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The university provides off-campus living resources and assistance for students, landlords and residents. To learn more about getting to campus, visit our getting here by transit page. 

For general inquiries regarding off-campus living, email

In addition to other living options, International and exchange students can be a part of a homestay program and live with a host family in their home. This opportunity provides you with a warm and welcoming stay where you feel supported during your time in Canada. 

The host families and their homes have completed an application and screening process to ensure they are suitable for hosting Ontario Tech students.

Our university's homestay program is operated by the Canada Homestay Network.

The university does not manage rental listings. The rental listing website we recommend is Places4Students. Create a profile and search for rental listings near the university, post a sublet or find roommates. Landlords can also post their rental unit(s).

We have created checklists and resources, that you can download and print, to help guide you through your off-campus living journey.

Housing information

  • Tenant information: Learn about the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA), municipal by-laws, information sessions you can attend and other useful relevant tenant tips provided by the City of Oshawa.
  • Residential rental housing licensing (RRHL): It is important to ensure that you live in a licensed home. Get familiar with the City of Oshawa’s residential rental housing by-law, which has special rules for properties near campus. 

Legal information and support

Over the years, there has been an increase in housing rental scams, particularly targeting university students. Rental scams involve a landlord, property manager, or agent using various tactics to trick potential renters into sending additional money than required by legal requirements, providing more personal information than needed, or listing a property that isn’t actually for rent. 

To avoid falling to rental scams, it is important to review the resources listed on this website, learn more about housing rental scams, and stay vigilant throughout the rental process.