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Nursing - Post RPN

Program details

Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours)

Experiential learning

Delivery method

Ontario Tech University, North Oshawa

Start dates

Less than three years

Program load

OUAC code


Nursing students in simulation nursing lab. Take your RPN designation to the next level and become a Registered Nurse through the Nursing - Post RPN program. Prepare to write the NCLEX-RN.

If you have successfully completed your Registered Practical Nursing (RPN) diploma from an approved program, hold a current RPN registration and are interested in pursuing a Nursing degree, this program is for you.

You will have the opportunity to enrich your knowledge in the sciences, nursing and additional disciplines, while being introduced to the latest in learning technologies to enhance your success as a working professional.


My first-year courses, such as Foundations of Nursing I and II, Health Assessment, and Anatomy and Physiology, prepared me for my older adult placement at Bowmanville Lakeridge Health. These courses laid a strong foundation, covering essential skills and knowledge that every nurse uses daily. For instance, having the knowledge to understand the connection between the cardiovascular and integumentary systems and the importance of turning bedridden patients every two hours is one example of my “textbook to in practice moments” which enhances my nursing knowledge and judgment.

Rachel Gonzales Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing, Class of 2026



You must hold an approved Ontario college diploma (or equivalent) in Practical Nursing with a minimum A- average. In addition, you must hold a current certificate of competence with no restrictions from the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). 

Note: Admission is competitive. The specific average or standing required for admission varies from year to year. Students are selected by taking into consideration a wide range of criteria including school marks, distribution of subjects taken, and performance in subjects relevant to the academic program. Possession of the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance. Preference will be given to applicants with the best qualifications.


There are three ways to upgrade your admission average:

  • University level course(s)
    • The university-level courses can be completed through any recognized university.
    • Courses can be in any subject area. We suggest you avoid courses in the program map (see curriculum tab) so they can transfer as electives. 
  • Post-diploma certificates (approved by the Faculty of Health Sciences)
  • College courses

Our upgrading metric is as follows: 

Each university course

Each approved certificate*

Each college course***

90 to 100 per cent

Four points

  • Perinatal Obstetrics RN/RPN
  • Oncology Nursing RN/RPN
  • Perioperative Nursing (Graduate studies RN/RPN)
  • Mental health Nursing RN/RPN**
  • Other approved certificates

Four points

90 to 100 per cent

Two points

80 to 89.9 per cent

Three points

80 to 89.9 per cent

1.5 points

70 to 79.9 per cent

Two points

70 to 79.9 per cent

One point

60 to 69.9 per cent

One point

60 to 69.9 per cent

Zero points

  • Coursework must be after completion of the RPN diploma program.
  • Applicants may pursue a maximum of three upgrading courses/certificates. As such, it is possible to positively impact your average by a maximum of 12 per cent.
  • Transcripts with final grades for upgrading courses must be submitted by January 31 of the year of your intended start.

* These are some examples of approved certificates. Certificates other than these must be reviewed and approved by the Health Science Student Affairs Committee.
** Credible certificate programs at the RPN level must state Nursing (RN/RPN).
*** College courses must be outside of the approved certificate program.

Note: You are not upgrading your Practical Nursing (PN) diploma average, but your admission average. Once your diploma has been conferred, the average achieved cannot be changed through any forms of upgrading. Upgrading does not guarantee admission into the program.

Last year's cut-offMid- to high 80s
Expected cut-offMid- to high 80s
Once you have successfully completed the bridge courses with a minimum C grade in each course, you will proceed into the BScN program. In recognition of your diploma, you will receive 11 courses toward your 40-course BScN degree. 

The application process and important dates/deadlines are outlined on our college-to-university transfer applicant page.


