Denina Simmons
Associate Professor
Canada Research Chair (Tier II)
Applied Biosciences (Graduate) & Biology (Undergraduate)Faculty of Science
Dr. Simmons is a leading researcher in the area of Aquatic Toxicology, the study of human activities and contaminants and their impacts on aquatic organisms and ecosystems. Interested in proteomics and metabolomics of bio fluids like blood and urine in order to non-lethally monitor the health of wildlife in the natural environment.
Areas of expertise
- Bachelor of Science with Honours - Applied Chemical and Biological Sciences Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2000
- Master of Science - Watershed Ecosystems Graduate Program Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. 2005
- Doctor of Philosophy - Environmental and Life Sciences Program Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. 2009
- August 2019, Keynote speaker, Undergraduate Research Awards Recognition Event, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa,
ON - April 2019, Ontario Ministry of Environment, Seminar Series, Toronto, ON
- October 2018, Seminar Series, Department of Biology, Trent University, Peterborough ON
- September 2018, Seminar Series, Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
- March 2018, University of Toronto, Department of Physical and Environmental Science’s, invited Speakers in Physics, Environmental science, And Chemistry
- October 2017, Toronto Post-ASMS Symposium, Toronto
- August 2017, Waters Lunch Seminar, Dioxin 2017, Vancouver
- December 2016, Dundas Town Hall, The Health of Cootes Paradise
- December 2016, University of Toronto, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Seminar Series
- August 2016, International Conference of Mass Spectrometry, Environomics, Toronto, Canada
- March 2016, Environment Canada, CCIW Seminar Series, Cootes Paradise Marsh Feature
- February 2016, Harbour Watershed (including Cootes Paradise) Research and Monitoring Workshop, Hamilton
Conservation Authority, Hamilton, Ontario - March 2015, Guelph University, Department of Biology, Seminar Series
- February 2015, Environment Canada, CCIW Seminar Series, Oil Sands Extravaganza
- December 2014, McMaster University, Department of Biology, Seminar Series
- November 2014, Queens University, Department of Biology, Seminar Series
- October 2014, University of Toronto Scarborough, Department of Biological Sciences, Seminar Series
- April 2014, Ontario Ministry of Energy and the Environment, Seminar Series
- January 2014, Trent University, Life Sciences Seminar Series
- March 2013, Environment Canada, St. Lawrence Centre Seminar Series
- December 2012, Environment Canada, CCIW Seminar Series
- November 2012, University of Waterloo, Biology Department Seminar Series
- Michael Moreton, Denina B.D. Simmons, Vicky Marlatt. Toxicity and Proteomic Profile of the Aquatic Herbicide, Reward, on Fathead Minnow with Pulsed-Exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 33:100635.
- Denina B.D. Simmons, Andrew M. Cowie, Jin Koh, James P. Sherry, Christopher J. Martyniuk. 2019. Hepatic proteome
network data in zebrafish (Danio rerio) liver following dieldrin exposure. Data in Brief. 25: 104351. - Denina B.D. Simmons, Andrew M. Cowie, Jin Koh, James P. Sherry, Christopher J. Martyniuk. 2019. Label-free and
iTRAQ proteomics analysis in the liver of zebrafish (Danio rerio) following dietary exposure to the organochlorine
pesticide dieldrin. Journal of proteomics. 202: 103362. - Derek Muir, Denina B.D. Simmons, Xiaowa Wang, Tom Peart, Maria Villella, Jason Miller and James P. Sherry. 2017.
Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals in fish exposed to wastewater effluent in an
urban wetland. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 16999. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-15462-x - Denina B.D. Simmons, Jason Miller, Stacey Clarence, Erin McCallum, Sigal Balshine, Bharat Chandramouli, John
Cosgrove, and James P. Sherry. 2017. Altered expression of metabolites and proteins in wild and caged fish exposed to
wastewater effluents in an urban wetland. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 17000. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12473-
6. - Denina B.D. Simmons, Erin McCallum, Sigal Balshine, Bharat Chandramouli, John Cosgrove, and James P. Sherry. 2017.
Reduced anxiety is associated with the accumulation of six serotonin reuptake inhibitors in wastewater treatment
effluent exposed, goldfish Carassius auratus. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 17001. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-
15989-z. - Xuefang Liang, April Feswick, Denina Simmons, and Chris Martyniuk. 2017. Environmental toxicology and omics: a
question of sex. Journal of Proteomics 172, 152-164. (Invited submission). - João L. C. Ribas*, James P. Sherry, Aleksander R. Zampronio, Helena C. Silva de Assis, Denina B.D. Simmons. 2017.
