Liliana Trevani
Associate Professor
ChemistryFaculty of Science
Physical chemistry (electrochemistry and thermodynamics), hydrothermal chemistry, energy storage and conversion, materials chemistry, nanomaterials, carbon materials, remediation.
English, Spanish
Areas of expertise
- Post-doctorate, Physcial Chemistry Memorial University of Newfound, Canada (Professor Peter Tremaine's group)
- Doctorate, Chemistry Faculty of Science, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Supervisors: Professors Horacio Corti and Ernesto Calvo)
- Licenciatura (Bachelor's equivalent) in Chemistry University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
1 Corti H.R., Trevani L., Electro-osmotic flow of water-methanol mixtures through Nafion membranes revisited: Composition and temperature dependence, Accepted on February 28, 2022, Front. Energy Res. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.855333
2 Riel D., Jones A., Montiel G., Viva F., Geiger E. Piro M., Trevani L., Templated N-Doped and O-Doped Carbons for Energy Storage and Conversion, ECS Transactions. ,97(7) (2020).
3 Hynes L., Montiel G., Jones A., Riel D., Abdulaziz M., Viva F., Bonetta D., Vreugdenhil A., Trevani L., Melamine adsorption on carbon materials: Impact of carbon texture and surface chemistry, Mater. Adv., 1, 262-270 (2020)
4Sasidharanpillai S., Arcis H., Trevani L., Tremaine P. Triborate Formation Constants and Polyborate Speciation under Hydrothermal Conditions by Raman Spectroscopy using a Titanium/Sapphire Flow, J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 24, 5147-5159 (2019).
5 Odetola C., Trevani L., Easton E.B., The influence of Pt surface area on the photo-enhancement of the methanol oxidation reaction, Energy Technology, 6 1820 - 1825 (2018).
6 Odetola C., Trevani L. N., Easton E. B. Photo enhanced methanol electrooxidation: Further insights into Pt and TiO2 nanoparticle contributions. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 210, 263-275 (2017).
7 Odetola C., Easton E. B., Trevani L. Investigation of TiO2/carbon electrocatalyst supports prepared using glucose as a modifier. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 41, 8199-8208 (2016).
8 Samiee F., Pedron F. N., Estrin D. A., Trevani, L. Experimental and Theoretical Study of the High-Temperature UV–Visible Spectra of Aqueous Hydroquinone and 1, 4-Benzoquinone. J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 10547-10552 (2016).
9 Odetola C., Trevani L., Easton E. B. Enhanced activity and stability of Pt/TiO2/carbon fuel cell electrocatalyst prepared using a glucose modifier. J. Power Sources 294, 254-263 (2015).
10 Quinlan S., Chvedov D., Trevani L.., Tremaine, P. R. Thermodynamics of the sodium-iron-phosphate-water system under hydrothermal conditions. J. Solution Chem. 44, 1121-1140, (2015).
11 Ferrandon M., Daggupati V., Wang Z., Naterer G., Trevani L. Using XANES to obtain mechanistic information for the hydrolysis of CuCl2 and the decomposition of Cu2OCl2 in the thermochemical Cu-Cl cycle for H2 production. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 119, 975-982 (2015).
12 Gupta S., Saltanov E., Mokry S. J., Pioro I., Trevani L., McGillivray D. Developing empirical heat-transfer correlations for supercritical CO2 flowing in vertical bare tubes. Nucl. Eng. Des. 261, 116-131 (2013).
13 Nixon A., Ferrandon M., Kaye M. H., Trevani L. Thermochemical production of hydrogen: Synthesis, characterization, and decomposition of copper oxychloride. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 110, 1095-1105 (2012).
14 Balodis E., Madekufamba M., Trevani L. N., Tremaine, P. R. Ionization constants and thermal stabilities of uracil and adenine under hydrothermal conditions as measured by in situ UV–visible spectroscopy. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 93, 182-204 (2012).
15 Naterer G. F. et al. Clean hydrogen production with the Cu-Cl cycle - Progress of international consortium, I: Experimental unit operations. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36, 15486-15501 (2011).
16 Naterer G. F. et al. Clean hydrogen production with the Cu-Cl cycle - Progress of international consortium, II: Simulations, thermochemical data and materials. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36, 15472-15485 (2011).
17 Naterer G. F. et al. Canada's program on nuclear hydrogen production and the thermochemical Cu-Cl cycle. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 35, 10905-10926 (2010).
18 Trevani L., Ehlerova J., Sedlbauer J., Tremaine P. R. Complexation in the Cu(II)-LiCl-H2O system at temperatures to 423 K by UV-Visible spectroscopy. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 35, 4893-4900 (2010).
19 Bylina I., Trevani L., Mojumdar S., Tremaine P., Papangelakis V., Measurement of reaction enthalpy during pressure oxidation of sulphide minerals. I Bylina, L Trevani, S Mojumdar, P Tremaine, V Papangelakis, J. Therm. Anal. and Calorim. 96 (1), 117-124 (2009).
