Mr. Peter MacKinnon

Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
We are proud to confer upon Peter MacKinnon the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws for his unwavering commitment to academia and the Canadian legal system.
In 2012, Mr. MacKinnon became the first Prime Ministers of Canada Fellow, an initiative of the Public Policy Forum to enhance governance in Canada. He served a two-year term as Chair of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. He is currently a board member of the Council of Canadian Academies and serves on both the Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on the Public Service, and the Chief Justice of Canada’s Advisory Committee to the Canadian Judicial Council. He is also Chair of the Honours Advisory Council in Saskatchewan.
His responsibilities in two of Canada’s largest science projects – the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron and the International Vaccine Centre – led to his appointment to the Science, Technology and Innovation Council of Canada from 2007 to 2012.
Mr. MacKinnon is an Officer of the Order of Canada, a Queen’s Counsel, and the recipient of a Canadian Bar Association Distinguished Service Award. He is President Emeritus of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, where he served three terms as President.