Immunosuppressive effects of diclofenac in South American catfish (Rhamdia quelen). Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry, 36 (8), 2092-2107. - Christopher J. Martyniuk and Denina B.D. Simmons. 2016. Spotlight on Environmental Omics and Toxicology: A long
way in a short time. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 19: 97–101. Special
Issue: Environmental Omics & Toxicology. - Denina B.D. Simmons and James P. Sherry. 2016. Plasma proteome profiles of white sucker (Catostomus commersonii)
from the Athabasca River within the Oil Sands deposit demonstrate site-specific differences in biological function.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 19: 181–189. (Invited Submission). - Denina B.D. Simmons, Jonathan Benskin, John Cosgrove, Bernard Dunker, Drew Eckman, Christophy M. Martynuik,
James P. Sherry. 2015. Omics for aquatic ecotoxicology: Control of extraneous variability to enhance the analysis of
environmental effects. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; 34(8): 1693–1704. - Victoria Tkatcheva*, David Poirier, Richard Chong-Kit, Vasile I. Furdui, Christopher Burr, Ray Leger, Jaspal Parmar,
Teresa Switzer, Stefanie Maedler, Eric J. Reiner, James P. Sherry, and Denina B.D. Simmons. 2015. Lithium disrupts
homeostasis in short-term exposure of rainbow trout. Aquatic Toxicology; 161:85-93. - Denina B.D. Simmons, Mark E. McMaster, Eric J. Reiner, L. Mark Hewitt, Joanne L. Parrott, Brad J. Park, Scott B. Brown,
and James P. Sherry. 2014. Wild fish from the Bay of Quinte Area of Concern contain elevated tissue concentrations of
PCBs and exhibit evidence of endocrine-related health effects. Environment International, 66:124-137. - Helena C. Silva de Assis, Jake M. Zamora, Wudu E. Lado, Ahmed M. Al-Ansari, Denina Simmons, James P. Sherry, Jules
M. Blais, Vance L. Trudeau. 2013. Estrogen-like effects in male goldfish co-exposed to fluoxetine and 17 alphaethinylestradiol. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(10): 4961-5516. Cover story. - Denina B.D. Simmons, Neils C. Bols, Bernard P. Duncker, Mark E. McMaster, Jason A. Miller, James P. Sherry. 2012.
Proteomic profiles of white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) sampled from within the Thunder Bay Area of Concern
reveal up-regulation of proteins associated with tumor formation and exposure to environmental estrogens.
Environmental Science & Technology, 46(3):1886-1894. - Denina B.D. Simmons and Dirk Wallschläger. 2011. Release of Reduced Inorganic Selenium Species into Waters by the
Green Fresh Water Algae Chlorella vulgaris. Environmental Science & Technology. 45(6):2165-2171. - Denina B.D. Simmons and R.J. Neil Emery. 2011. Phytochelatin induction by selenate in Chlorella vulgaris, and
regulation of effect by sulfate levels. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 30:469-476. - Denina B.D. Simmons, Vicki L. Marlatt, Vance L. Trudeau, James P. Sherry, Chris D. Metcalfe. 2010. Interaction of
Galaxolide® with the human and trout estrogen receptor-α. Science of the Total Environment. 408:6158-6164. - Denina B.D. Simmons, Allison R. Hayward, Thomas C. Hutchinson, R.J. Neil Emery. 2009. Identification and
quantification of glutathione and phytochelatins from Chlorella vulgaris by RP-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS and oxygen-free
extraction. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (395)3:809-817. - Denina B.D. Simmons, Vicki L. Marlatt, Vance L. Trudeau, James P. Sherry, and Chris D. Metcalfe. 2008. Interaction of
stilbene compounds with human and rainbow trout estrogen receptors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
(27)2:442-452. - Denina B.D. Simmons and Dirk Wallschläger. 2005. Critical review of selenium fish toxicity in running waters.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24)6:1331-1443.
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Post-doctoral Fellowship Award (PDF) (2010-2012)
- $63,000 - National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship award (PGSD3) (2006-2009)
- $15,000 - Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2006-2007)
- $15,000 - Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2005-2006)
- $10,000 - Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (OGS-ST) (2003-2004)
Ontario Tech University
- BIOL 4020 - Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
- BIOL 4030 - Advanced Topics in Environmental Toxicology