Isabel Pedersen
Director, Decimal Lab
Director, Digital Life Institute
Master of Science (MSc) and PhD program in Computer Science, Communications and Digital Media Studies undergraduate programFaculty of Social Science and Humanities
Dr. Isabel Pedersen focuses on embodied computing, algorithmic culture, augmented reality, emergent media, and AI ethics.
905.721.8668 ext. 5874
- PhD - Language and Literature University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
- MA - Language and Professional Writing University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
- BA - English Trinity College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Keynote: Embodied Computing, AI, & Socio-ethical Implications
Tempe, AZ November 12, 2020IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (IEEE ISTAS20)
View more - Keynote: Embodied Computing, AI, & Socio-ethical Implications
Networked bodies, AI, and our future digital lives
April 28, 2020Big Thinking on the Hill Lecture Series, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
View more - Networked bodies, AI, and our future digital lives
Technology that Transforms Us
New York University, New YorkA panel discussion, World Science Festival, Moderator David Pogue (CBS, New York Times)
Canada, Digital Lives, and the Geopolitical AI Race
Global Affairs, Ottawa, Ontario March 12, 2019Presentation, invited speaker and distinguished panelist at The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence Symposium.
Humans, Machines, and Disruptive Dreams
Toronto, Ontario October 3, 2018Walrus Talks
When You Are Your Computer: The Future of Embodied Computing
Berlin, Germany September 2, 2018Keynote speaker at IFA+ Summit.
Counting for Something: Postmillennial Lives, Data, and Digital Futures
Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and Massey College, University of Toronto March 23, 2018Walter Gordon Symposium
Digital Humanities, Embodied Media, and Human Identity
Rowan University, New Jersey October 2, 2017Sponsored talk by Cooper Medical School, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Communication and Creative Arts, Campbell Library.
Keynote: Digital Humanities, Embodied Technology and Selves
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario May 19, 2017Digital Humanities Summer Institute: Technologies
From Carryables to Wearables to Implantables . . .
Edmonton, Alberta May 28, 2016Canadian Association of Journalists 2016 Annual Conference, sponsored by the Canada Research Chairs Communications Office.
Second Skins, Wearable Technology, and Digital Life
Toronto, Ontario May 16, 2016Subtle Technologies Festival Textile Museum of Canada
Presupposing A Future in Digital Telepathy
TEDxStMaryCSSchool May 16, 2016TEDx Talks
Women and Wearables
MaRS Discovery District Toronto, Ontario February 3, 2015We Are Wearables
From Carryables to Wearables to Implants and Beyond
Munich, Germany January 28, 201411th Wearable Technology Conference 2014: Europe
Invited Keynote Speaker: The Continuum of Embodiment: Wearable Technology, Digital Life and Youth Culture
Laredo, Texas June 18, 201458th International Council on Education for Teaching World Assembly
Beyond Mobility
Toronto, Ontario May 27, 2014Mesh Conference
Writing Futures: Collaborative, Algorithmic, Autonomous
Published in Springer, 2021Ann Hill Duin and Isabel Pedersen
View more - Writing Futures: Collaborative, Algorithmic, Autonomous
Augmentation Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in Technical Communication: Designing Ethical Futures
Published in Routledge, 2023Ann Hill Duin and Isabel Pedersen
Embodied computing: Wearables, implantables, embeddables, ingestibles
Published in The MIT Press, 2020Isabel Pedersen and Andrew Iliadis (Editors)
View more - Embodied computing: Wearables, implantables, embeddables, ingestibles
Ready to Wear: A Rhetoric of Wearable Computers and Reality-Shifting Media
Published in Parlor Press, 2013Isabel Pedersen
View more - Ready to Wear: A Rhetoric of Wearable Computers and Reality-Shifting Media
Canada Research Chair in Digital Life, Media, and Culture (2012-2022)
- Global Ai Ethics, Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Science