20 Woolston G.E., Trevani L.N., Tremaine P.R., Apparent Molar volumes and Standard Partial Molar Volumes of Aqueous Sodium Phosphate Salts at Elevated Temperatures, J. Chem. & Eng.Data 53(8), 1728-1737 (2008)
21 Balodis E., Trevani L.N., Tremaine P.R., Ionization constants and thermal decomposition kinetics of uracil and adenine under hydrothermal conditions by UV-visible spectroscopy. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 72(12), A50 (2008)
22 Ehlerova J., Trevani L., Tremaine P.R., Spectrophotometric determination of the ionization constants of aqueous nitrophenols at temperatures up to 225 oC. J. Solution Chem. 37 (6), 857-874 (2008)
23 Trevani L.N., Balodis E.C., Tremaine P.R., Apparent partial molar volumes of NaCl, NaOH, and HCl in water and heavy water at T=523K and 573 K at p =14 MPa. J. Phys. Chem. B 111 (8), 2015-2024 (2007).
24 Madekufamba M., Trevani L.N., Tremaine P.R., Standard enthalpy of formation of aqueous titanyl chloride, TiOCl2, at T=298.15K. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 38 (12), 1563-1567 (2006).
25 Bulemela E., Trevani L., Tremaine P.R., Ionization Constants of Aqueous Glycolic Acid at Temperatures up to 250∘C Using Hydrothermal pH Indicators and UV-Visible Spectroscopy. E Bulemela, L Trevani, PR Tremaine, J.Solution Chem. 34 (7), 769-788 (2005).
26 Clarke R.G.F, Collins C.M., Roberts J.C., Trevani L.N., Bartholomew R.J., Ionization constants of aqueous amino acids at temperatures up to 250 C using hydrothermal pH indicators and UV-visible spectroscopy: glycine, α-alanine, and proline, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 69 (12), 3029-3043 (2005).
27 Xie W., Trevani L., Tremaine P.R., Apparent and standard partial molar heat capacities and volumes of aqueous tartaric acid and its sodium salts at elevated temperature and pressure, J. Chem. Thermodyn. 36 (2), 127-140 (2004).
28 Trevani L.N., Roberts J.C., Tremaine P.R., Copper (II)–ammonia complexation equilibria in aqueous solutions at temperatures from 30 to 250° C by visible spectroscopy, J. Solution Chem. 30 (7), 585-622 (2001)
29 Moorcroft M.J., Lawrence N.S., Coles B.A., Compton R.G., Trevani L.N., High temperature electrochemical studies using a channel flow cell heated by radiofrequency radiation, J. Electroanal. Chem. 506 (1), 28-33 (2001)
30 Stodola J., Binette V., Tremaine P., Trevani L., Volatility of copper corrosion products in a power generation cycle, Power Plant Chemistry. Vol. 2(1), 9 -13 (2000).
31 Trevani L.N., Calvo E., Corti H.R., Diffusion coefficients of iodide in high temperature aqueous solutions, Electrochem. Commun. 2 (5), 312-316 (2000).
32 Trevani L.N., Calvo E., Corti H.R., High-temperature wall-tube cell Design, characterization and results of mass transport phenomena, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 93 (24), 4319-4326 (1997).
33 Corti H.R., Laria D., Trevani L.N., Ionic association in asymmetric electrolytes, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 92 (1), 91-96 (1996).1. Transport properties in high temperature and pressure ionic solutions. Corti H.R., Trevani L.N., Anderko A., Editor(s): Palmer D.A., Fernandez-Prini R., Harvey A.; Aqueous Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures (2004), 321-375.
2. Electroanalytical techniques at high temperature and pressure. Corti H.R., Trevani L.N., Editor(s): Fernandez H., Zon M. A.; Recent Developments and Applications of Electroanalytical Chemistry (2002), 77-94.
Sodium phosphate hideout mechanisms: Data and models for the solubility and redox behaviour of iron (II) and iron (III) sodium-phosphate hideout reaction products. Tremaine P.R., Shrvedov D. Trevani L. and Xiao C. (1999) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA, Technical Report TR-112137 (Project WO 2712-18).
Research Associate
Chemistry Department, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (2002 to 2008)
Assistant Professor
Ontario Tech University, Ontario, Canada (2009 to 2015)
Associate Professor
Ontario Tech University, Ontario, Canada (2015 to present)
Akiyama Medal, Society of Mechanical Engineers, Best Paper Competition
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 20) July 30, 2012Anaheim, California, USA
Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC)
Electrochemical Society
Electrochemical Society (Canadian Section)
Undergraduate courses taught at Ontario Tech University
CHEM 1800U Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 2040U Thermodynamics and Kinetics
CHEM 3040U Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry
CHEM 3530U Instrumental Analytical Chemistry I
CHEM 4042U Advanced Topics in Chemistry (Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology)
CHEM 4010U Industrial Chemistry
CHEM 4410U Chemistry Thesis Project I
CHEM 4420U Chemistry Thesis Project II
Graduate courses taught at Ontario Tech University
MTSC 6140 Experimental Techniques in Materials Characterization. Materials Science Program (2013 and 2014)