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Leigh Harkins


Graduate Program Director

Forensic Psychology
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Dr. Harkins is a sexual violence expert who develops methods to enhance rehabilitation outcomes for offenders, and create safer communities.

  • PhD - Forensic Psychology University of Birmingham, UK 2008
  • MA - Counselling Psychology for Psychology Specialists Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario 2004
  • Honours BSc - Psychology (Specialist), Forensic Science (Major), Biology (Minor) (With Distinction) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario 2000

An Examination of the Relationship Between Good Lives Model Goods and Antisocial Behaviours

Atlanta, Georgia March 10, 2016

Annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society

Treatment Responsivity of Victim Age Polymorphic Sex Offenders

Atlanta, Georgia March 10, 2016

Annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society

Annual Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

San Diego, California October 29, 2014

Annual Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

The Relationship Between Rape Supportive Cognitions and a Proclivity Towards Multiple Perpetrator Sex Offending

Montréal, Québec October 14, 2015

Annual Conference for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

Poster Presentation: Peer Influence on Perceptions of Sexual Coercion

Toronto, Ontario August 9, 2015

Annual Meeting of International Association of Sex Research

Examining the Relationships Between Life Priorities and Offending

Toronto, Ontario August 6, 2015

Annual Conference for the American Psychological Association

Examining the Role of Faith Community Groups with Sex Offenders: A Systematic Review

Published in Aggression and Violent Behavior Volume 25, Part A, Pages 142-149 November 1, 2015
Stephanie Kewley, Anthony R. Beech & Leigh Harkins

The aim of this paper is to examine the role of faith-based communities and activities in helping those convicted of sexual offending to desist from crime and reintegrate back into their communities. It was found that much of the current research is limited to non-offending juvenile populations. Where research has been carried out on adult offenders, these tend to be custodial cases and exclude those convicted of sexual offending. The role of religious and spiritual groups in helping people convicted of sexual offending to desist from crime, while reintegrating into the community is, therefore, unknown.

View more - Examining the Role of Faith Community Groups with Sex Offenders: A Systematic Review

Multiple Perpetrator Rape: A Critical Review of Existing Explanatory Theories

Published in Aggression and Violent Behavior Volume 25, Part A, Pages 150-158 November 1, 2015
Teresa da Silva, Jessica Woodhams & LeighHarkinsb

This article critically examines this theory and the factors and processes that are suggested as contributing to multiple perpetrator rape (i.e., individual, socio-cultural and situational factors including the interactions between them). Some evidence is found to support this model although further research is needed to fully test it.

View more - Multiple Perpetrator Rape: A Critical Review of Existing Explanatory Theories

Effective Risk Management Planning for Those Convicted of Sexual Offending

Published in Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research December 1, 2015
Stephanie Kewley, Anthony Beech, Leigh Harkins & Helen Bonsall

The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which risk is addressed in the risk management planning process of those convicted of sexual offending.

View more - Effective Risk Management Planning for Those Convicted of Sexual Offending

The Role of Moral Disengagement in Street Gang Offending

Published in Psychology, Crime, and Law Volume 21, Issue 6 February 13, 2015
Rebecca Niebieszczanski, Leigh Harkin, Sian Judson, Kenny Smith & Louise Dixon

Previous research indicates a strong association between gang membership and increased offending behaviour. Several risk factors for gang membership have been identified and incorporated into integrated and developmental theories of gang membership. Despite this, little is known about the psychological processes that underpin gang membership and enhance the rate of offending within this context. Even less is known of the differences in such psychological processes between gang offenders and those who offend in other contexts. The current study builds on previous research by exploring the role of moral disengagement as one potential process in a prison sample of 269 offenders.

View more - The Role of Moral Disengagement in Street Gang Offending

The Development of a New Risk Model: The Threat Matrix

Published in Legal and Criminological Psychology Volume 20, Issue 1 February 1, 2015
Emma Jones, Leigh Harkins, Anthony R. Beech

The risk assessment of sex offenders has evolved rapidly over a 20-year period. However, there is still disparity between empirically evaluated approaches and the needs within the applied context. This article discusses the division between the current needs in the applied setting of sex offender risk assessment, and the existing approaches to risk assessment. It highlights key needs that ought to be responded to, to continue the evolution of sex offender risk assessment (i.e., increased automation of processes, additional emphasis on early identification and prevention, and the targeting of resources towards risk). A new risk assessment model termed the Threat Matrix is introduced as a proposed response to these needs.

View more - The Development of a New Risk Model: The Threat Matrix

Relationships Between Denial, Risk, and Recidivism in Sexual Offenders

Published in Archives of Sexual Behaviour Volume 44, Issue 1, pp 157–166 January 1, 2015
Leigh Harkins, Philip Howard, Georgia Barnett, Helen Wakeling & Cerys Miles

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between denial, static risk, and sexual recidivism for offenders with different types of current sexual offense. Denial was defined as failure to accept responsibility for the current offense and was assessed using the Offender Assessment System.

