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Student Life

Ontario Tech celebrates the diversity of our community which serves to enrich all aspects of university life—academically, socially and culturally.

The Office of Student Life supports this diversity through programming and activities that acknowledge the talents, interests and cultures of our students. Student Life provides specialized support for students living with disabilities, Indigenous students, international students, online students, and mature, transfer and pathways students.

Live session

Ask our team your specific questions about student life. Join the video session below.

Student Life 1:30 to ...

Student Life

1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 

Student Life live presentation video session and Q&A 

We’re excited to say hello to you virtually! Join our session to get in on the conversation—we’ll be here from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.    

A few friendly reminders: 

  • Mute your microphone
  • Be respectful
  • Don't be shy - ask your questions via the chat function
    • Write your name in the chat window and we will call out your name for your question
    • If you prefer to have your question read out by the moderator, type your question in the chat window directly 

 The live session has now ended.

About us
Students in a classroom

About us

About us

The Student Life team is made up of dedicated staff, students and volunteers from:

  • Student Accessibility Services
  • Athletics and Recreation
  • Engagement and Equity
  • Health and Wellness
  • Indigenous Education and Cultural Services
  • Mental Health Services
  • The Career Centre
  • The Student Learning Centre
Students in a classroom



We know you're thinking about becoming a student at Ontario Tech; we can't wait to meet you! Here's what we have to offer:

  • Academic support
    • Strengthen your academic skillset and inspire future academic success. 
  • Accessibility
    • Support to students with disabilities through one-on-one appointments, referrals to campus supports, adaptive technology and academic accommodations to ensure all students have equal opportunities to succeed. 
  • Career readiness
    • A range of one-on-one support, workshops, events, internship and co-op opportunities to guide you in your career exploration and preparation.
  • Community
    • We encourage community engagement through athletics, Indigenous Education and Cultural Services, peer support and more. 
  • Equity and Inclusion
    • We are here to support you. Get involved in our initiatives and programming focused on creating an equitable and inclusive campus community.

  • Health and Wellness
    • We are dedicated to supporting your mental and physical health and offer a multitude of supports and recreation activities on campus. 

Learn more on our Student Services web page

Parents and families
Students in a classroom

Parents and families

Parents and families

We welcome the support system of every student. We hope that you continue to be engaged in your student's success and development. 

Support your student through their:

  • Academics
  • Accessibility needs
  • Career
  • Health and well-being
  • Transition

Learn more about how you can provide support on the Supporting Academics web page.

Frequently asked questions


  • What is Student Life?

    Student Life is a university department that provides out-of-the-classroom support and services for students. It’s the part of your campus community that is devoted to making sure your university journey is rewarding and successful. You’ll find a supportive, professional team that can help you build new connections with your peers, strengthen your academic and leadership skills, improve your health and well-being, and help you prepare for a great career when you graduate. 

    Our services and programs are available online and in-person. For more information visit
  • When should I start preparing for university?
    As soon as you accept your offer of admission to Ontario Tech, you should check your email account to learn about your next steps and plan to attend the MyStart orientation programming, starting in July.
  • How do I find out about services for students with disabilities?

    Student Accessibility Services (SAS) works with students with disabilities to arrange academic accommodations to support them in their studies. This may include assistive technologies, access to course material in alternate formats, or one-on-one support.

    Once you have accepted your offer of admission, get in touch with SAS by emailing to make an appointment and explore next steps.   

  • What if I’m having difficulty keeping up with everything?

    Video answer

    If you're having difficulty keeping up, there are many peer supports and programs that Student Life provides to help with academics, social adjustment to university life, community involvement, career planning and more. 

    Visit to learn more.

  • What mental health services are available?

    There is support for students experiencing academic challenges caused by personal, physical or emotional difficulties through a range of short-term counselling and therapy services using a 'Stepped Care' model to provide service that is appropriate to individual need. There is no charge for these services.

    Visit for more information.
  • Why should I attend Orientation?

