Efrosini Papaconstantinou
Associate Professor
Faculty of Health SciencesDr. Papaconstantinou's research interests include the evaluation of nursing interventions aimed to improve sleep and health outcomes in children, adolescents and their families.
905.721.8668 ext. 3736
Advancing the Philosophical Roots of the Artistry of Simulation
Atlanta, Georgia June 10, 201514th Annual Conference: International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning
Coping, Perceived Stress Eating Patterns, and Sleep Characteristics (CoPES) of 4th year Undergraduate Nursing and Medical Laboratory Science Students in Practicum
Montréal, Québec May 22, 2015LABCON 2015, Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
Kidzzz Sleep: Are they getting enough?
Toronto District School Board, Toronto, Ontario November 4, 2014Lynngate Junior School Advisory Council
Kidzzz Sleep: Are they getting enough?
Region of Durham Headquarters, Oshawa, Ontario September 26, 2014Durham's Best Start Network
The Relax to Sleep Study: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
Minneapolis, Minnesota June 1, 2014The 28th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies
The Relax to Sleep study: A Pilot RCT, Young Investigators Presentation
Amelia Island, Florida November 7, 2013Seventh Bi-Annual Conference on Pediatric Sleep Medicine
A Behavioural-Educational Intervention to Promote Pediatric Sleep During Hospitalization and Beyond: A Pilot RCT
Halifax, Nova Scotia October 4, 20136th Conference of the Canadian Sleep Society
Promoting Pediatric Sleep During Hospitalization
Toronto, Ontario September 27, 2012Connaught Global Challenge International Symposium
The Acceptability, Feasibility, and Effectiveness of the Relax to Sleep Program on Sleep During Pediatric Hospitalization and Beyond: A Pilot RCT
Montréal, Québec April 6, 2011First International Symposium on Nursing Intervention Research, April 2011