 2013International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2013
Transformer Differential Protection with Phase Angle Difference Based Inrush Restraint
Published in Electric Power Systems Research October 1, 2014AhmedHosny & Vijay K.Sood
A new technique for blocking the operation of the transformer differential relay when subjected to magnetizing inrush current is presented in this paper. The relay differential and restraint currents are calculated first, and the fundamental-frequency components of the two currents are then compared to identify the phase angle difference (PAD) between the corresponding transformer primary and secondary currents.
View more - Transformer Differential Protection with Phase Angle Difference Based Inrush Restraint
Dynamic Average-Value Modelling of CIGRE HVDC Benchmark System
Published in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery October 1, 2014H. Atighechi, S. Chiniforoosh, J. Jatskevich, A. Davoudi, J. A. Martinez, M. O. Faruque, V. Sood, M. Saeedifard, J. M. Cano, J. Mahseredjian, D. C. Aliprantis & K. Strunz
High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) systems play an important role in modern energy grids, whereas efficient and accurate models are often needed for system-level studies. Due to the inherent switching in HVDC converters, the detailed switch-level models are computationally expensive for the simulation of large-signal transients and hard to linearize for small-signal frequency-domain characterization. In this paper, a dynamic average-value model (AVM) of the first CIGRE HVDC benchmark system is developed in a state-variable-based simulator, such as Matlab/Simulink, and nodal-analysis-based electromagnetic transient program (EMTP), such as PSCAD/EMTDC.
View more - Dynamic Average-Value Modelling of CIGRE HVDC Benchmark System
Modelling of LCC-HVDC Systems Using Dynamic Phasors
Published in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery August 1, 2014M. Daryabak, S. Filizadeh, J. Jatskevich, A. Davoudi, M. Saeedifard, V. K. Sood, J. A. Martinez, D. Aliprantis, J. Cano & A. Mehrizi-Sani
This paper presents an average-value model of a line-commutated converter-based HVDC system using dynamic phasors. The model represents the low-frequency dynamics of the converter and its ac and dc systems, and has lower computational requirements than a conventional electromagnetic-transient (EMT) switching model.
View more - Modelling of LCC-HVDC Systems Using Dynamic Phasors
Steady State and Dynamic Performance of Front End Diode Rectifier Loads as Predicted by Dynamic Average Value Models
Published in IEEE PES General Meeting July 27, 2014Sina Chiniforoosh, Hamid Atighechi, Ali Davoudi, Juri Jatskevich, Juan Martinez, Maryam Saeedifard, Dionysis Aliprantis & Vijay Sood
In this paper, the effects of topological variations of the ac-side filters on the system performance are investigated. Also, the steady-state and dynamic impedances predicted by the average models under balanced and unbalanced operation are compared. The studies and analyses presented here extend and complement those set forth in the preceding companion publication.
Dynamic Averaged and Simplified Models for MMC-Based HVDC Transmission Systems
Published in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery July 1, 2013H. Saad, J. Peralta, S. Dennetière, J. Mahseredjian, J. Jatskevich, J. A. Martinez, A. Davoudi, M. Saeedifard, V. Sood, X. Wang, J. Cano & Ali Mehrizi-Sani
This paper develops and compares different types of models for efficient and accurate representation of MMC-HVDC systems. The results show that the use of a specific type of model will depend on the conducted analysis and required accuracy.
View more - Dynamic Averaged and Simplified Models for MMC-Based HVDC Transmission Systems
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers (CAE)
CAE June 5, 2010Dr. Sood has been recognized as a Fellow of the CAE for his significant developments in the modelling and simulation of High Voltage DC Transmission technology in Canada and internationally.
Received the distinction of IEEE Fellow
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) January 1, 2006Dr. Sood received the distinction of IEEE Fellow for his extraordinary accomplishments in IEEE fields of interest including his work in HVDC transmission systems. Throughout his career, Dr. Sood has received numerous IEEE awards including the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000, an IEEE Outstanding Service Award in 1998, and IEEE Regional Activities Board Achievement Awards in 2001 and 2006.
Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) Fellow
Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) January 1, 1999Dr. Sood was awarded EIC's highest honour for his contribution to advancing HVDC transmission systems.
Professional Engineers Ontario
The Engineering Institute of Canada
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Canadian Academy of Engineers
- Electric Machines (ELEE 3250U)
Introduction to three-phase circuits; magnetic circuits; electrical transformers; force and torque generation; asynchronous machines, induction machines, DC machines; steady state and torque-speed characteristics of electric machines and their applications. - Power System Protection Relaying (ELEE 4140U)
Need for protection systems, types of relays, operating principles and relay construction, overcurrent protection, distance protection, pilot relaying schemes, ac machines and Bus protection, micro-processor based relays, Overvoltage protection. - Capstone Systems Design for Mechanical, Automotive, and Manufacturing Engineering I (ENGR 4950U)
This capstone design engineering course is envisioned to represent a culminating major teamwork design experience for engineering students specializing in the areas of automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and manufacturing engineering. It is meant to allow senior-level students to integrate their engineering knowledge and produce useful engineering artifacts. The paramount objective of the course is to expose engineering students to successfully implementing the engineering design process and appropriate engineering design methods into creatively solving design problems conditioned with realistic constraints while using state of the art engineering CAD/CAM/CAE tools and incorporating engineering standards. Another objective of the course is to train design engineering students to focus on a variety of considerations with respect to their designs, such as: economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturability, ethical, health and safety, social, and political. Yet another objective of the course is to focus on improving the students’ soft skills that include the ability to work in teams, participate in project planning and scheduling, give presentations, and be able to deal with uncertainties in a professional manner. In this context, this capstone design course serves as one of the final preparations for students entering into industry. A wide range of engineering design-related product, process, technology, service or system development topics may be covered in this course. The course covers design considerations for systems that predominantly incorporate automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and/or manufacturing components and systems. This design-built project based course normally includes studying open-ended engineering design topics of interest to the students. These may consist of real-world design projects proposed and sponsored by industrial partners, or design projects on topics proposed by faculty advisors, or topics proposed by a group of enrolled students. In this context, the engineering design process will be reviewed along with its application to the design of the said systems. Students will work in small groups on a capstone design engineering project of major breadth that will require them to integrate the knowledge that they have gained throughout their program of study and apply it to the design and development of a complete device and/or a complete predominantly automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and/or manufacturing system. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: customer requirements; background search; design plan and project management; brainstorming; preliminary concept generation; sketching ideas; engineering specifications (benchmarking); detailed concept generation; functional decomposition; concept development and screening/selection; group preliminary proof of concept prototype demonstrations and oral presentations; and final engineering term report.