View more - Relationships Between Denial, Risk, and Recidivism in Sexual Offenders

Assessing the Validity of the Self Report Psychopathy Scale in a UK Offender Population

Published in Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology December 1, 2014
Jenny Tew, Leigh Harkins & Louise Dixon

This study assessed the reliability and validity of the Hare Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Hare SRP) and the short form of the measure in a UK prison sample, using the Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) as a reference measure.

View more - Assessing the Validity of the Self Report Psychopathy Scale in a UK Offender Population

Heterogeneity Within Multiple Perpetrator Rapes: A National Comparison of Lone, Duo, and 3+ Perpetrator Rapes

Published in exual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment November 10, 2014
Teresa da Silva, Jessica Woodhams & Leigh Harkins

The effect of number of perpetrators involved in multiple perpetrator rapes on offense characteristics is underresearched despite beliefs that duos/dyads differ in their interactions and dynamics to groups of 3+ members. We analyzed a national sample of 336 allegations of completed and attempted rape of female victims from the United Kingdom. Rapes committed by multiple (duos and groups of 3+ perpetrators) and lone offenders were compared on offense characteristics (incorporating the approach, maintenance, and closure phases of each rape) and victim and offender sociodemographic characteristics.

View more - Heterogeneity Within Multiple Perpetrator Rapes: A National Comparison of Lone, Duo, and 3+ Perpetrator Rapes

Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Prevalence, Process, and Offender Characteristics

Published in Trauma Violence & Abuse March 1, 2014
Juliane Kloess, Anthony Beech & Leigh Harkins

This review provides an overview of current knowledge and understanding of the process of sexual grooming and exploitation of children via the Internet. Specifically, the prevalence of online sexual grooming and exploitation is explored as well as associated challenges relating to the identification of its occurrence. This is complemented by a detailed outline and discussion of the process, both online and in the physical world, and legal responses to this phenomenon. A number of factors are examined to provide an explanation of the facilitating and contributing role they may play in offense processes online. Finally, current typologies are discussed in relation to characteristics of Internet offenders in general and "groomers"/chat room offenders specifically. This review concludes by offering suggestions for future research.

View more - Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Prevalence, Process, and Offender Characteristics

Editorial Board

Journal of Sexual Aggression January 1, 2010

The Journal of Sexual Aggression is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles about research findings and the development of theory, policy, and practice regarding sexual aggression in all its forms. The scope of the journal extends to the expression of sexual aggression across childhood and adulthood, with regard to abusers, victims, and survivors, irrespective of gender, culture, and sexual preference.

Investigation of Sex Offender’s Socio-affective Deficits Using Novel Assessment Approaches

UOIT Office of Research Services and SSHRC Small Research Grant July 1, 2015

This collaborative research project examines whether those with deviant sexual interests process emotional information differently than those without such interests.

Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

  • Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 2030U)
    This course offers an introduction to understanding, assessing, and treating mental illness from a psychological perspective. Course material will focus on various categories of abnormal behaviour, including personality, anxiety, and mood disorders; schizophrenia; and substance related disorders. Implications for mental health and the law may also be considered.
  • Treatment in Forensic Settings (PSYC 3055U)
    Psychologists provide psychological treatment in forensic settings. They work with populations such as youth and adults with substance abuse and dependence histories, youth and adult offenders, sex offenders, death-row inmates, children of divorcing parents, and victims of a wide variety of crimes, including intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, and survivors of heinous crimes. This course provides students with knowledge of the wide variety of psychological services in these contexts, including the mechanics of treatment, treatment outcomes, and research on forensic psychological treatment.
  • Special Topics in Forensic Psychology II ( Sex Offenders) (PSYC 4999U)
    This course will not always be offered and the topic of the course will change. When it is offered, this course will focus on an area of Forensic Psychology not currently covered by the other Forensic Psychology electives or Special Topics courses. When offered, this course will display a subtitle so that students know the general area that the course will cover. Special Topics in Forensic Psychology I is completely independent from this course and students are encouraged to enrol in Special Topics in Forensic Psychology II whether they have taken Special Topics in Forensic Psychology I or not. This course may emphasize oral presentations, class participation, and other weekly in-class assessments.
  • Psychotherapy (PSYC 5160G)
    This course provides students with introduction to psychotherapy. Through a survey of major psychotherapeutic approaches, principles and research findings across a variety of fields within psychology, students will gain a better understanding of the various ways in which problematic human thoughts and behaviour can be addressed. Typical topics include: cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive analytic therapy, psychodynamic therapy, person-centered therapy, and dialectical therapy.