  • How competitive is the Nursing – Post-RPN program?
    • The Nursing – Post-RPN program is one of our most competitive. We typically receive well over 400 applications for the 61 available seats.
    • An A- (80%) average is required in one’s practical nursing diploma program studies for an application to be considered. This average is normally one’s admissions average. The cut-off admissions average each year is typically in the mid-to high 80s.
  • How is my admissions average determined?
    We calculate one’s admissions average by taking into account the grades of all courses applicable to the practical nursing diploma and their individual weighting. This includes courses transferred from another post-secondary institution and/or courses from the same institution as the practical nursing diploma program. If you have an international nursing credential that was used to gain entry into a condensed/modified practical nursing program in Canada, the transcript from that initial program will also be required in order to determine your admissions average.
  • How can I increase my RPN program/admissions average?
    • Once your have completed your practical nursing program and received your diploma, you can’t go back and re-take RPN program courses to increase your RPN program average. However, all post-secondary courses taken after your RPN program is complete can be considered for adding upgrading points to your admissions average.
      • Individual courses taken in view of upgrading can be in any subject.  They must be pursued after the completion of the nursing program diploma, be at an accredited post-secondary institution, at the post-secondary level, for-credit, and duly graded. Refer to the information under the heading Upgrading above for details.
      • You may also pursue approved certificates to add upgrading points to your average. Refer to the information under the heading Upgrading above for details.
  • Can I apply for admission consideration if I am still in my practical nursing program?
    You can apply if you are about to complete your program, that is, practical nursing diploma program completion must allow you to have your diploma by early July and your CNO license by early August prior to starting the Post-RPN program in September, if admitted. No exceptions are made. Admission consideration will be based on your interim college transcript, with the final transcript to follow later.
  • Is the CASPer test required for admission consideration to the Nursing – Post-RPN program?
    No, it is not.
  • What transcripts do I have to provide as an applicant?
    You must arrange to provide us with transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended regardless of the program(s) pursued.
  • How are transfer credits handled for those admitted to the program?
    • For your RPN diploma: In recognition of your practical nursing diploma program, you will receive 11 courses toward your 40-course BScN degree. 
    • The Nursing – Post-RPN program includes some general elective courses. If you have post-secondary coursework from a previously attended institution (outside your practical nursing diploma), your studies there will be considered towards the possibility of covering the program’s general electives.
    • General transfer credit information: Transfer credit eligibility can only be determined after we have received a complete application, official transcript(s), and complete course syllabi as required, and only after an offer of admission has been made by Ontario Tech University and accepted by the applicant. Students in the Post-RPN program can only receive an additional maximum of 5 courses in transfer credit.
  • I am currently in a Nursing Post-RPN program elsewhere and would like to transfer to Ontario Tech. What should I expect?
    • You would still need to meet the competitive admission requirements of our Nursing – Post-RPN program.
    • If admitted, you would need to complete our own program’s bridging courses. Courses pursued elsewhere cannot be used to cover Ontario Tech’s own bridge courses.
    • Note also that it’s possible that core nursing courses completed elsewhere might not be eligible for transfer. If you are currently pursuing or have pursued an RPN to RN program without completing it and get admission to ours, it is very possible that the duration of your studies will not be shortened, even with transfer credit.
    • In addition to the block of transfer credit that you would receive in recognition of your RPN diploma, you would only able to receive up to 5 additional courses in transfer credit.
  • I failed a course or courses/a practicum during my RPN diploma program. Am I still eligible to apply?
    You are still eligible to apply for admission consideration provided you have a competitive practical nursing diploma program average.
  • Is work or life experience taken into account in the admissions process?
    Admission consideration is based on academic performance.  Work/life experience is not taken into account.
  • Is there a different/additional admission procedure between the Post-RPN program and its bridging courses?
    Our Nursing – Post-RPN program includes three bridging courses. After admission to the program, these courses must be completed successfully and as per requirements in order to proceed further with the program.
  • I have a nursing credential from outside Ontario. Can I apply?
    It’s advisable to get in touch with the College of Nurses of Ontario first to have your nursing credential(s) evaluated prior to considering applying.

Program details

Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours)

Experiential learning

Delivery method

Ontario Tech University, North Oshawa

Start dates

Less than three years

Program load

OUAC code

Contact information

Career opportunities

  • Acute care and high-acuity settings
  • Community and public health nursing 
  • Health administration and management 
  • Health and clinical data analysis 
  • Health policy and promotion
  • Specialty practice areas, such as neonatal intensive care and labour and delivery 

Experiential learning

The university has approximately 50 partner sites for clinical placements. They range from hospitals (such as maternity/obstetrics, medical surgery, psychiatry, oncology) to public health and community health centres.

You will learn how to assist and enhance patients' health and help people cope with the demands of illness, including changes in their families, community and society.

Did you know?

local, regional, and national organizations provide clinical and internship placements
clinical hours for Nursing students
  • Sample courses
    • Anatomy and Physiology
    • Development of Self as Nurse
    • Health and Healing, Theory and Practice
    • Health Assessment
    • Interprofessional Health Care Teams
    • Microbiology for Health Sciences
    • Nursing Leadership and Innovation
    • Pathophysiology
    • Pharmacology for Nurses 

    The full program map is available on the Undergraduate Academic Calendar. Courses are subject to change without notice.

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