Helen is the Consultant for Autism Services at Durham Catholic District School Board. She has worked as a teacher in both elementary and secondary panels for 23 years. Helen has been the lead of the Durham Catholic Autism Resource Team (DCART) for the past 10 years, and works with the multidisciplinary team to support students, educators, and families in DCDSB. Helen has been instrumental in the creation and implementation of the Applied Behaviour Analysis certificate programs, in her school board, providing professional development opportunities for staff. Since 2013, Helen has been the facilitator and educator for the after school social skills programs for students and parents. She is certified with the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behaviour, as a PEERS certified trainer. Helen has a passion for special education and has spent her career supporting and creating programs for students with special education needs. She is a certified Behaviour Management Systems trainer and offers certification in BMS, to staff throughout the system. Helen is certified in PEAK (Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge) and as the coordinator for the Early Intervention Classrooms, she has incorporated this intervention as part of the EIC service delivery model at DCDSB. Helen views her work with students, educators and parents as an honour and a privilege.