What is a Ridgeback?
ridge•back /'rijbak/
A Ridgeback is a dog that is powerful, loyal, tenacious and focused, and embodies our university’s identity. Our faithful mascot—Hunter—is a Ridgeback who represents our 250+ varsity student-athletes, and intramural and extramural teams, as well as everyone that steps foot on our campus to learn.
sports offered at the varsity level
students register for intramural programming each year
Top 10
men's soccer and basketball programs ranks top 10 nationally
Three-time award recipient for the OUA’s mascot of the year
About athletics and recreation
What it means to be a Ridgeback
Health and wellness services
- Athletic facilities
- Chiropractors
- Counsellors
- Fitness classes
- Gym membership
- Health insurance plan
- Health promotion events and workshops
- Ice skating
- Indoor running track
- Massage therapists
- Medical doctors
- Mental health counsellors
- Mood walks
- Online webinars
- Peer Wellness Education Team
- Personal training
- Pharmacy
- Self-defence classes
- Support groups
- Wellness walks
1000+ group fitness classes every year