2003-2004 Fact Book
1. Student statistics
2. Faculty and staff statistics
3. Finance statistics
4. Application statistics
Student statistics 2003-2004
- 1.1 Undergraduate students by term, faculty/school and full-time/part-time status
- 1.2 Undergraduate students by faculty/school, gender and full-time/part-time status
- 1.3 Undergraduate students by faculty/school, program and full-time/part-time status
- 1.4 Undergraduate students, FFTEs and BIUs by faculty/school and term
- 1.5 Graduate students by faculty, program, gender and full-time/part-time status
- 1.6 International students by citizenship
- 1.7 Degrees granted
- 1.8 Average age of undergraduate students by faculty/school and full-time/part-time status
Faculty and staff statistics 2003-2004
- 2.1 Core faculty members by main appointment, rank and gender
- 2.2 Highest degree obtained by core faculty members
- 2.3 Core faculty members by main appointment, rank and gender
- 2.4 Full-time librarians
Finance statistics 2003-2004
- 3.1 Total university revenue and expenses
- 3.2 Tuition and fees
- 3.3 Student scholarships and awards
- 3.4 Student financial aid