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RIBO Accredited Courses

We offer the following Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO) Continuing Education Program accredited courses:

Change Management

Change Management

Coaching, Mentoring and Networking

Coaching, Mentoring and Networking

Conflict Management and Negotiations

Conflict Management and Negotiations

Creating Content and Expanding Your Network

Creating Content and Expanding Your Network

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Digital Management

Digital Management

Digital Media and Marketing Strategies

Digital Media and Marketing Strategies

Fundamentals of Leadership

Fundamentals of Leadership

Fundamentals of Project Management

Fundamentals of Project Management

High Impact Communication Skills

High Impact Communication Skills

Management Excellence

Management Excellence

Performance Management

Performance Management

Running a Successful Project

Running a Successful Project

Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Workplace Innovation

Workplace Innovation

Please note that for RIBO spot check purposes, individuals must maintain the continuing education certificates/letters for 5 years to indicate compliance with the Continuing Education Program.