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How to train senior executives to be transformational leaders in organizations

By: Diana Kawarsky (Continuous Learning Instructor)


Organizations have become increasingly dependent on executive training programs to develop the knowledge and skills of their leaders. Executive training is designed to equip senior executives with the skills they need to lead their organizations successfully. Executives are expected to be role models, team builders, strategic thinkers, and effective communicators—all qualities that can be developed with executive training programs.


Increasing the need for advanced leadership training

There is an increased demand for advanced leadership training for senior executives, supervisors, and managers. Organizations are looking for executive training programs that focus on developing executive leadership competencies in their leaders.

Executive training can vary greatly depending on the organization’s goals, structure, and industry. Leadership workshops typically explore topics such as:

  • Developing effective communication and collaboration skills

  • Understanding different management styles

  • Building executive presence

  • Encouraging creativity and innovation

  • Fostering trust and understanding among teams

  • Promoting strong relationships with stakeholders

  • Leading with a transformational leadership style

  • Managing conflict resolution strategies

There is also the need to implement a hybrid approach to leadership training over traditional learning models. This hybrid approach can include executive coaching, executive mentoring, executive leadership seminars, and executive development programs.


Are management and leadership training the Same?

Management and leadership training are two distinct concepts.

Management focuses on executive decision-making, planning, organizing, and controlling activities within an organization. It also involves ensuring that the organization’s resources are used in the most efficient way possible.

On the other hand, leadership is about inspiring people to work together for a common goal. Leadership involves motivating people, setting direction and vision, leading projects and initiatives, and creating a culture of collaboration.

Executives must bridge the gap between management and leadership to become successful leaders.

This connection is why executive training programs are so important. By investing in executive training programs, organizations can build a strong leadership pipeline of executive leaders equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to take their organization to greater heights.


What are the main challenges new leaders face?

New executive leaders face many challenges, such as leading a team in a new direction and inspiring others to follow their vision. Here are some common challenges they face:

  • Leaders may struggle with adapting to a new role with new responsibilities

  • Leaders may lack the executive presence required to gain credibility among their team and stakeholders

  • Leaders may not know how to effectively communicate and collaborate with others

  • Leaders may not have the skills needed to lead transformational change

  • Leaders might not understand the importance of executive coaching or executive development programs in improving executive leadership competencies

  • Leaders might not be aware of executive leadership best practices

  • Leaders might not have support from their HR department 


How leadership training can help new managers overcome these challenges

Leadership training for executive leaders can help new managers overcome the challenges mentioned above, leading to the following benefits for both the leader and the company. 

  • Increased confidence

    Executive leadership training can help executive leaders gain the confidence they need to become successful.

  • Improved executive presence

    Executive presence is critical for gaining trust and credibility among the team and stakeholders.

  • Developed communication skills

     Training can help executive leaders hone their communication and collaboration skills, which are essential.

  • Improved decision-making abilities

    Executive leadership training can help executive leaders make better decisions, leading to improved organizational performance.

  • Increased engagement from employees

    Executive leadership training can help executive leaders learn how to effectively connect with their team one-on-one, which will lead to increased employee engagement.

  • More effective teams

    Learning to manage and collaborate effectively with others can lead to more efficient and productive teams.

  • Increased productivity

    Executive leadership training can help executive leaders become better communicators and negotiators, leading to increased productivity.

  • Improved executive performance

     Investing in executive leadership training can lead to improved executive performance and decision-making, which will positively impact the company’s bottom line.

  • A vibrant and positive culture

    Executive leadership training can help executive leaders create and maintain an organization’s dynamic and positive culture.

  • Increased employee motivation

    Executive leadership training can help executive leaders motivate their teams, leading to better organizational performance and increased employee motivation.


Executive leadership training is an essential part of any executive’s development, and companies must invest in executive coaching and executive development programs to ensure their executive leaders have the skills they need to be successful.


Exploring the benefits of Continuous Learning

The Master's Certificate in Public Sector Management is the ideal course that emphasizes the importance of executive training. This program is specifically designed to meet the growing demand for advanced leadership skills within the public sector. By focusing on key areas such as strategic planning, effective communication, and transformational leadership, this certificate equips senior executives, supervisors, and managers with the tools they need to excel in their roles.


Kawarsky, Diana. “How to Train Senior Executives to Be Transformational Leaders in Organizations”, The Soft Skills Group, 7 Feb, 2023,