Shahid Alvi
Faculty of Social Science and HumanitiesDr. Alvi's research is focused on social justice and equality issues affecting vulnerable populations
Areas of expertise
- PhD in Sociology Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario 1995
- MA in Sociology University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 1986
- BA in Sociology (Advanced) University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 1982
The Future of Critical Criminology
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania February 18, 2014Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science
Battered Immigrant Women's Experiences with Courts: An Exploratory Study
Toronto Ontario March 11, 2011Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Why did “Cyberbullying” Supersede Hate Crime? Mass Distraction and the Tyler Clementi Case
Washington, D.C. November 16, 2011Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology
Youth Criminal Justice Policy in Canada: A Critical Introduction
November 4, 2011Shahid Alvi
In the past ten years, much has changed in terms of youth justice policies in Canada as well as in the way Canadian society has evolved. Canada has a new Act governing youth crime, and there are indications that the Act will be revised again to make it "tougher" on youth in conflict with the law, a development reflecting what many scholars are calling the "punitive turn" in youth justice policies in Canada and elsewhere. At the same time, Canadian child poverty rates (which are strongly correlated with criminality) have remained high, despite a commitment, made by governments in 1989 to eradicate the problem by the year 2000. Immigration patterns have changed, and unemployment rates for young Canadians remain almost twice as high as those for adults. In this volume, Youth Criminal Justice Policy in Canada: A Critical Introduction, the author addresses these and other developments in relation to youth crime in Canada from a critical criminological perspective.
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Deviance and Crime, Third Edition: Theory, Research and Policy
September 15, 2005Shahid Alvi, Walter S. DeKeseredy, Desmond Ellis
This book sensitizes the reader to the fact that there is substantial disagreement within the academic community, and among policymakers and the general public, over what behaviours, conditions (e.g., physical attributes), and people should be designated as deviant or criminal. Normative conceptions, the societal reaction/labelling approach, and the critical approach are offered as frameworks within which to study these definitions. A comprehensive explanation of the theory and social policy on deviance is constructed. Chapters contain boxed insert material, charts, tables, discussion questions, problem-solving scenarios, suggested readings, and online resources.
View more - Deviance and Crime, Third Edition: Theory, Research and Policy
Under Siege: Poverty and Crime in a Public Housing Community
August 18, 2003Shahid Alvi, Walter S. DeKeseredy, Martin D. Schwartz, Andreas E. Tomaszewski
Under Siege is one of the first books of its kind. It vividly describes the devastating consequences of living in a public housing community damaged by the disappearance of manufacturing jobs, government cutbacks, and other alarming structural transformations that currently plague the United States and Canada. Walter DeKeseredy and his colleagues build on the rich theoretical perspectives developed by feminist scholars―as well as those constructed by Jock Young, Robert Sampson, and William Julius Wilson―as they present both the qualitative and quantitative results of a case study of six public housing estates located in an impoverished urban area. This groundbreaking book provides an in-depth analysis of predatory crime victimization, intimate partner victimization, public racial and sexual harassment, and the relationship of all these harms to the residents' perceptions of their neighbourhood social disorganization/collective efficacy. Under Siege is uniquely valuable both for its rich theoretical basis and for its transparent presentation of the authors' research methodology. It is a thought-provoking sociological contribution that offers progressive strategies for ameliorating both poverty and crime in North American public housing complexes.
View more - Under Siege: Poverty and Crime in a Public Housing Community
Contemporary Social Problems in North American Society
January 1, 2000Shahid Alvi, Walter S. DeKeseredy, Desmond Ellis
Intended for college and university courses in Social Problems and Social Issues. This text can also be used as a supplement to Intro. Sociology courses. This text is a highly comparative text that examines several social problems from a North American perspective. This original and practical approach allows students to compare problems in Canada to those in the United States, and to sample theoretical standpoints from both countries. The important issues of race, class, and gender are integrated throughout, and the coverage of material is thoughtful, deep, and strengthened by strong examples and discussion questions.
View more - Contemporary Social Problems in North American Society
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, UOIT July 1, 2006During his tenure Ontario Tech, Dr. Alvi has taught the undergraduate and graduate courses Poverty and Public Policy, Criminology, and Graduate Criminological Theory. He has received a research award from the Social Sciences and Humanities Resource Council of Canada.
Author, Youth Criminal Justice Policy in Canada: A Critical Introduction
November 9, 2011Published in 2012 by New York’s Springer Press, Dr. Alvi’s latest book examines how Canada’s new laws on youth crime, child poverty rates, immigration patterns and youth unemployment relate to youth crime in Canada from a critical criminological perspective.
President, Board of Directors
The Denise House January 1, 2012Since 2012, Dr. Alvi has served as President of the Board of Directors for The Denise House, an emergency shelter for abused women and their children. From 2005 to 2012, he served as vice-president of the Board.
2002 Critical Criminologist of the Year
American Society of Criminology (ASC) November 13, 2012ASC Division on Critical Criminology
American Society of Criminology
The Denise House
- Introductory Sociology (SOCI 1000U)
Sociology is the study of people and how they interact with each other and various social groups. This course deals with the study of people’s lives, their relationship to society as a whole, and how people are affected by the society in which they live. The concepts, theories and methods of the discipline will be introduced and discussed with particular emphasis on the dynamics of Canadian society and Canadian social problems. - Social Problems (SSCI 1300U)
This course introduces students to the analysis of social and political problems using different theories, concepts and methods. These theories and the way in which people approach political and social problems are often based upon a particular view of the concept of justice and equality. We examine different social and political issues and show how they interact with both theory and practice in dealing with these conceptions of justice and equality. The course looks critically at gender, race, class and age among other barriers to achievement.