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Bernadette Murphy


Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr. Murphy's research is focused on how altering afferent input from the spine and limbs affects sensorimotor integration and motor control

The role of spinal manipulation in modulating neuroplasticity

Aalborg, Denmark June 24, 2014

Special Symposium SS2.2: The potential role of spinal manipulation in neurorehabilitation; International Conference on Neurorehabilitation

I just hit my elbow and bit my tongue so something is not right with my neck-understanding how neck problems can lead to disordered sensorimotor integration

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College April 4, 2014

Visiting scholar presentation

Neurophysiological Effects of Spinal Manipulation

Memorial University, Newfoundland July 1, 2013

Invited talk to School of Human Kinetics and Recreation

Train your brain-The role of exercise in promoting hippocampal activation and improving memory in people with depression

Durham Region May 5, 2012

Durham Region Mental Health Hope, Health and Humour Symposium

Approaches to measuring altered neural processing

Toronto, Ontario September 23, 2011

Presented at CIHR/CCRF Research Symposium, A transdisciplinary approach to neuromusculoskeletal health, injury and disease: collaborative engagement in chiropractic research

The strain is in the brain: the role of chiropractic in modulating central neural plasticity

CMCC January 1, 2011

Presented to CMCC student research symposia

Queen's University Alumni