Kimberley Clow
Forensic PsychologyFaculty of Social Science and Humanities
Dr. Clow's research focuses on the perceptions, stigma and stereotypes associated with wrongful conviction and exonerees.
905.721.8668 ext. 3457
Areas of expertise
- PhD - Social Psychology Western University, London, Ontario
Adding Insult to Injury: Stigma and Wrongful Conviction
Washington, DC. November 1, 2015American Society of Criminology
The Promise and Pitfalls of Correctional Assessment
Washington, DC. November 1, 2015American Society of Criminology
Assessing Desistance Potential: Examining Determinations of Parole Conditions Among Federal Parolees
Ottawa, Ontario June 1, 2015Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association
Ottawa, Ontario
Oshawa, Ontario August 1, 2014Student Research Showcase at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Examining the Effects of Apology and Compensation on Perceptions of Exonerees
New Orleans, Louisiana March 1, 2014American Psychology-Law Society