Jing Ren
Associate Professor
Electrical, Computer and Software EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Developing novel image registration methods for treatment planning to improve surgical outcomes
English, Chinese
905.721.8668 ext. 2865
- PhD - Electrical Engineering University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario 2005
- MSc - Electrical Engineering University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario 2003
- BSc - Electrical Engineering Shandong University, China 1993
Accurate Seed Points Classification Using Invariant Moments & Neural Network
May 3, 2015The 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE)
Adaptive Deformable Image Registration of Inhomogeneous Tissues
Orlando, Florida February 21, 2015SPIE Medical Imaging
Segmentation of the Liver from Abdominal MR Images: a Level-Set Approach
Orlando, Florida February 21, 2015SPIE Medical Imagining
Automatic Surface Reconstruction for Endoscopy-MR Image Fusion in Image Guided Procedures
Regina, Saskatchewan May 5, 201326th Annual IEEE CCECE
Dynamics Analysis of Car-Trailer Systems with Active Trailer Differential Braking Strategies
Published in SAE International April 1, 2014Tao Sun, Yuping He & Jing Ren
To date, various control strategies based on linear vehicle models have been researched and developed for improving the lateral stability of car-trailer (CT) systems. Is a linear-model-based controller applicable to active safety systems for CT systems under emergency operating conditions, such as an evasive maneuver at high lateral accelerations? In order to answer the question, the applicability of an active trailer differential braking (ATDB) controller designed using a linear CT model is tested and evaluated, while the controller is applied to a CT system represented by a linear and a nonlinear CT model.
3D Surface Reconstruction of Stereo Endoscopic Images for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Published in Biomedical Engineering Letters October 9, 2013Xishi Huang, Anwar Abdalbari & Jing Ren
Surface to surface registration of MR and endoscopic images is the key to MR and endoscopic image fusion, which will provide the surgeon with the better 3D context of the surgical site in minimally invasive procedures. However, accurate reconstruction of a 3D surface from stereo endoscopic images is still a challenging task especially for the surgical site with few features. In this paper, we propose a new method to reconstruct a 3D surface from stereo endoscopic images.
View more - 3D Surface Reconstruction of Stereo Endoscopic Images for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Endoscopy-MR Image Fusion for Image Guided Procedures
Published in International Journal of Biomedical Imaging May 1, 2013Xishi Huang, Anwar Abdalbari & Jing Ren
In this paper, we propose a rapid and accurate method to align intraoperative stereo endoscopic images of the surgical site with preoperative Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. Gridline light pattern is projected on the surgical site to facilitate the registration. The purpose of this surface-based registration is to provide a 3D context of the surgical site to the endoscopic view. We have validated the proposed method on a liver phantom and achieved the surface registration error of 0.76 ± 0.11 mm.
View more - Endoscopy-MR Image Fusion for Image Guided Procedures
A Comparative Study of Car-Trailer Dynamics Models
Published in SAE International April 8, 2013Yuping He & Jing Ren
The paper examines typical vehicle dynamics models used for the design of car-trailer active safety systems, including active trailer braking and steering. A linear 3 degree-of-freedom (DOF), a nonlinear 4 DOF and a nonlinear 6 DOF car-trailer model are generated. Then, these models are compared with a car-trailer model developed with the commercial software package, CarSim.
View more - A Comparative Study of Car-Trailer Dynamics Models
Lateral Stability Improvement of Car-Trailer Systems Using Active Trailer Braking Control
Published in Journal of Mechanics Engineering and AutomationJing Ren
An active trailer braking controller to improve the lateral stability of car-trailer systems is presented. The special and complex structures of these types of vehicles exhibit unique unstable motion behaviour, such as the trailer swing, jack-knifing and rollover. These unstable motion modes may lead to fatal accidents. The effects of passive mechanical parameters on the stability of car-trailer systems have been thoroughly investigated. Some of the passive parameters, such as the center of gravity of the trailer, maybe drastically varied during various operating conditions.
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) University Faculty Award
January 1, 2006Awarded $200,000 between 2006 and 2011 to conduct groundbreaking research to improve image registration for minimally invasive procedures.
Vessel-Based Multi-Modality Deformable Image Processing
NSERC Discovery Grant September 1, 2015The long-term goal of this research is to design and develop a real-time, non-rigid, vessel-based treatment planning framework with minimum or no user interaction for soft moving organs such as the liver, the lungs and the kidneys. Over the next five years, Dr. Ren will develop fast deformable registration methods for minimally invasive therapeutic procedures; establish fast and accurate vessel segmentation techniques; investigate automatic fault detection and correction in image registration; and create ground truth datasets for evaluation. ($110,000)
Dynamic 3D Haptic Virtual Fixtures for Minimally Invasive Beating Heart Surgery
NSERC Discovery Grant January 1, 2006During this six year research project, Dr. Ren developed innovative segmentation techniques and extracted point features from stereo endoscopic images for 3D surface construction of the heart.
Professional Engineers Ontario
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Introduction to Engineering (ENGR 1015U)
An introduction to engineering, the profession and core skills of engineers. Topics include: history of engineering; fields in engineering; how systems work; an overview of computer systems; information technology trends and state-of-the-art applications (scientific computing, communications and signal processing); role of engineers in society; core engineering skills including freehand sketching, basic engineering graphics and drafting techniques, engineering report writing and introduction to MAT programming; occupational health and safety, and safety standards. - Introduction to Programming for Engineering (ENGR 1200U)
Introduction to the anatomy of a computer: CPU, memory, machine cycle, input and output devices, data representation; fundamental programming concepts: flowcharting, algorithm design, use of procedures, program control flow, arrays and vectors, arithmetic and logic operations, input and output, data declaration; programming in C++. - Circuit Design (ELEE 3330U)
The focus of this course is on electric and electronic circuit design. Frequency response, transfer function, feedback, oscillation and stability; lowpass, high-pass, and band-pass filters, quality factor and Bode plots; passive and active filters; circuit analysis and network synthesis; power electronic circuits: amplifiers and switches. - Introduction Control Systems (ELEE 3100U)
Mathematical models of systems: differential equations and linear approximations of physical systems; open- and closed-loop control systems: parameter variations, steady-state error, sensitivity analysis; performance of feedback control systems: time-domain performance specifications, transient response, and steady state error; stability analysis: Nyquist and Routh-Hurwitz criterion; frequency response methods; stability in the frequency domain; time domain analysis of control systems. - Capstone Design Project
4th Year, Undergraduate Course - Intelligent Control Systems (ENGR 5940G)
With the advance of increasingly faster computing hardware and cheaper memory chips, computational intelligence, also known as a part of soft computation, is becoming more and more important in control engineering. This course will equip students with the essential knowledge and useful resources to solve some of the systems control problems not easily solved using conventional control methods. This course will cover fundamentals of fuzzy set theory, structures of fuzzy logic controllers, structures of neural networks, learning algorithms and genetic algorithms.