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Tyler Frederick.

Tyler Frederick

Associate Professor

Undergraduate Program Director

Criminology and Justice
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Dr. Frederick’s Current and future research areas include the transition away from homelessness for youth, the measurement and conceptualization of housing stability, relationships, family, and supports in the transition away from homelessness, and urban and neighbourhood community development.

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Tyler is available for:
  • Graduate student research supervision
  • Media inquiries
  • Partnerships
905.721.8668 ext. 5881

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  • PhD - Sociology University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario 2012
  • MA - Sociology University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario 2004
  • BA - Sociology University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta 2003
  • Frederick, T. (2023). Strategies for Conceptualizing and Measuring Housing Stability. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH). Halifax, NS. Nov. 8-10, 2023.

  • Frederick, T., Kerman, N., and Therrien, R. Relationships and supports for young people - a national and a longitudinal perspective from Canada. International Journal of Homelessness Conference. Chicago, Ill. March 20-23, 2023.

  • Frederick, T and Therrien, R. Exploring How Relationships Change Over Time. For Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH). Edmonton, AB. Nov. 4-6, 2019.

  • Frederick, T., Kidd, S.A., Vitopoulos, N., and Leon, S. Exploring and conceptualizing subjective stability among young people exiting homelessness. For Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association. Vancouver, B.C. June 3-6, 2019.
  • Frederick, T., Vitopoulos, N., Leon, S., & Kidd, S. (2021). Subjective housing stability in the transition away from homelessness []. Journal of Community Psychology.

  • Frederick, T. J., Vitopoulos, N., Stamatopoulos, V., & Kidd, S. A. (2021). Brief Report: Youth Homelessness, Youthful Caregiving, and Resilience. Children and Youth Services Review, 106177.

  • Frederick, T. Street Culture of Homelessness. (2020) In Jeffery Ross (Ed.). Sage Handbook of Street Culture. New York: Sage.

  • Frederick, Tyler. (2019). Conceptualizing the social and cultural organization of street life among young people experiencing homelessness. Journal of Youth Studies, 1-17. doi:10.1080/13676261.2019.1569214

  • Frederick, Tyler. (2018). ‘A person like me’: identity narratives, dual process theories, and subsistence related decision-making among young people experiencing homelessness. Journal of Youth Studies, 1-18. doi:10.1080/13676261.2018.1563674

  • Frederick, T., O’Connor, C., & Koziarski, J. (2018). Police Interactions with People Perceived to have a Mental Health Problem: A Critical Review of Frames, Terminology, and Definitions. Victims & Offenders, 13(8), 1037-1054. doi:10.1080/15564886.2018.1512024

  • Karabanow, Jeff, Sean A. Kidd, Tyler Frederick, Jean Hughes and Ted Naylor. 2018. Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability.Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

  • Frederick, Tyler J., Lesley A. Tarasoff, Jijian Voronka, Lucy Costa, and Sean A. Kidd. (2018). The Problem with “Community” in the Mental Health Field. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 2017, 36(4): 3-32

Weston Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) January 1, 2014

Dr. Frederick’s post-doctoral fellowship focused on two projects, a longitudinal and mixed method study of the risks and vulnerabilities of 51 young people in two major Canadian cities as they exited homelessness. As an Affiliate Scientist in CAMH’s Complex Mental Illness Research Program, he continues to work collaboratively with CAMH, Covenant House, LOFT Community Services and SKETCH to design and evaluate an intervention to support the post-housing transition.

Assistant Producer

Hope Heights Documentary Film January 1, 2014

Official Selection at the Regent Park Film Festival, Hope Heights received the Gold Award at the International Movie Awards.

Inclusive Spaces Initiative

Documentary Short Film December 1, 2014

This documentary short includes inclusive spaces certificates, and KT presentations at Parkdale Community Centre and Wellesley Institute to share findings of the Community Participation Project and to promote public awareness of the need for spaces that are welcoming for people with serious mental illness including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

  • Principal Investigator (2024-2025). A Community-Based Exploration of Frameworks for a Vibrant and Healthy Downtown Oshawa. Mitacs/Teaching City Oshawa. $30,000

  • Principal Investigator (2021-2022). Evaluation of a micro homes pilot project in Ontario; co-designing best practices for the implementation of housing projects to address chronic homelessness. Mitacs/Region of Durham. $45,000.

  • Principal Investigator (2021-2024). Examining long-term trajectories in the transition away from youth homelessness in four cities across Canada. Making the Shift Inc--Youth Homelessness NCE. $462,644.

  • Principal Investigator (2021-2022). Exploring frameworks and processes for tracking and monitoring service and housing wait times relevant to the prevention and exit from youth homelessness. Making the Shift Inc--Youth Homelessness NCE. $50,000.

  • Co-Investigator. (2021-2026). Examining the Effectiveness of a Critical Time Intervention to Stabilize Trajectories out of Homelessness for Youth. Canadian Institute of Health Research. $925,650.

Canadian Sociological Association

American Sociological Association

The American Society of Criminology

  • CRMN3027U: Delinquency, Deviance, and Youth Crime
  • CRMN4001U: Special Topics in Criminology: Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System
  • CRMN4000U: Advanced Justice Studies: Homelessness and the Criminal Justice System
  • CRMN3850U: Contemporary Theories of Crime
  • SSCI5060G: Advanced Methods in Qualitative Research