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Olga Marques

Associate Professor

Criminology and Justice

Dr. Olga Marques received her PhD in Criminology from the University of Ottawa, and a master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Windsor. Her research centres on the construction, policing and regulation of sex/uality and gender, attending to the inter-relationships between gendered and raced social norms, social control, stigma, transgression, and resistance. She also researches and publishes on the criminalization and victimization of Indigenous peoples.

  • PhD - Criminology University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
  • Marques, O. (2019). Beyond Girls (Gender) and/in Gangs: Understanding Gender and Gangs Through the Lens of Relationship. Beyond Gangs: Establishing Pathways to Mitigating Violence in the GTA. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON., February 26, 2019.
  • Marques, O.(2019). Interviewing Women Impacted by the Incarceration of a Loved One: Reflections on Challenges and Emotional Labour. 36th Qualitative Analysis Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. May 9-11.
  • Marques, O. (2019). Challenging Rape Culture and Privileging Sex as Pleasure: Piloting a Teaching Module with/to Varsity Athletes. Critical Perspectives Conference, Brantford, ON. May 2-4.
  • Ellis, A. and Marques, O. (2018).  Insider/Outsider Academics and the Advancement of Thug Criminology. American Society of Criminology 74th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. November 14-17.
  • Marques, O. (2018). “#notmymarch: ‘Real’ Women’s Role in Legitimizing the Alt-Right.” International Network of Hate Studies Biennial Conference, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON., May 29-31, 2018.
  • Marques, O. (2015). Whose Ethics? Anonymization and Public/Private Divides of Place and Space. 32nd Qualitative Analysis Conference. Brescia University College, London, Ontario, June 24 to 26, 2015.
  • Marques, O. (2014). On Women-Centered Training and the Making of Gender/Sex Governance Experts.” Sex and the State 3rd Global Conference. Montreal, Quebec, October 17 to 19, 2014.
  • Marques, O. (2013). Women Watching Porn Ethically: Reconceptualizing ‘the Gaze’”. International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society 9th Biannual Conference. Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 28 to 31, 2013.
  • Marques, O. (November 10, 2012). What Women Want: Sexually Explicit Materials as Envisioned by Women.” Pornography Panel. Playground 2012 Sexuality Conference. Toronto, Ontario,
  • Marques, O. (2011). “‘Men are Visual’ and Other Porn Fallacies: The Mal(e)Practice of Female Sexual Desire.” Medicalization of Sex. An International, Interdisciplinary, Multimedia Conference. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia. April 28 to 30, 2011
  • Marques, O. (2019) “Navigating, Challenging, and Contesting Normative Gendered Discourses Surrounding Women’s Pornography Use.” Journal of Gender Studies, 28(5): 578-590. 
  • ​Monchalin, L., Marques, O., Reasons, C., and Arora, S. (2019) “Homicide and Indigenous Peoples in North America: A Structural Analysis.” Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 46: 212-218.
  • ​Baggaley, K., Marques, O. and Shon, P. (2019). “An Exploratory Study of the Decision to Refrain from Killing in the Accounts of Military and Police Personnel.” Journal of Military Ethics, 18(1): 20-34 
  • ​Marques, O. (2018). “Women’s ‘Ethical’ Pornographic Spectatorship.” Sexuality and Culture, 22(3): 778-795. 
  • ​Marques, O. (2017). “Navigating Gendered Expectations at the Margins of Feminism and  Criminology,” in R.  Thwaites and A. Godoy-Pressland (Eds) Feminist Beginnings: Being an Early Career Feminist Academic in a Changing Academy (pp. 51-69). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Monchalin, L. and O. Marques (2014). “‘Canada Under Attack From Within’: Problematizing ‘the Natives’, Governing Borders and the Social Injustice of the Akwesasne Border Dispute.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 38(4).
  • Monchalin, L. and O.Marques (2013). “Preventing Crime and Poor Health Among Aboriginal People: The Potential for Preventative Programming.” First Peoples Child and Family Review, 7(2): 112-129.
  • Marques, O. (2011). “From Pathology to Choice: Regulatory Discourses and the Historic Conflation of Homosexuality and Male Sex Work”. Culture, Society and Masculinities, 3(2): 160-175.
  • Gender, Sex, and Justice Studies (CRMN 2840U)
    What does sex, sexuality and gender have to do with justice? What are the justice implications of the ways that we think and talk about sex, sexuality and gender? This course traces the relationship between sex, sexuality, gender and various modes of regulation and governance. Drawing on feminist, historical, criminological and socio-legal frameworks, this course examines how sex, sexuality and gender have been historically and currently constructed, and the social and justice consequences of these constructions. Topics of exploration may include: media representations, rape culture, sex work, non-consensual pornography and anti-LGBTQ violence.
  • Race-ing Justice (CRMN 3056U)
    This course explores the disparate experiences of ethnic and racial minorities within the criminal justice system. Emphasis will be placed on the dual processes of the criminalization of race and the racialization of crime. Together, the professor and the students will assess and critique the relationship between race and criminal offending, victimization, policing and disposition. Formerly: Race and Ethnicity in the Criminal Justice System
  • Advanced Justice Studies (CRMN 4000U)
    This capstone course will provide an opportunity for critical analysis of specific justice topics. Students will be expected to synthesize material from previous courses and apply it to a social justice issue, demonstrating significant mastery of justice concepts, theory and research.
  • Women in the Criminal Justice System (CRMN 3028U)
    This course examines issues impacting women in the criminal justice system. It examines a wide range of issues ranging from women as victims of crime, to women as criminal offenders, to women as police and other types of criminal justice workers.
  • Advanced Qualitative Methods (SSCI 3920U)
    This course provides an opportunity to learn about selected qualitative methods in depth and gain practical experience applying them to a research project. Students will learn how to plan and conduct a qualitative research project from start to finish. Historical, theoretical, epistemological, and ethical foundations of selected methods will be explored in depth.