    Every student will have a different experience attending Orientation, but across the board, students say it helped them make friends and reduced their nervousness about going into the new situation of university life. You can make your experience unique to you and MyStart is a great foundation!

    Visit for more information.

  • What is my first year going to be like and how will it be different than high school?

    Video answer

    You'll have a lot more flexibility with your time and work, but that means more responsibility.

    You’ll have to keep on top of your own deadlines and work planning, which means you can find the schedule that works for you and balances your academic, social, family and professional life.

  • How do I get involved and meet new people?

    Video answer

    You can meet new people at Orientation, by joining clubs and student groups, writing for the Digital Community, joining health and wellness activities, or by joining a learning community. You’ll be assigned a peer leader who can help you find the involvement opportunity that’s right for you.


Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

  • How do I know if I need academic accommodations?

    If you're unsure about whether or not registration with SAS is necessary, we recommend you contact our office or schedule an initial intake appointment with one of our accessibility and accommodations specialists to discuss your concerns.

    We also suggest that you review our academic accommodations web page to get a sense of what SAS offers. Find out whether or not you're eligible for services and support by reviewing the documentation requirements page.

    There may be other circumstances that have occurred which warrant academic accommodation on a temporary basis. If you experience functional impairments as a result of a temporary condition, such as acquiring a serious virus or infection, breaking your dominant arm or hand, experiencing an acute mental health crisis or get a concussion, contact SAS to determine support and planning.  


  • I need accommodations. How do I get an appointment?
    Visit our incoming students' page for more information about the steps to register with SAS.
  • I am starting in September. When should I book my intake appointment?

    Intake appointments will be available beginning in July.

    To book an intake appointment, email

  • What accommodations will I receive?

    The development of an academic accommodation plan is highly individualized and based on an in-depth understanding of your functional limitations related to your disability.

    Your accommodation plan will be determined after a careful review of the information and recommendations related to functional limitations, that was provided by a registered health professional. These plans can be changed or updated as needed based on your symptoms, with supporting medical documentation.

  • What if I have multiple diagnoses? What form should I have my doctor fill out?

    Video answer

    Choose the documentation form that most applies to the functional limitations you experience most frequently. Your medical professional can list all other diagnoses on the same form, as well as the impacts of those diagnoses.

    You may complete multiple forms if you feel that that is necessary to provide all the relevant information, but only one is required.

  • Do I need an updated psychoeducational assessment?

    You may require an updated psychoeducational assessment to confirm a learning disability diagnosis, depending on how recently your last assessment was completed. Please review the documentation requirements for psychological or neuropsychological assessments.

    You're encouraged to book an appointment with an accessibility and accommodations specialist to review your documentation together and determine what next steps—if any—are required.

    Learn more about SAS documentation on our incoming students' web page.

  • How will I pay for a new psychoeducational assessment?

    Video answer

    If you're eligible for OSAP, you may qualify for a bursary to cover some or all of the cost.

    If you're not eligible for OSAP, you may qualify for a sliding-scale fee for service rate based on income. If you need an updated assessment, discuss this with your accessibility and accommodations specialist at your intake appointment to determine what options are available to you.

  • I have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Is that what you need?

    If you have an IEP in high school, it's recommended that you make an appointment with an accessibility and accommodations specialist to review your IEP. You will need additional documentation regarding the diagnosis listed in your IEP (e.g. a psychoeducational assessment).

    If you do not have additional documentation, your accessibility and accommodations specialist can advise and support you in getting what you need; interim accommodations may be provided while additional documentation is obtained. 

  • Do you offer any orientation or transition programming?

    Yes! Visit our orientation and transition page for more information. 

    SAS invites incoming students with documented disabilities to attend MyStart: Accessibility. Students who have attended these workshops in previous years report feeling better prepared and are more successful in the first few months of university. In addition to providing an opportunity to interact with other new students, this program will help you understand the real differences between high school and university, learn about self-advocacy, how to use your strengths and let you interact with key staff who can provide academic and learning support.

    MyStart: Accessibility takes place in late summer. Parents and families are also invited to attend an information event in August.

Student Learning Centre

Career Centre