Nuclear Industry Training
Nuclear Professional Development Centre - Principals of CANDU Decommissioning

Nuclear Professional Development Centre - Principals of CANDU Decommissioning
This 40-hour course presents the key scientific and engineering principles of nuclear decommissioning technology. The material covers the knowledge needed by practitioners responsible for transforming a nuclear power plant from an operating state to safe storage surveillance, decommissioning, and return to the end state. ate.
Nuclear Professional Development Centre - Applied CANDU Decommissioning

Nuclear Professional Development Centre - Applied CANDU Decommissioning
This 40-hour course presents a review of the key scientific and engineering principles of nuclear decommissioning technology. Practices and methods for planning cost estimating and preparing for decommissioning, such as historical data gathering and site characterization, are included.
Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems

Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems
This specialized two-day (2) course focuses on Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems (N-R HES) and the knowledge gained will enable attendees to be ready for a wide range of infrastructure projects that include a variety of energy sources.
Small Modular Reactors Engineering Design Concepts and Development

Small Modular Reactors Engineering Design Concepts and Development
The specialized course delves into the engineering and design principles of the upcoming generation of nuclear power reactors, with a particular focus on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Emphasis is placed on teaching the topics in line with successful regulatory review.