Nick Wattie
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Health SciencesNick Wattie's research focuses on breaking down psychosocial and environmental barriers to athlete development and high-performance sport
905.721.8668 ext. 2248
Areas of expertise
- Athlete development
- Constraints on sport expertise
- Epidemiology
- Positive youth development
- Psychosocial and environmental constraints on sport participation and sport expertise
- Psychosocial and physical health outcomes associated with sport participation
- Skill acquisition and motor development
- Sports psychology
Exploring Intercity Variability in the Development of National Hockey League players from Ontario and Québec
Montréal, Québec June 15, 2016The North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) 2016 Conference
A Systematic Review of 25 Years of Research in Talent Selection: Preliminary Results
Montréal, Québec June 15, 2016NASPSPA 2016 Conference
The Interaction of Between Year- and Within Year-Effects in Youth Soccer
Montréal, Québec June 15, 2016NASPSPA 2016 Conference
Ultimate Costs of Expertise: A Review of Mortality in Elite Athletes
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario March 11, 2016Eastern Canada Sport & Exercise Psychology Symposium
Development in Para-athletes; What do we Know?
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario March 11, 2016Eastern Canada Sport & Exercise Psychology Symposium
Understanding the Origins of Canadian Olympic Performance: Geographic Constraints on the Acquisition of Sport Expertise
Edmonton, Alberta October 17, 2015Understanding the Acquisition and Maintenance of Sporting Expertise: Current Perspectives Symposium at the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) Annual Conference
Development of Expertise in Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Players
Edmonton, Alberta October 17, 2015Understanding the Acquisition and Maintenance of Sporting Expertise: Current Perspectives Symposium at the SCAPPS Annual Conference
A Between-Province Investigation of the Birthplace Effect Among Elite Canadian Ice Hockey Players, Symposium
Bern, Switzerland July 14, 201514th European Congress of Sport Psychology
Relative Age Effects in Elite German Youth Basketball, Symposium
Bern, Switzerland July 14, 201514th European Congress of Sport Psychology
Transferability Between Virtual and Real Darts: A Training Study on Throwing Performance and Quiet-Eye Behaviour with Novices, Poster Presentation
Bern, Switzerland July 14, 201514th European Congress of Sport Psychology
Searching for Common Ground in an Uneven Playing Field: Exploring Participation Biases in High Performance Sport
Toronto, Ontario April 16, 2015Pan American Sport and Exercise Research Summit