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Brian Ikeda

Associate professor

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Dr. Ikeda's research focuses on corrosion of materials, long term performance and radioactive waste management. His research includes corrosion of materials in molten fluoride salts, corrosion of nuclear waste container materials, localized corrosion of metals at elevated temperatures, stress-assisted corrosion cracking of metals and long-term performance assessment of materials.

  • PhD - Physical Chemistry University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
  • Master of Science in Chemistry University of Guelph, Ontario
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) University of Manitoba
  • J.J. Noël, D.W. Shoesmith and B.M. Ikeda. Crevice Corrosion of Alpha Titanium Alloys, Proceedings of the Research Topical Symposia, NACE Corrosion/2001, Houston, Texas, March 1116, 2001, G.S. Frankel, (ed)., NACE International, Houston, TX, (2001), pp. 65-102;
  • B.M. Ikeda , C.D. Litke and F. King, Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pure Coppers in Nitrite/Chloride Mixtures, Extended Abstract presented at NACE International, 2001 Corrosion, Houston, Texas, March 2001;
  • B.M. Ikeda and C.D. Litke.  2003.  “Experimental Stress Corrosion Cracking Studies of Copper under possible Repository Conditions”, in Proceedings of the Northern Area Eastern Conference, Ottawa, ON, 2003, September.
  • B.M. Ikeda and C.D. Litke. 2004. Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pure Copper in Ammonia-chloride Solutions. 87th Canadian Chemistry Conference, May 2004, London, Ontario.
  • Ikeda, Brian M., Cindy D. Litke, and Gloria Kwong.  2011.  “Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pure Copper Under Possible Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Conditions”, in ECS Transactions - Las Vegas, NV", "Corrosion Issues in Nuclear Waste Storage: A Symposium in Honor of the 65th Birthday of David Shoesmith", Electrochemical Society, Pennington, PA.  Volume 33(25), 25‑34, 2011.
  • B.M. Ikeda.  Teaching Radioactive Waste Management in an Undergraduate Engineering Program”.  IN Proceedings of WM2013 Conference, paper 13269, February 24 – 28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  • K. S-H. Seto and B.M. Ikeda. 2013.  “Model passivated carbon electrodes for fluorine generation in MSR and Nuclear Fuel Cycle”.   IN Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE21.  paper ICONE21-16642  July 29—August 2, 2013. Chengdu, China.
  • K. Nicholson, J. Mcdonald, S. Draper, B.M. Ikeda, and I. Pioro.  2013  Centralization of Canada’s Spent Nuclear Fuel”, IN Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE21  Paper ICONE21-16511.  July 29—August 2, 2013. Chengdu, China.
  • K.S-H. Seto and B.M. Ikeda.  2013  “Model passivated carbon electrodes for fluorine generation in molten KF-2HF electrolyte”.  “Corrosion in Nuclear Energy Systems: From Cradle to Grave”  IN 223rd Electrochemical Society Meeting, May 12-16, 2013.  Toronto, Canada.
  • D.W. Shoesmith, B.M. Ikeda and F. King, Modelling Procedures for Predicting the Lifetimes of Nuclear Waste Containers, in Modelling Aqueous Corrosion, K.R. Trethewey and P.R. Roberge (Eds), NATO ASI Series, Kluwer, Boston, pp. 201-239, 1994.
  • F. King, B.M. Ikeda and D.W. Shoesmith, Nuclear Waste: Can We Contain It?,, Chemtech. 22(4), 1992;
  • C.F. Clarke, D. Hardie and B.M. Ikeda, Hydrogen-induced Cracking of Commercial Purity Titanium, Corrosion Science, 39(9), 1545-1599, 1997; and
  • D.A. Shoesmith, J.J. Noel, D. Hardie and B.M. Ikeda. 2000. Hydrogen Absorption and the Lifetime Performance of Titanium Nuclear Waste Containers. Corrosion Reviews, 18(4-5), 331-359, 2000.
  • B.M. Ikeda ,J.J. Noël, and D.W. Shoesmith, Crevice Corrosion and the Lifetime Performance of Titanium Nuclear Fuel Waste Container, AECL-11823, COG-97-061-I,1997;
  • McMurry, J., B.M. Ikeda, M.J.Quinn, S. Stroes-Gascoyne, C.J. Hamon and P. Vilks. 2001. Metallic Copper and Iron Artifacts in a Corrosive Depositional Environment: the Colony of Avalon Archaeological Analogue in Ferryland, Newfoundland.  Ontario Power Generation Report 06819-REP-01200-10070-R00;
  • B.M. Ikeda and C.D. Litke. 2001. The Measurement of Corrosion Parameters on Oxygen-free Phosphorous-doped Copper in Nitrite Solution. Ontario Power Generation Report, 06819-REP-01300-10033-R00;
  • J. McMurry, B.M. Ikeda, S. Stroes-Gascoyne, and D.A. Dixon. 2004. Evolution of a Canadian Deep Geological Repository: Defective Container Scenario. Ontario Power Generation Waste Management Division Report 06819-REP-01200-10127-R00.
  • C.D. Litke and B.M. Ikeda.  2008.  "The Stress Corrosion Cracking Behaviour of Copper in Acetate Solutions".  Nuclear Waste Management Company report NWMO TR 2008 21
  • B.M. Ikeda and C.D. Litke.  2008.  "The Effect of High Chloride Concentration on Stress Corrosion Cracking Behaviour of Copper".  Nuclear Waste Management Company report NWMO TR 2008 12. 
  • Litke, C.D. and B.M. Ikeda.  "Status Report on the Stress Corrosion Cracking Behaviour of OFP Copper in Nitrite and Ammonia Solutions".  Nuclear Waste Management Company report NWMO TR 2011 06.  February 2011

American Society of Materials (ASM)

Cameco Research Chair in Nuclear Fuels

Canadian Nuclear Society

National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)

Radiation Effects on Material Properties

  • Corrosion for Engineers (NUCL 4610U)
    A study of types, causes, costs, measurement and prevention of corrosion. Topics include: effects of material choices and the environment; types of corrosion discussed: general or uniform, galvanic, crevice, pitting, intergranular, selective leaching, stress-corrosion, erosion-corrosion, hydrogen effects; corrosion testing; selection of materials; aqueous corrosion; high temperature corrosion; corrosion in nuclear and fossil plants and other industrial environments; electrochemical principles; thermodynamics; electrode kinetics; aqueous corrosion kinetics; practical applications.
  • Radioactive Waste Management (NUCL 4620U)
    Nature of radioactive waste; origin of low, intermediate and high activity waste; characteristics, forms and quantity of radioactive waste; production of radioactive waste at each stage of the nuclear cycle: mining, fuel fabrication, reactor operation and maintenance, spent fuel, reactor structural components; medical and industrial waste; handling, transporting, storing and disposing technologies for each type of waste; on-site and off-site storage; spent fuel reprocessing and disposal methods; radioactive waste management plans and practices in various countries; public concerns and perception of radioactive waste management.
  • Radioactive Waste Management Design (NUCL 4625U)
    Students will study: nature of radioactive waste; origin of low, intermediate and high activity waste; characteristics, forms and quantity of radioactive waste; production of radioactive waste at each stage of the nuclear cycle: mining, fuel fabrication, reactor operation and maintenance, spent fuel, reactor structural components; medical and industrial waste; handling, transporting, storing and disposing technologies for each type of waste; on-site and off-site storage; spent fuel reprocessing and disposal methods; radioactive waste management plans and practices in various countries; public concerns and perception of radioactive waste management. Two field trips will be arranged.