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Matthew Kaye

Associate Professor

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Dr. Kaye’s research focus includes applied thermodynamics, nuclear materials, high-temperature materials chemistry, aqueous chemistry, physical metallurgy, and welding issues.

  • PhD in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario 2001
  • Master of Science in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario 1996
  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Metallurgy and Materials Science Engineering University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario 1991
  • Teaching problem-solving skills to nuclear engineering students, E. Waller and M.H. Kaye, European Journal of Engineering Education, Published online 18 June 2012.
  • Computation of Pourbaix Diagrams at Elevated Temperature, M.H. Kaye and W.T. Thompson, Chapter 9 of Uhlig Corrosion Handbook, 3rd edition, R.W. Revie, Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken NJ 2011, 111-122.
  • Progress in Chemistry Modelling for Vapour and Aerosol Transport Analyses, M.H. Kaye, M.P. Kissane, and P.K. Mason, International Journal of Materials Research, December 2010, 1571 – 1578.
  • CANDU Fuel Nuclear Model, W.T. Thompson, B.J. Lewis, E.C. Corcoran, M.H. Kaye, S.J. White, F. Akbari, J.D. Higgs, D.M. Thompson, T.M. Besmann, and S. Vogel, International Journal of Materials Research, September 2007;
  • Fe Solubility in the Zn-Rich Corner of the Al-Fe-Zn System for Use in Continuous Galvanizing and Galvannealing,  J.R. McDermid, M.H. Kaye, and W.T. Thompson, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B , 38B April 2007, 215-230;
  • Thermodynamic Treatment of the Noble Metal Fission Product System, M.H. Kaye, W.T. Thompson, and B.J. Lewis, Journal of Nuclear Materials , 366 2007, 8-27;.
  • Phase Equilibrium in Metallic Systems, M.H. Kaye, K.M. Jaansalu, W.T. Thompson, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 42 October 2003, 393-410.And published by IUPAC as: Chapter 10 Condensed Phases of Inorganic Materials: Metallic Systems in Measurement of the Properties of Multiple Phases - Experimental Thermodynamics Volume VII, 2005, 275-305;
  • A Thermodynamic Model for Noble Metal Alloy Inclusions in Nuclear Fuel Rods and Application to the Study of Loss-of-Coolant Accidents, M.H. Kaye, 2001;
  • Thermodynamics of Aqueous Corrosion: Pourbaix Diagrams for Multi-element Systems, W.T. Thompson, M.H. Kaye, C.W. Bale, and A.D. Pelton, Uhlig Corrosion Handbook, 2nd edition, R.W. Revie, Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 2000, 125-136;
  • Low-Volatile Fission-Product Release and Fuel Volatilization During Severe Reactor Accident Conditions, B.J. Lewis, B.J. Corse, W.T. Thompson, M.H. Kaye, F.C. Iglesias, P. Elder, R. Dickson, and Z Liu, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 252 1998, 235-256; and
  • Toward a Comprehensive Thermodynamic Treatment of Noble Metal Inclusions, M.H. Kaye, W.T. Thompson, and B.J. Lewis, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Washington D.C., November 1998, 123-125.